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Kernow Guerrilla

Big Eggy

Active member
Things are progressing slowly, I can just about see the 2nd set of leaves showing. I thought about supplementing light during the night but have read these girls are sensitive to change and don't want to shock them into flower when they go outside.

Both are now in 2.5litre pots.. Oddly one has a very big tap root (pictured above) and the other has finer hair like roots. Will be interesting to see if there is any difference.

Big Eggy

Active member
Day 13 since their heads popped up above ground.


Both plants look exactly the same at this moment in time.

Having never Guerrilla grown I was wondering about cages? I'd like to use them for as little time as possible, what size are the plants OK without them? The only critters I think i need to worry about are rabbits.


Big Eggy

Active member
Day 20

Not a lot to report other than with all this Sun during lockdown I've struggled to keep the temps in the green house in the sweet spot, having never owned on before I'm supprised how quick it heats up.

I went out to their final site yesterday and noticed that something (probably a small animal) had been digging in my holes. I've set up a few traps just to make sure it's not people. They ar gonna have to go to the site soon as they are starting to look like MJ and my Mrs will start getting suspicious.




One plant is clearly bigger than the other and from my untrained eye they both look more indica at this stage... But its early days yet.


Big Eggy

Active member
Day 24

All this warm weather has been great for the plants but also meant that Mrs BigEggy has started to venture outside and join in with the garden maintenance regime... She already gave the plant the eyeball last week when I had them out of the greenhouse to strengthen the stems, so as I have a valid excuse to leave the house on my own tomorrow morning (future readers look up covid19 lockdown) to go into work to grab some paperwork I plan on taking them to their summer home... I just need to find some time in the garage tonight to build the cages and hope the site hasn't been compromised.

Photo update to follow after dinner.

Big Eggy

Active member
Day 24 photo update:

Clearly I've got two different plants here.. the bigger of the two is the one that had the strongest root production when the were seedlings and this has continued to be the case.

Bigger plant

Bigger plant roots

However if I put my nose the the apical tip of each plant the smaller plant has a way more potent weed smell at this early stage dispite not showing any root activity at the bottom of the pot.

Smaller plant

Smaller plant (lack off) roots

Both plants have had the same treatment, though I'm gonna refrian from using the word pheno here as its to early and could be any number of external factors.

I have however decided that this will be my plant limit this year and will forget about the autos.. Its hard enough finding an excuse to go to the shop for a sneaky beer let alone to my site and come back with muddy hands.

I'm fairly confident that my early start has paid off as they don't appear to show signs of wanting to go straight into flower and should have at least a month head start.

Next post will hopefully be at their final homes... Unless I'm feeling brave enough to keep them in the greenhouse another week.

Big Eggy

Active member
I managed to find time to make the cages last night and headed to the site this morning before work. The same animal had been digging in on of the holes and the second hole had a few rabbit droppings on it, I didn't want to use cages as the advertise the fact that the plant are there but seems its a must.

I feel a little nervous planting them out with all these people walking the tracks for exercise while we are on lockdown but I'll just have to take my chances as the Mrs would soon realise what I was up to in the greenhouse.

Purple Maroc "smaller one" hole #1


Purple Maroc "bigger one" hole #2


My next update might not be for a few weeks.. Wish me/them luck.


Well-known member
Hey Big Eggy,
Get a backpack, paint roller, plastic bag and tray and paint them green or black. I’ve also burnt the galvanising off wire in a fire before carrying it out.

Big Eggy

Active member
Hey Big Eggy,
Get a backpack, paint roller, plastic bag and tray and paint them green or black. I’ve also burnt the galvanising off wire in a fire before carrying it out.

Cheers for the tip... I was up against time yesterday and tbh the site is so small if you manage to climb up (I slipped on my arse twice this morning) you'll spot them either way.

If I manage to get up there this weekend to check on em I might take a tin of spay paint.

Big Eggy

Active member
Well it's been half a day and I was actually passing the site and noone was around so I thought I'd have a quick look.. My little traps I'd placed on route to the entrance have clearly been disturbed but nothing has been touched.

I'm going to have to take it pretty carefully for a while as moving them is not really an option.. If there still there in a week I'll think I've been lucky.

Big Eggy

Active member
I went by this morning with some water as I'm worried that it's gonna be hot for the next few days but at the turning a dude went by with a dog so I just kept going.. I'm sure they'll be fine if their still there so just need to chill.

Big Eggy

Active member
Those Purple Maroc will be massive come August.

Hey Rudedog let's hope so.. I just managed a quick visit with some water and they have been loving the weather... Who ever stumbled on them the other day has left them thank god, my little patch of Cornwall is pretty progressive so touch wood I'll be OK. No one has been by since.

Day 27

smaller pm hole #1


bigger pm hole #2


Good to see that they are getting plenty of sun in the site I chose.

Rain forecast for tonight so will probably leave them for a while to do there own thing.



Well-known member
Nice work big egg can’t wait to see how them purple marocs turn out looks like a nice little spot you have there

Big Eggy

Active member
Nice work big egg can’t wait to see how them purple marocs turn out looks like a nice little spot you have there

Thanks.. I've been scoping out spots for next year this morning, the problem with cornwall is that someone either owns the land uses/fences in or its a beauty spot full of tourists.. That said found a great spot but digging would have to be don't at night to avoid suspension which would be hard for me.

Day 34 update

Big purple maroc is nearly clear of the cage.. Amazing what she has put on in a week.


The smaller girl is not far behind but I'm starting to see some big difference now.. The smaller smells way more.


They both had 2litres of 7-7-7 this morning as the hot weather is forecast to hang around for a bit longer.

Big Eggy

Active member
Day 38

I wasn't due to visit till tomorrow with some compost mixed with Fish/blood/bone as a topdress but I was walking past after a ride with the family and as they went on ahead (broke my arm last week hence I was walking) I thought I'd sneak a peek, cannot belive how much the have grown in 4days.. Still showing a bit of leaf curl maybe due to my over watering I'll check tomorrow how moist the soil is today was real flying visit I didn't really get to look at the plants properly till I was checking the photos.

not so small Pm Hole #1



Big Pm hole #2



I think I'll top them tomorrow.... Maybe?
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