You did list the height actually sorry about that so yeah do the math on 12x9x8 is 864 cubic feet. Depending on your setup, you do not need to replace the air inside your room every minute. If you put a scrubber on your 740CFM fan, you may only get 600CFM out of the exhaust. That would replace the air in your space every 90 seconds or so. If you need to exhaust HEAT from your grow space, you may want to replace the air every minute or even twice or more times per minute. You'll have to see what your needs will be. On the other hand, if you supplement your grow space with CO2 then you will not want to exhaust the CO2 out before it has had an effect on your plants. If you use CO2, you may want a controller to maintain ppm (800-1500ppm CO2) for example and then set to exhaust the air when humidity builds up or on a timer to refresh the grow space air on a fixed schedule.
You should default to more airflow when making a decision on HVAC. Always overbuild. You can put the fans on a variable controller to dial the power back if you have too much air exchange. I would go ahead and use 2 separate 740CFM exhaust fans or upgrade to 1 larger CFM fan. Now that you can calculate your cubic feet in your grow space, you can calculate your air exchange. Question is how quickly do you want to exchange the air? As said above, at least once a minute if not twice or 4 times a minute should be enough as long as you are not struggling with heat issues or humidity issues.
Thanks.. I'll be running 4x600 watt HPS lights. along with a dehumidifier and AC unit in the room so should help keep temps and humidity decent. all 4 lights are aircooled so i may have to look into an extra fan to help with exhaust. Thanks.