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Diary Chimera strain mélange.


subiendo el humo
BH crosses cont.

BH crosses cont.

This the cheeses x BH. This is a tasty plant and has a nice grinning type high. Doesn't take long to taste and hit good. She has nice node spacing...skunk influence is coming through. She is taking advantage of the node space is becoming productive. Decent flower to leaf ratio but not as good as the silver taco but taste wise may be better. Effect wise compared to the slk both are really nice but different enough I wouldn't mind running both. Slk is more grounding and potent but the cheese has magic in the high and turns mellow and relaxing but stays fun and I can use it socially. Cheese...



subiendo el humo
Silver taco x BH

Silver taco x BH

Same plant from previous post but grown different. Ideal flower to leaf ratio and good open structure. Productive buds with respectable resin leaden flower set. Silver taco aka slk...



subiendo el humo
Haze and SourD SS cross update

Haze and SourD SS cross update

Thanks everyone for the kind words and i hope you are enjoying the grow. Pulled both plants out for watering and noticed the haze is looking a bit undernourished. Both plants are in gallon containers so not really ideal for longer flowering plants but it's what was on hand. I just top dressed them with fresh but mild compost (should have done it earlier) so I hope they finish strong. They are at week 8 right now and the SD looks like she may finish in the next 3-4 weeks while the haze has at least 5 or more weeks left. Both plants have nice chunky buds but the SD is noticeably denser. The SD has the sour citrus thing going on and the haze has a dank lemony incense smell I can't get enough of. Haze on left and SD on right.



subiendo el humo
Sour D. (SS)

Sour D. (SS)

The sour gal is not as nutritionally deficient as the haze with only the top cola showing some fading but that may be due to its proximity to the lights and high heat causing some absorption issues. Doing ok overall...



Well-known member
Just checking in, I've always been a fan of melanges.

Good looking shots from what I feel is an underappreciated breeder.


subiendo el humo
Simply Irresistible week 11

Simply Irresistible week 11

A bit of an update on the haze. So I was gone from the garden for 2 weeks on holiday with the family and upon my return I noticed the haze had matured substantially. I checked the trichomes and noticed about 30% amber trich and the rest white...no clear. I am surprised since this plant has gone over 13 weeks on prior runs. She has been hooked up to a drip system in my absence and was water logged a bit when I returned so not sure if that played a part. The other plants did not seem affected or have matured at a rapid rate so maybe this is just an 11 week gal and I hadn't run her effectively before. At any rate my gut tells me chop so down she came. She won't win any beauty contests but nose is still very nice and glands are sticky and not brittle. I'll update on the smoke after the cure...in the meantime, here are some pics...



subiendo el humo
Skunk hybrids

Skunk hybrids

These are the current skunk hybrids in my garden right now. Actually the warlock is a bit removed genitically but non the less she's included. Two of the plants are chimera genetics and the third is an unverified caliO x skunk1 from unknown breeder that was given to me as tangie (seed). I really don't know it's origins but if it smokes good that's all that matters. All three are at different flowering stages with the warlock at 6wk, cheese at 7wk, caliO at 9wk. In the group picture is from left to right: cheese x BH, Warlock x BH, california orange x skunk.

The caliO skunk is the furthest along at wk9 and looks like maybe 10days before she's mature. Smelled like sweet manderin and strong body odour about week ago but now it's sickly sweet manderin orange sans the funk. This is the first run so I don't know how she smokes but if the taste is anything like she smells now I feel I may tire of her quickly. She is a very productive plant however...

The warlock BH is at week 6 and is the slowest of the three. She has to veg longer than the cheese to get to the same size and the stretch is also less. She is strong in effect and may be the frostiest of the three. The bud structure is denser than the cheese and is more "indica" looking than the rest.



subiendo el humo
Skunk hybrids continued

Skunk hybrids continued

The cheese x bh packed the weight this round. I did push some compost tea on her twice between week 3-5 and though it was mild she got some tip burn but swelled nicely in last 2weeks. Overall I like the structure and and big spears she produces. She is also quicker than the particular warlock I have. I should be able to pull her by week 9 for sure. Fantastic high to boot...



subiendo el humo
Pure kush x BH

Pure kush x BH

This is a picture of one of three female purexbh i ran some time back. The other two had a strong blockhead influence in structure growing big buds on a more upright frame and with less branching. This plant has more of a "typical" og kush structure with its vine like branching and smaller golf-ball sized nuggets on the lower bud site and just slightly larger for the terminal buds so not a huge producer. I think the structure comes from the maternal side but am not sure since I really dont know much about the Pure Kush Chi holds. The plant is relatively fast coming in perfectly done at about 9 weeks. While the plant does not qualify as money making production plant it more than makes up for the effort of growing in taste and effect. The other two sisters where a touch more fuely and narcotic in effect. This one is all pine with a limonene twist and a kushy blueberry that carries from smell to flavor. This taste like if an og kush was crossed to a blueberry plant preserving the og profile and adding the berry flavor. This is a really nice plant to smoke and the effect starts with mental euphoria and well being and fades to a full body effect that is pleasing but very potent. The insane resin productions makes smoke ultra smooth and flavorful down to the last bit in a joint. Ill post more pics as she matures but for not this is the plant with about 3 weeks in flower...



subiendo el humo
Congo x BH

Congo x BH

These were gifted to me by a generous ic member and wanted to put them out there to show..i hope I do them justice. I wanted to do the full pack but in would have had to wait another 6 weeks while other plants rotate out of my veg space. Also, I really want to smoke some Congo. 5 seeds went in the ground and 5 came up...one was slow to pop but came through and is kinda just sitting there. If it doesn't show vigor in next week or so it will be culled.



Well-known member
Very nice Jahaze...

I’ve always loved looking through your threads...
You always have nice healthy and happy looking plants...

You also have a nice selection to choose from...
Variety is the Spice of Life me friend...!!!...

Good day Sir.


~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
Wow Jahaze, you’re pumping out great looking plants all round. The cheese and warlock plants look very fine and glad you’ve got a La Mano Negra Congo hybrid back in the stable. I hope one of them turns out to be a keeper :)

The flowers on the cheese look excellent indeed.


Well-known member
I'm glad that you are popping some Congo BH. I flower so few plants these days it's really hard to get to the beans I want to test!

Good luck and good growing. :shooty:


subiendo el humo
Thank you guys for all the positive vibes! I have some plants coming down soon that will make way for some new cultivars from seed. I have some cannacopia seeds im thinking of using but still have many other to go through. Im leaning towards some wider leaf stuff as the cooler weather will be here in a couple months but really cant decide. Its either some chunky monky (c99), Island Purp (jack), the Dom(bh), hashplant (bh) or maybe just a pop the og (c99) and some ultimix (have both orig and modern mix). I still have some SS crosses that need to see the light of day but may have to wait till the spring.

ps...the cheese x bh plant really came through this round,i will post some pics this week. Also, been smoking some fighting buddha and it is simply outstanding pot. two of the three plants were really good but the one I kept is very different than anything else in my stash. wife and I went camping for 5 days and its all we smoked...just fantastic. I will be putting the FB back into flower soon but am toying with structure and training so it may not look like the seed plant.


~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
Really glad you’re digging the Fighting Buddha Jahaze :D

It was one of those hybrids that only a few people really took advantage of even back in the day. It might not be the loudest but it has a very nice sweet taste and an absolutely superb first class high.

It’s a var I’ve wanted to do a preservation project with for a while. I just need space to do it.


subiendo el humo
Cheese x BH 9.5 weeks

Cheese x BH 9.5 weeks

I chopped the cheese cross down at week 9.5. I wanted to take it at day 62 but had to wait and in the days following she threw out a few new pistils but the glands show all opaque and a few amber heads so still prime. Smells is not the pungent cheese smell the mom is known for but this is still an excellent plant. Smell on this particular gal is a skunky yet mildly sweet odor with a berry twist and an almost earthy kush background...this is a good example of a quality skunk hybrid. I almost passed on this plant initially in favor of the more pungent warlock I grew along side her...that would have been a huge error as this plant ticks all the boxes with the exception of the pungent cheese smell. Growth, flower time, taste and effect are on point. The cured buds have a sweet,tangy-sour, hashish, earthy, berries and even citrus in a layered mix with all the noted flavors in different ratios as you draw smoke. Really really nice taste and a pleasure to smoke. The effect is just as impressive and enjoyable with an initial head rush that elevates my mood instantly. The mental effects spreads to the body giving a relaxing yet not sedate feeling. Great for afternoon thru evening consumption in any situation as it just seems to compliment whatever activity I'm engaged in...never ever heavy just nice. Real f*&%ing nice! A quality high all around that pleases everyone that has tried it. This and a fighting buddha plant have been the winners of my recent seed runs and while still in the testing phase am sure one of them will find a permanent home in my head stash. I will be sprouting more cheese x Bh seeds to see what else shows up but as it stands right now this is really good weed.


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