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what is that pressed weed in Asia?


Well-known member
I hope we can stay on topic which is interesting
DM and EB, for me you two are teachers and show the way about ganja mainly because you give me real life references, same with Tangwena with fermenting because I also smoked a lot of fermented stuff and by the way, cambodian is the only pressed weed I have tried around the planet without fermentation. For me all european and american strains are all exotic and this thread is certainly enlighting on the way I feel about modern cannabis

DM, the biggest challenge of the moderator is to moderate himself first, I certainly appreciate the knowledge shared by you people and all private problems you two might have please keep them in privacy

For me cambodian brick is real life reference.
I had been coming and going from Thailand a lot and smoked this stuff for about 18 years

To my surprise, the best of the most hyped commercial releases I tried are just on par with cambodian brick and I am certainly looking for much better stuff than this

I think we should make clear what is the definition of trippy, because if cambodian is trippy then this is the reason I think commercial varieties and modern hybrids are just rubbish, a lot of organoleptic properties and very little high if at all with a lot of tolerance problems
If cambodian is trippy, I understand now why modern kids are getting panic attack here when they try something a little bit better than this and why governments regulating ganja are still treating it like a very dangerous drug
If cambodian is trippy, please never try shrooms, salvia divinorum, ayahuasca or DMT.

I had to be a guide in Thailand. I certainly didnt enjoy it because more than a guide, you become a therapeutic companion of people who are out of their social conventions and out of their comfort zone. They go to Wat Po, Chatuchak, Chinatown, Khao San Rd, everything is trippy and they act like kids in a candy store. To go to the market and bargain is trippy. Eat in the streets is trippy, and I already mentioned the trippy bangkokian nightlife in some other thread.
Setting and set up is part of the equation big time

DM, you are really showing what my problem is, now I understand what you mean when you talk about tropical grown ganja. My problem is I smoked tropical marihuana all my life and now that I am settling down I find all the stuff I smoked is extinct and the only thing alive and available commercially are names and myths and I certainly look for much better varieties than cambodian

Romano, is Romania, Bulgaria and Moldavia the same thing? Because it sounds not much different when you say Laos, Scambodia(it is not a typo mistake, it is scam land! I like this country!) and Vietnam are all similar and the same. They are not!!
And for me the best southeast asian weed is Laotian hands down and the 20th century ganja from Colombia and Paraguay was much better than what I tried all around Asia and the rest of the world. Not only ganja but entheogens in general

And this thread clearly shows that neuroscience is right. The food you try first is the one you will like most all your life. If your first spliff is Blue Dream or California Orange, then all your life you will drool about them and if you try something better than that then it will be trippy for you
My problem is my first spliff was real Punto Rojo and Pedro Juan Caballero of old. Both are extinct and at the moment I am not finding on the modern genetic pool something similar. I believe it might be found in the hands of amateurs with more spirit for decent ganja than commercial banks

Donald Mallard

el duck
your right ,

i edited my post to be more reasonable ,
i do like hearing folks experiences , good , bad etc ,
its not cool if folks discount others experiences though i reckon ...
the high we experience is personal/subjective ,
one person may not be influenced the same way or by the same things ...

i agree funky that if they find cannabis so trippy then things renowned for a stronger type of trip probably isnt something they are going to enjoy ,
ive giggled to myself with folks describing strains like c99 as too racy etc ,
those folks better stick to the hybrids , the pure sativas could have them getting paranoid and uncomfortable ...

im not sure ive had cambodian , well not that im able to identify anyhow,
a friend in vietnam currently said he tried some the other day though and it was ok ,
though im sure there is better examples than he had ,

any idea where the fat sticks with the red string hail from funky?
i had a feeling they might be cambodian herb ..??

we had some of the brick weed they have in thailand after the thai sticks disappeared ,
in the southern part of oz ,
it was quite dry and we found it better to sweat it a little which seemed to give a better hit than the dry stuff ,

the first time i had it in thailand some years ago it quite hit me ,
though my tolerance was down and i was suffering a bit of jet lag i think ,
the second time i had 3 bongs in a row and found the hit from the bamboo bong was stronger than the ceramic bong i was used too at home ,
i went home and made a bamboo bong after that ,, lol ...

i think everyone reminisces over the first highs they got from cannabis ,
so the type of weed that gave them that is something they tend to prefer ,
for me it was thai stick weed ....


Well-known member
didnt want to make a Statement with that meaning, they are the same.
Probably: i said my Vietnamese experience sounds related to his Experience. The aspect of Sedation reminded me of Vietnamese, overall seems related.

(But based on the Pictures i tend to think of Laos, Camnodian.)

Also, Wutwut got the Brick in Cambodia. And based on Laws i RATHER cant imagine Vietnam exporting to Cambodia. That ads to the non-Vietnam-Theory.

I can also see Similarities in 70s Thai/Vietnames, probably all four Countries. From what i read the Similarities is that ultimate Intensity . The Awakeness.

Donald Mallard

el duck
hey romano ,
my mate is in vietnam and is scoring cambodian weed ,
said he was surprised ,
but perhaps they grow more in cambodia and export to vietnam and maybe other places,
perhaps the stuff you got in vietnam was combodian also ....

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
you guys - tsk -

If I was your Dad - I'd probably be banging your heads together - I don't like seeing two well respected members of the site clashing like this -

I know, I know - some people don't get along etc - but please - keep it off the site - both of you - harmony is better than the other option in the Oz forum - if you really want to have it out - with the hope of finally getting your obvious distain for each other resolved - then take it to The Speakers Corner - or better still - work it out in private -

Its for the best -

G `day Gyper

I`m minding my own business .
Donald is trolling posts I made 18 months ago ...
The chubby worm crusher , with 20 KGs of muscle is playing holier than thou .

Donald is following me around trying to annoy me .Has been for a good few months now . Must be too much energy from quitting smoking .
Pulled a power play in the Oz forum by appointing himself a Mod and trolling me ,then deleting my replies .
Now he`s out here trolling me again , but without the Mod powers .
Lets see how this goes .


Well-known member
Donald , i ment i cant imagine it exported from Viet TO Cambodia, otherway arond for i can, i thought Cambodia is alot easyer in Law-Thigys..?

And no, i smoked the unknown weed in Europe, but there is a STRONG Parallel from my Experience i had to a certain Strain that was aviable here. And thats why i dont know it was Vietnamese, but the Parallels to THAT PARTICULAR Strain are EXTREME, so i call it Vietnamese.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Donald , i ment i cant imagine it exported from Viet TO Cambodia, otherway arond for i can, i thought Cambodia is alot easyer in Law-Thigys..?

And no, i smoked the unknown weed in Europe, but there is a STRONG Parallel from my Experience i had to a certain Strain that was aviable here. And thats why i dont know it was Vietnamese, but the Parallels to THAT PARTICULAR Strain are EXTREME, so i call it Vietnamese.
yea i think the laws are different in vietnam ,
but i havent really been there or checked it out ,
so not speaking from experience there ,

id say the climate would be much the same as their neighbours ,
so they would no doubt have the same opportunity as cambodia ,
the american soldiers sure got a taste of it over there and said good things about it ,
wonder what changed so much since then ...

gn some folks are hard to talk with ,
i think that last post tells the story ,
(like a child telling the teacher at grade school)

id prefer to keep on track with the thread than derail it ,
my apologies i upset the things to begin with ,
it wasnt really my intention ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
Thats the Strain i allegedly smoked.


Ok, the Seedseller could have not known the Vietnamese Strain was coming from somewhere Else, but it was collected directly from the Nature, not from Brick, so.. probably heritage, but it seems vietnamese
hey again romano ,
where old mate says folks were hitting bamboo bongs all over the place ,
i wonder if its cannabis they are toking in there though ??

could be something else ...

saw a clip at a really cool market over there and an old fella was bonging it up early in the morning ,

the commentator said he was toking tobacco though ,
so yea unsure what s in those bongs ...maybe someone else has checked it out and can chime in ..

Donald Mallard

el duck
a pipe made from bamboo or plastic, a ball of Vietnamese tobacco, a match to set the fire, you can get high like the true Vietnamese style. To experience pipe smoking, you can simply go to every drink stalls on every street.


Well-known member
Haha, that Tabaco is funny, contains very high Nicotine i heard, and is a Landrace probably?

hmm, no: vietnamese should be insane Weed. All Smokereports of Vietnamese seem to tell of a Hallucinogenoc Trip. This Reports came from imported Weed, and also like said from exact Lines, like the one i linked. The strain Vietblack, Vietnam Tourist Hemp, Black forrest , all These exact Lines they have outstanding or insane Reports. I can only read openminded , in the End i dont know, but what i read of this exact Lines, exact reported Imports, is that Vietnam Weed seems to been something Special, some rated it over Thaiweed.

There are two Reasons why People doubt that, Vietnam wasnt exporting very often, and therefore you could get the Impression, this is basically not worth to be smoked. The other is a certain unedgy Subtility in Vietnamese i guess (atleast in my Sample).
Not to be confused with weakness, not in the slightest.

Vietnam sems to cause that ultimate Experience but is just unequally lesser known, bit like Sumatran, wich was named Tripping weed long ago. Vietnamese, it really sounds like mega strong but centered in the right Place Weed


Well-known member
I arrived to Thailand after the financial asian crisis of 1997
By then, Thai Stick was a myth long extinct from earth and cambodian brick was all over Thailand

I tried loose cambodian buds in Cambodia. Once at Siam Reap hostels when you ordered a beer instead of peanuts they were bringing a small plate of buds. In Cambodia you could buy kilos of seeds at the vegetable markets. Phnom phen space pizza is famous

I never been in Vietnam but traveller reports are weed is cambodian brick

If you want something different need to try Laos.

I scored sumatran buds at Gili Trafalgar, north of Lombok in Indonesia and quality is on a par with cambodian loose buds, nice stuff but far from trippy

Tobacco has different ways to prepare. Amazonian indians make something called rapé. They place the powder inside a long piece of bamboo and then blow it into your nose, it is very strong stuff if done properly and suggested to try with respect only in the jungle

I think we cannot recover things from the past or extinct. Instead to try to concentrate the efforts in the best we can get today is a better option. There has been a war on drugs in the 20th century and ganja was beaten and many top strains vanished from earth
Some things I am sampling now just cut and dried without cure are beating cambodian brick quality, but still far from trippy, maybe something changes with cure.
Not mythical 3 toke ganja but a small spliff or a capsule of Mighty vaporizer make the trick


Well-known member
Only a bit more than a month after these posts I am seeing suddenly out of nowhere a flood of cambodian seeds and cambodian hype at all kinds of social media.

At these days, spirituality, religion and science is made out of bullshitism

Todd just had released 25 packs of 5 cambodian seeds, all gone in less than 24 hours
I am reading about the best cambodian strain in the last 20 years and things like that, these claims sound very unlikely

I arrived to Cambodia for the first time 20 years ago. All these claims seem to lack historical understanding of what happened in Cambodia

The first thing that would impress you 20 years ago was the lack of old people. There were no old people. They all have been killed and with them the knowledge. Another thing was that what happened in Cambodia was still fresh wounds and everyone arriving to the country was watching The Killing Fields movie, it won an Oscar you can watch it for free and maybe you could understand that under a war, all plants get affected and you wont understand you cant find your special grail plant under such conditions of stress unless you have been in warzone

Young people lack the knowledge of the older generation. The old guys might have done great ganja but Cambodia is at war since 1965 and been bombed badly. Khmer Rouge did the rest. Please, read and check some historical basic facts before releasing plenty of bullshit in seedform and hype at social media

Everything for 2$ and for 2$ anything and for 2$ we bullshit anyone, this seems to be the leitmotif these days

The Killing Fields: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csLJ1kbptTg

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day FH

I was in Cambodia and Vietnam a few years back .
Modern hybrid style weed in Phnom Pen and Saigon .

Better value and quality in Cambodia . Had a space pizza in Sihanoukville . Easy to score in Cambodia . 24 hour service in Sihanoukville lol .

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