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hemp oil dosage for dog?


Active member
Comatosed? Do you think the dog was actually in a coma, or do you think it might have been asleep?
Just like a human... peel back their eyelids and you'll see that they're awake... just reeeeeeeally reeeeeeeeally sloooooooooooow. And sometimes asleep. LOL

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


I definitely do not think dogs like being high, if your dog is shaking then you have given it to much. Earlier when I mentioned shaking I was giving an example of how to know when you are giving too high of a dose.

But a lower, comfortable dose should stimulate appetite, kill pain, encourage restful sleep, and potentially inhibit the growth of cancer cells(CBD has been proven to do this is a lab setting, but there is no proof oral doses do).

Actually my daughters dog, an English Bulldog, loved it. She had me check on him the day after some surgery on his ingrowing tail. He was laying on the floor kind of moaning and looking rough, so I gave him some oil on a piece of ham and within an hour he was out in the yard running around and enjoying himself.

To the OP just make sure you adjust dosage to weight. A grain of rice size dosage is to much for a dog of the 30-50 pound range for certain. Just use a dosage based on weight.


Oh my God... a dog's tail can become ingrown? <gulp>

Yes on an English Bulldog it's actually common because of the stub tail. It was constantly infected and oozing stuff so they had the vet do surgery to fix it, cost them 1300 bucks though.

I'll never forget my daughter saying "Dad I came home from work and the dog was up and having fun, I'm like yeah. :biggrin:


Dog's won't die from cannabinoid consumption directly. What can happen is if too much fibrous material is consumed a dog prone to bloat can most definitely have it happen to them. This can be life threatening. Not all breeds are prone. It's really not related to cannabis as a drug. It's a practical thing that can happen and you should be wary of. It shouldn't happen with extracts and don't let your dog over eat.

I hope anyone with a bloat prone breed is aware of the risks.

As far as Osteogenic Sarcoma is concerned - I have a Bernese Mountain Dog which had it. The vet indicated certain death. Her front left shoulder had shattered over night. She was young so I assumed injury. I was wrong.

Vet suggested putting the dog down to avoid further suffering. Me knowing what I know about cannabis refused. Opted to have the leg amputated. Found a very large tumor. Vet said it had likely spread already and to watch for a cough which developed not long after.

Fed her a table spoon full of strong butter with every meal, gradually built up the dose. She was obviously high but did not seem to suffer any. Drank a lot of water. No big deal. The cough persisted for about a month but gradually got better. I fed her a diet of this for about 3 months and she is still here 6 years later.

I used an ounce of purple kush with a stick of butter. It was the nicest purple kush I've ever had. It was purely coincidental that I had it at the same time.

She has obviously lost a lot of mobility being a front heavy larger breed dog losing a front limb. But she gets around. She was always on the small side (85-90lbs 4 legged) and hyper athletic. This was to her advantage. She now has a gigantic front right shoulder blade. Super muscular.

Can't go for long walks though. Not at all. That's ok. She's happy anyway with a short one.


Active member
Differential effects of repeated low dose treatment with the cannabinoid agonist WIN 55,212-2 in experimental models of bone cancer pain and neuropathic pain.
(abst - 2008)

Reduction of bone cancer pain by activation of spinal cannabinoid receptor 1 and its expression in the superficial dorsal horn of the spinal cord in a murine model of bone cancer pain. (full - 2009)

Spinal and peripheral analgesic effects of the CB cannabinoid receptor agonist AM1241 in two models of bone cancer-induced pain. (full - 2010)

A cannabinoid 2 receptor agonist attenuates bone cancer-induced pain and bone loss. (abst - 2010)

Antinociceptive effect of intrathecal cannabinoid receptor agonist WIN 55,212-2 in a rat bone tumor pain model (abst – 2011)

Antinociceptive effects induced through the stimulation of spinal cannabinoid type 2 receptors in chronically inflamed mice (abst - 2011)

The role of cannabinoids in prostate cancer: Basic science perspective and potential clinical applications. (full – 2012)

Role of cannabinoid 2 receptor in the development of bone cancer pain (abst – 2012)


New member
Thanks in advance for any help.

My 6 year old golden retriever was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (bone cancer) last week. I have access to the phoenix tears form of hemp oil for treatment. I gave him his first dose last night, approx size of grain of rice. I put it in a capsule and filled the rest with food grade hemp oil. Seemed like a good idea. This made him somewhat disoriented within an hour, then slept pretty soundly the rest of the night.

He's up this morning. Had some breakfast and morning dose of vet prescribed meds. Due to the very aggressive nature of this cancer, can anyone help me with getting him up to a theraputic dosage of the phoenix tears hemp oil as quickly as possible?

Other questions:
- What is the best form for digesting? Directly on food or in capsule like last night?
- Is there a best known topical application? I would like to attack the main tumor on his leg through the skin also.

Thanks again.
My dog was just diagnosed with osteosarcoma. Is your dog still living? did you every try the hemp oil, do you think it had any affect. Any other thoughts. My dog was just diagnosed and is on pain meds if the pain gets too intense i will euthanize but want to try to give him something that will slow down the cancer.

Karen Hartman

New member
Try tehitian noni juice also, in Hawaii that is there cure all. It helps with arthritis too. I would like to hear how your dog makes out. I too gave my dog a rice size bit on his tongue. Three days now. He slept and was able to get up more by the third day.

Karen Hartman

New member
Took my dog to the vet after she ate some weed. He said she didn't eat enough to kill her. He laughed and said go get her some munchies and let her sleep it off! Yea, $75 later lol

Karen Hartman

New member
Kudos to you with the butter! My dog is healthy except for arthritis in his leg and I know hemp oil cures arthritis. Will it help my dog?


Active member
my rotty is 12 years old and we have been feeding her canna butter for the last year or so. Her hips started getting real bad, falling etc when walking up steps. so we started giving her canna butter with a wee bit of peanut butter. A year latter i can see a big difference. She is not "healed" per say but has a better quality of life. she comes to the fridge and asks for her does, and a hour later has a big farting nap! and wakes up happy happy happy. And you can watch it wear off as the pain starts coming back her attitude changes.
A few times i have given her a bit to much i just eye it out{1 oz of nice trim or buds in a stick of butter}. Basically if you get too much in them there is a few steps, the first is the shadow people eyes[reaction time is off} The next is wobbly back legs. Usually if i get the wobbly legs part she does a little bit of whinning, so i pet her for a half hour or so and she goes to sleep and is fine.
just be carefull when dosing it is a great tool for us and our dogs.
Ps some dogs like the vapor hits. some dont....

lost in a sea

Kudos to you with the butter! My dog is healthy except for arthritis in his leg and I know hemp oil cures arthritis. Will it help my dog?

you could give your dog green lipped mussel extract which works or MSM,Chondroitin or glucosamine at about 1/4 the human dose..

they work better than hemp oil imo..

Grass Lands

well its been 5 months since I've done an update...

My boy is doing just fine, in fact he just came up to the door and wants in (knows I'm talking about him) hahaha...
Took my dog to the vet after she ate some weed. He said she didn't eat enough to kill her. He laughed and said go get her some munchies and let her sleep it off! Yea, $75 later lol

A simple google search could have told you that....He was laughing about the free 75 bucks you coughed up!

Karen Hartman

New member
Didn't end up giving it to my dog. Unfortunately, I am putting the old guy down, breaks my heart but it is time. If it were easily accessible I could do it but for right now people are risking too much for it to be available to cure people for me to play around with it. I have to respect that as every time I turn around there is another person with cancer. My mother was diagnosed just yesterday with cancer.


Nobody mentioned that for the THC to become active and used as medicine it must be decarbed.I use 1/8th of med quality buds ground fine and mixed into 1 stick of butter and heated to 190 degrees for a few minutes to decarb the THC and then I refridgerate the butter to solidify it.I give my Jack Russell a thimble full of maributter at every feeding.,who by the way is my best friend.Her gait has improved and she sleeps better than ever.Any warm blooded animal has a cannaboidal system.So cannabis medicine will work with all or most mammals.Before doing this she was licking her paw so much that she made major sore and denuded her paw almost completely.There is a movement to get cannabis legal to use on pets so the scieince is behind it.Any of you that think its abuse is almost as bad as the folks who do NOT want legalization and will use any story to debunk science.Any reasonably intelligent person can figure this out.Peace and One Love BigD


Active member
Has anyone tried just CBD pure CBD no THC? Ive heard good things about this, that CBD usually can help kill cancer cells. thc helps stop growth and pain but CBD trys to kill it. I mean ive never actually tried jsut read a lot of stuff, lots of threads on here talking about people giving weed,oil,ect.. to the dogs and after a while they are cancer free. All I can say is try? or ask a vet. I mean if your buddys is already dying or your going to put it down ( worst thing ever I couldnt it would kill me) I would try CBD/THc, oil, or even try This phoenixtears. Google it, he shows you how to make it and hes shown that he's cured cancer and has videos and docs about it.


Active member
I have recently upped doggy to a morning does and a evening dose, It calms her down big time and she has a big snooze and wakes up and is not whinnying every time she moves and adjusts. I have a cannatonic plant about 4 weeks from harvest and i am itching to try it on me and doggie, cbd to the future!

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