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What is happening to the USA??? Give us your input.

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Kiss My Ring
we have all been decieved by the theatrics and drama foisted upon us by the media. to make a point...when was the last time you heard anything about Fukashima/Daiichi from the mainstream?
did that Chernobyl class meltdown just fizzle out? hell no! we are getting radiation across the states from this yet no one cares enough to inform the public?
there is about to become the worst economic disaster ever...what does the american government do? raise debt limits so the banking cabal will own your childrens future.

so many people at this moment are dependant upon the gubment that all the administration has to do is placate them to retain control. there are no two political parties in the US! it's all smoke and mirrors to confuse and control.

who wants to suffer the same motherpluckers who pretend to create legislation/laws that benefit only them and their masters?

the die is cast.

the pain will awaken the sleepers...hopefully before the bullets fly.

do not be at peace! prepare...just do your best.


it's like watching a car crash from inside the car.

guess you just gotta sit back, wait and brace for impact.


Active member
Agreed on PK's note..
Wilson started this bs, he was a progressive guy, quite contrary to what the framers had believed in. His ideology was that a good leader could govern the people better than the people themselves. Thought the constitution was outdated thus required new laws and programs under present circumstances. the year he got elected his ass started The Federal Reserve corporation, income tax, and the IRS.. Fuck the fed.
Then FDR came along with his New Deal, where congress essentially used delegation of powers, granted all the necessary power necessary for his new deal. Gave birth to numerous and various social programs, such as FDA, Social Security.. etc

The original and intended purpose of the president was basically to ensure all laws are properly and faithfully executed.. as well as anything under Article 2 sec 2.. not too much.

The problem was, FDR's New Deal and delegation of powers was originally intended to be TEMPORARY. Well, his 2nd term came around and nothing changed.. Except they passed the 22nd amendment shortly after, limiting 2 term president's. Passing amendments is no easy task, so perhaps they saw a socialistic rhythm in FDRS presidency. FDR was a guy who made good use of inherent powers, or essentially the powers assumed by the president, based on how he himself interprets Article 2. He thought rather, he could use any power imaginable for the good of the people UNLESS stated otherwise in the Constitution.

Gotta goto work, but you get the idea! Can't believe i remember this crap. But that''s where we started going down hill.. president assuming too much of a role, inherent powers.. THe biggest issues today is, CAMPAIGN FINANCE,(LOBBYIST) aka bribery, and can't forget, EXECUTIVE ORDERS.

Executive Orders are quite terrifying, one signature can basically void congress and put any law in effect. I can't recall specifics but i know they can take over all sources of power, fuel plants etc, take over every farm and all food supplies, strip our rights, basically EVERYTHING under times of social and economic hardship, a direction they are steering us towards NOW..
Can't forget the war profiteers.. we go to war under our dollar to make a select few rich from all the fancy killing equipment and technology and other fun toys!


As a friend once told me ..."Guns and Gold... guns to protect the gold if you have it or guns to get the gold, gold is the only true well established currency that is limited in supply and can't be "made"."

GREAT THREAD THOUGH.... and people say stoners are stupid
What is happening to the USA??? Give us your input.

Pick an issue, any economic issue you're ticked off about. Chances are good to excellent it's being bought off - against your better interests.
QFT. Those in power are all bought, and even placed in power by money donated for personal, or more so corporate, gain. I strongly agree with the first 5 posts in this thread. The president and hell even the mouthpieces in Washington aren't the problems, it's those who paid for them for their own goals that are the real problem.


Active member
i think the people who paid for these stones to be made know what is being done to america, and the globe,,,


Didn't read it all however, I tend to agree with the commandments in general. Not a fan of killing everyone on earth but I think a more harmonious way of living would be advantageous to us as a species. Makes me want to buy land, build a commune, invite rocket scientists and friends, and teach our children to be the best they possibly can be. Dream commune I guess lolz.


Active member
Wilson started this bs

Yup! Ofourse Wilson did!:laughing:

And it's Bush who is responsible for 9.11
Obama Responsible for this fucked up Economy
And the next president will be responsible for the global collapse.

:D W.Wilson is to blame for our system today.... :jump:

You guys....


Active member
I'm just reading along, getting pissed off sometimes at all these pseudo-intellectuals, while thinking,"Good discussion, but NOBODY, not one single person alone, can possibly know all the answers. That's just HUGE fuckin EGO right there. EVERYBODY is entitled to there own opinion and you know what they say about opinions."

Then I read the personal attacks. What low-life shit. Try to restrain yourselves ass-wipes that do that. You know who you are. :moon:


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Yup! Ofourse Wilson did!:laughing:

And it's Bush who is responsible for 9.11
Obama Responsible for this fucked up Economy
And the next president will be responsible for the global collapse.

:D W.Wilson is to blame for our system today.... :jump:

You guys....



Active member
I'm just reading along, getting pissed off sometimes at all these pseudo-intellectuals, while thinking,"Good discussion, but NOBODY, not one single person alone, can possibly know all the answers. That's just HUGE fuckin EGO right there. EVERYBODY is entitled to there own opinion and you know what they say about opinions."

Then I read the personal attacks. What low-life shit. Try to restrain yourselves ass-wipes that do that. You know who you are. :moon:

who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you mad about?

Feels like you are using the ignorant "nobody knows it all" to stay ignorant....


Active member
I guess somebody never read that Mark Twain quote about how it's often better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you an idiot than open it and remove all doubt? Nice addition, jerk. I guess we all know who one of those asshole is, he was nice enough to point it out. You have no idea who I am. What the hell crawled up your ass and died. I'm out. Have just loads of fun creep.
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