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Sometime they dont stay tri. Had a plant i topped and turned into 2 mains. 1 main was a tri the other was a reg. Weird shit... and yes the yield is 1.5 the regular yield due to 1.5 times more bud sites.


The Tri Guy
Ah, yes , this thread. Hmmmm, it is the holidays, time for old repeats I guess.
I went wandering through someone else's genetics to play with some theories. I got side tracked and did a bunch of outcrosses to the bruised nuts. I discontinued all but one outcross line. I needed an alternative smoke to the bruised nuts, not to replace but well, we all need a break from old faithful once in a while.

I took most pics down, and numbers are always a touchy subject in illegal locations.


The Tri Guy
Cool, I didn't expect anyone new to read it, especially as the pics are missing now. But thanks man.


New member
Hi Gmt, Ive some experience with polyploids...or at least tri/quad foliates.
The strains i consistently get mutants from are from a Chemmy Jones , and the Kaboom strain from subcool of tga. Ive had tri foliates and triple tap roots from a single. small seed run. Currently have a quad chemmy seedling.
Ive had an unknown quad and i really thought it was a trje polyploid. Due to its quad nature, super beefy plant with this jack herercandy smell times a million. It was soo smelly, it was damn near neon! Lol.


New member
Lil chemmy polly. Lol


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Active member
I know there's been much talk about blueberry ancestry being much the source of tri-noded plants, with one Afghan (DC) noted but haven't seen many sativa examples. Here's a three headed zamaldelica seedling I popped a few weeks ago.
It hasn't been sexed yet, but I'm hoping for a male, to get some tri-magic into a few pollen chucks I have planned.


The Tri Guy
Lmao, funny how some threads just won't die.

Leo, that's nice, haven't seen a quad from anyone else's lines before. Strange thing is I actually crossed this line to the chemy Jones, and haven't seen a single tri in any generation if that line.

Hey wizard, nice, was it born that way, or did it transition? I'm not sure of the exact lineage of the blueberry, I did know it but over the years I sometimes forget things (not sure why lol). But it has to originate in one of its parental lines. Mine did start from that line.
In any line, they are possible, I understand its a 10,000 : 1 shot though. Not sure who did that research or how bug their grows were.
These were 1 in 3 either being tri quad or higher, yeah higher sometimes, but they go on to become fasciated normally. I took them to F14 before sending them into seedbay. I never sold them all though, due to a bunch of false bids, so the gorillas will have them now, if anyone wants to start hassling them to list some up. I moved on from the pure line, but have a friend who does well with them out door in her garden though.
Just in case you wanted to clone that, and cross it to another tri from another line.

Hmm, now I'm thinking was opt Oregon purple Thai? Or something like that. I think we pinned that as the original source.


The Tri Guy
This is the thread that follows this thread, and shows the later work done, well it did until Dutch grown made me delete all my pics of it since at that time they didn't sell them yet.
Still, anyone interested in this sort of thing, there's a lot of decent discussions on them in this thread
Or was it earlier, can't remember


Active member
It was born that way, with the coyds on one side overlapping, then went straight to 3 nodes. I'll check the other thread!

The zamaldelica is Reunion Island Sativa* x (Thai x Malawi), so the tri could be from the Thai (opt is Mexican x Thai)

*Zamal. Garrett's cut I think.


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