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Deep Stoner Thoughts


Imagine a static, formless, colorless, senseless environment where there exists no change, decay, or death, only pure still and quietness permeating in every direction, illuminating all that exists evenly and throughout. No time, no differences, an area of continuity. Everlasting peace and contentment.


Observable consequences of the hypothesis that the observed universe is a numerical simulation performed on a cubic space-time lattice or grid are explored. The simulation scenario is first motivated by extrapolating current trends in computational resource requirements for lattice QCD into the future. Using the historical development of lattice gauge theory technology as a guide, we assume that our universe is an early numerical simulation with unimproved Wilson fermion discretization and investigate potentially-observable consequences. Among the observables that are considered are the muon g-2 and the current differences between determinations of alpha, but the most stringent bound on the inverse lattice spacing of the universe, b^(-1) >~ 10^(11) GeV, is derived from the high-energy cut off of the cosmic ray spectrum. The numerical simulation scenario could reveal itself in the distributions of the highest energy cosmic rays exhibiting a degree of rotational symmetry breaking that reflects the structure of the underlying lattice.
:snap out of it:


the only difference between an absolute genius and an absolute idiot is whether or not you agree with him
was having a conversation and eating and smoking came into the conversation? so my question was i dont understand why people smoke and then go eat the high down or all the way out of existance, to only turn around and smoke again. after making the comment i realized that i was the only smoker that ate first... is it just me, or is this common practice amonst smokers?? ive also noticed prior to my eat first period that when i didnt eat fatty foods, or junk food my buzz didnt go down as much or i lost no buzz, has anyone else made either of these observations??


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
was having a conversation and eating and smoking came into the conversation? so my question was i dont understand why people smoke and then go eat the high down or all the way out of existance, to only turn around and smoke again. after making the comment i realized that i was the only smoker that ate first... is it just me, or is this common practice amonst smokers?? ive also noticed prior to my eat first period that when i didnt eat fatty foods, or junk food my buzz didnt go down as much or i lost no buzz, has anyone else made either of these observations??

The only observation about smoking and eating I have, is that due to the "munchie factor" I find smoking a nice joint after stuffing yourself silly at a buffet or family holiday dinner, does a great job in helping to relieve the misery a stuffed belly can cause. :) My guess is that the componant of marijuana that causes "the munchies" also stimulates the production of digestive fluids in the stomach allowing it to work thru a mass of food quicker then normal.


Lover of Life
I came up with this idea about smoking weed and the munchies one time. When you smoke herbs, your body uses up calories moving it through your body, then you get hungry because it intesifies the effect of burning up calories....or something like that.


Active member
was having a conversation and eating and smoking came into the conversation? so my question was i dont understand why people smoke and then go eat the high down or all the way out of existance, to only turn around and smoke again. after making the comment i realized that i was the only smoker that ate first... is it just me, or is this common practice amonst smokers?? ive also noticed prior to my eat first period that when i didnt eat fatty foods, or junk food my buzz didnt go down as much or i lost no buzz, has anyone else made either of these observations??
See, I don't look at it that way. The way I look at it is, toking makes subsequent eating extra pleasurable... I don't set out to "eat the high down", in fact my high doesn't dissipate any faster if I eat or if I don't. Only the passage of time, is what causes my high to fade...so after I've had my meal, and time has passed, I like to have a few more tokes..."topping off" my high.

Personally I don't see the point of eating before getting high, and I don't know anyone else who does. Just my opinion...recreational smoker FWIW


sunshine in a bag
what if the moon was really made of cheese

next POTUS better have a strong moon cheese program


Active member
Count me in!

I get most epiphanies when I do meditative breathing excercises after some vaping. The most thought-provoking strain to date must be Jack Herer. :)
Also vaping makes my thoughts run way smoother and clear compared to smoking.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well as I've said before an unfortunate chain of events in the grow room in the recent past has had me smokeless for a while but that's about to change soon...





i eat 2 times a day on an average day, my job is demanding physically so i eat big to maintain energy through my 12-16 hr work days, so on my off days my bod is tuned to 2 huge meals, i eat to get full, and weed doesnt make the food better to me, actually dulls my taste. so i smoke after give it a few, and go do shit, work out, play with kids, dog, go out, etc... my wife and some of the girls at work eat small and can do that, i cant, id literally be eating all day or snacking and i just cant do that on the clock... but i gotcha cheerful makes sense...
hell yea hempcat, those are some mighty fine looking ladies you got there, what strain is that?? every since that purple girl i had a few yrs back, ive had somewhat of an affinity for colors, always puts me in the mindset of tangy berry, warm and happy headies... miss that bag of seeds and that girl...((tear))


Lammen Gorthaur
Do the drugs alter reality or do the drugs present us with the ultimate reality we are being kept from experiencing?


"If there were nothing but thought in you, you wouldn't even know your thinking. You would be like a dreamer who doesn't know he's dreaming"

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