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2012 Journal


Penguin59 said:
1. How on earth did you get that fuck off big block of hash??? I need to get on that method whatever it is haha[/B]

2. I have two, 4 week old girls in my tent at the moment and I'm a bit cautious to remove too many fan leaves. Do you have a good rule of thumb for trimming the plants back in flower? I've just always been told to de-foliate as little as possible in flower but I'm keen to learn a new method.[/B]
Thanks for the kind words penguin, to answer your questions

1. That came from the c99 in the main flower room which produces quite a bit more, it's just seived and pressed.

2. Well I'm not a huge fan leaf remover myself but when it's cramped like this then it's a gotta happen type of thing. Anyway the way you should do it is at about week 4 start removing fans here and there where the most good will be done, not all at once you don't want to risk shocking and stalling the plants production, I don't think it would but you never know. Anyway the rule of thumb when you choose to defoliate is "if the stem is long then its gone". Other than that the only real thoughts that I have on defoliating is the right situations to use this technique is in smaller grows that are tightly packed, sog's where you are basically lollipopping, and scrogs. It's not really practical or beneficial in larger grows with multiple light sources with deeper penetration levels.

static shock said:
sorry to hear your not impressed with the Gdp x BB sure hope it surprises you after it comes down.

personally i think the buds look GDP in structure/appearance..
wonder which parent will show dominance in the cross.

that headband looks killer great work with that plant, how many days along is she in the pics just posted?

well just stopped by to lurk on the plants, but also hope you have a great day.
It's not that I'm not impressed with it, it's just I'm not impressed with how it produced, you have to understand that this plant had been in this 5 gallon bucket nearly 4 months before even flowering it, it had multiple occasions of deficiency including one in mid flower it never fully recovered from, I didn't trim up the fluff at all or defoliate it until late 5th week to mid 6th week and even then I did not trim it up high enough, the combination of these things really hurt how it produced weight wise, the nodes stacked nice but other than the headbuds which are maybe a gram apiece it's all little tiny pieces, stuff I would normally turn into hash oil or butter. And I've had these buds, they should be purple all the way through, not speckled throughout and all purple on the tops, not sure why it didn't purple all the way throughout, only thing I can think is maybe the proper nutrients and hormones could make it through the plant due to it's size in relation with it's root mass.

I totally agree the structure and the buds themselves on the gdp x bb are gdp dominant, and honestly almost all aspects of the plant lean toward the gdp. The buds, the smell, the taste, the smoke mostly come through as gdp, the only real traits that I've seen from this girl are the speed that they veg at, it's very slow much like blueberry in veg, and in the bag you get a solid hint of blueberry smell to the buds, it needs a good few weeks curing before the blueberry smell comes out in the buds.

The last headband shots were from day 57 of flower, she should finish 7 to 10 days from the time of pictures, I'll take her as soon as she does her final plump which should occur somewhere around day 65 as she does the almost standard diesel week, week and a half stall before her final push

medmaker420 said:
A few different strains and it looks like you are locating which you want to run again and which to put on standby.

thanks man, I've been enjoying your thread and look forward to further reviews of other panels, I've been thinking of going this route with my cloning and veg rooms. Have been for a while honestly.

And yeah I've got this round in order now, will be focusing mainly on the gdp x bb(until I can find another purple that has punch that can veg faster, thinking about getting the grandaddy white and the purple cheddar, both are gdp crosses that are supposed to veg much faster) and the headband. Going to see how the critical does in the big flower room but it's just not quite what I'm looking for, it's chronic and produces well but it just kinda lacks something, can't quite put my finger on it, I dunno though, I only got a small couple bud early sample, so we'll see, not going to do too much with it I don't think.

I'll be popping some more seeds here as soon as the cloner is done running maybe a week, gonna go with violator kush from barney's farm and most likely toss the rest of the caramelo seeds as the two I tossed last time were fail, one seed didn't pop at all and one broke ground lived for about a week stalled and died. I dunno about the caramelo I might throw something else.


I took down the gdp x bb and the critical kush last night. The clones are about ready to go, I've clipped off the long roots, I do this so that the root begins to side branch better, increasing initial root mass when transfered, they should be ready by the end of the weekend, right on time with the end of flowering, I'll keep them in the cloner until I take the room down. Only one clone has not popped any roots yet.



Well okay so yeah so much is and has gone on since I posted last so much to share. Uhhh let's see took down the Blackwater, made has Iso oil, built some soil beds, didn't build the rack to hold them yet but I only have so much time to deal with the tent, got final weights on the gdp x bb and the critical kush but I'll save that until I get final weights for all of em as well as dried shots.

So far behind with the show but it's getting late and I have a date with a blackjack table, so all I got to show you a.t.m. is some macros of the Blackwater.





Wow, some fucking rad snaps you've got there mang!

No one will get sick of seeing cloudy trichomes up close! :)



Thanks penguin, yeah I've been rather out of practice taking shots like those but I think I'm starting to get back into the swing of it just in time of course for this round to be over. I do of course still have the headband running until tomorrow, so I'll put up a few more macros.

Okay on to some oil pics, this tent of course does not produce enough spare plant material to make some bho so I went the iso oil route. I didn't picture the process of actually making it, there is enough out there on it already, this picks up the process near the end.

So all the pieces have been made and we begin to melt it back down and cook it a little more just to make sure there's no nasty in it still.


After it melted back down it cooked for another 30 minutes stirring it occasionally. You can see it bubbling a little bit on the edges.

It made a decent amount considering how much material it was. I chunked off one of the ends just to show how it breaks off. It made 3.7 grams of oil (that's minus that end piece that was smoked before weighing), not a ton but again with the amount of material used, not bad.

And this is the only picture that managed to show the actual color of the oil, I don't know why but the flash just turns it black.


818 headband

818 headband

This is just about my favorite shot I've taken this grow if not my favorite. The falls colors are just beautiful, it's a shame the colors don't transfer over to the buds, still pretty though.


These 2 liter plants produced quite well considering how big they were when they were flipped and how off in the corner they were in the tent. It was vegged for about 3 days.

Here's how big they were when they were flipped to flower


Okay so on to the planter box's I made. First I got the wood( it's only 3/8 thick, cut the dimensions blah blah, got some washer screws, basically really fat headded screws to use as feet for the box's. Got some waterproofing sealant to avoid mold issues, and I have to say if you use wood in your grow that can and will get wet, seal it or you gonna get problems down the road. Got some regular 1" screws. Umm yeah.

Here's the wood drying after it's second coat, the little can of sealant I got was good for exactly one coat, I ended up having to get two more cans to finish the job, shoulda just bought a big can from the start, oh well.

I got some corner braces because if this is gonna give out anywhere it would be at the tops so that's where I put em. Now they are all put together so this is where the real fun begins. And yes the extra lip on one end actually does server a purpose.


So for the aeration on the bottom I took a piece of scrap wood and made a grid.

Then I drilled holes in the grid.

Now I realize that it's not perfect but it's a lot better than doing all the holes on the bottom freehand

As you can see my free hand line of drill holes is not exactly perfect, I put these holes on the sides as well as the front and back of each box bringing the total holes for drainage and aeration to 108 per box.

Here's a test fit into the box of how they will be set up. The only thing missing at this point is adding the feet and a final coating of sealant to seal the massive amount of holes drilled into it as well any chipped wood from adding screws or whatever. So three coats of sealant and I'll call it good

Also I'd like to add that I went the cheaper route with the wood and was thoroughly not impressed with it, I'll most likely be getting better wood at the end of this grow and redoing the boxes. I was going to line the boxes with plastic but the wood sucks so I didn't. Just hope it doesn't go all toxic mode in there, that would suck.


Lol yeah bear always seem to find some reason to make a trip to the hardware store to build something or other, nothing quite like making something out of nothing, much more fulfilling to build something exactly as you want rather than buying something "close enough" to what you want.

Any way I guess I should have posted these up earlier but two posts were enough for me but since I'm here now I'll throw em up now, I'll throw up some macro's tomorrow, if anybody cares for a sneak peak I already have em in the photo album.

Had a little fun with this clone root shot, figured it's just roots so why not make em black an white.

Okay so all planted and ready to go. There are 8 per box, about 4 inches apart give or take, a touch farther apart would probably be a little more ideal but frankly I don't care this will work fine. Now obviously these are going to be lollipopped and tightly manicured plants.

There are two planters of the gdp x bb, one planter of headband and one miscellaneous planter that has 2 headband 3 gdp x bb and 3 critical kush's. I could have just made the 4th planter all headband but then I just don't think I would have been able to have been able to get enough cuts of the headband for the main flower room so I just threw all the extras in a planter and call it whatever. I'll flip these on Halloween giving them a whopping 8 day veg time. Also a little side note I had to bring over a second card to run this like this, I think I might do perpetual in the tent with less and a little bigger plants per planter after this harvest.


Thanks Cleancut, I like everything except the wood I used and glad to have you aboard

Just a few macros of the headband before I took her down.





ull be very surprised with the harvest with multiplant pots can produce.. but anyways. i was lookin threw the log. and saw u had a black water plant.. that did some wierd leaf spotting .. that u said it grew out of.. i was just wondering if u figured that out or not.. ??
i have a plant right now.. that smells like og.. but gets a tint of purple to it.. and the leaves do that in veg and in flower.. it doesnt seem to grow out of it. it gets darker and lighter.. kinda like its got pigment issues?>


last picture of post 46 the leaves? is that defficency toxic or anything? kuz my plant looks healthy as fuck but has a little of that its soo wierd.. only strain in theg arden doing it .


ull be very surprised with the harvest with multiplant pots can produce.. but anyways. i was lookin threw the log. and saw u had a black water plant.. that did some wierd leaf spotting .. that u said it grew out of.. i was just wondering if u figured that out or not.. ??
i have a plant right now.. that smells like og.. but gets a tint of purple to it.. and the leaves do that in veg and in flower.. it doesnt seem to grow out of it. it gets darker and lighter.. kinda like its got pigment issues?>
last picture of post 46 the leaves? is that defficency toxic or anything? kuz my plant looks healthy as fuck but has a little of that its soo wierd.. only strain in theg arden doing it .

Yeah I've done s.o.g. before it's good stuff and keeps the ball rolling quickly.

As far as the leaf stuff witht he clones, as far as I can figure it was one form or another of transplant shock. There are several strains that actually carry strange pigmentation in it's genes, you can find it in a good portion of D.J. short variations of the blueberry, there are several others but I can't think of them off the top of my head, but if your strain is healthy and your not losing any of the plant vigor due to the strangeness then I wouldn't worry none about it.

Okay well I got some final weights now that the Headband has dried. Not very impressive numbers but yeah it's whatever, it was a goofy run full of misfit plants, basically everything that was leftovers.

So here's the weights
Grandaddy Purple x Blueberry = 26.3g
Critical Kush = 29.7g
BlackWater = 24.5g
Headband = 55.8g
For a total of 136.3g or 4 ounces 24.3 grams... I think

So I'll put up some dried shots and full reviews of each in the next day or two, and then we can focus on the new round.