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Post your freaks and mutants



As the title says everyone post your freakish and mutant plants here, come on people show us what you got.


Active member
Well, at the start of my current grow I had a little suprise when the seeds popped out of the soil. On one of the seeds had an albino cotyledon :yoinks: and so were the first tiny leaves sticking out:



But it turned out it didnt affect the plant that much, apart from slowing it down a couple of days, maybe... Here she is 23 days later:




Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
A re-vegged clone taken after harvest. It later straightened itself out to become a great Mom that I kept for 2 full years.



sheesh Pipedream and Benny do you guys live by a nuclear reactor? Crazy looking plants guys



heres a bagseed i grew for a winters harvest. It had a double leaf on on side, i thought it was really cool and i think the budsite it was getting light for grew faster becasue it recieved more light....sick

closer shot

this was another bagseed from the same harvest, it looked mostly indica dominant to me and produced very sweet buds. If you can notice, its hard to tell, but on one node it grew three budsites!!!

That would be awesome if every plant had double the leaves to receive more light and grow faster, and on every node it had three budsites so we would get more bud off the plant. THIS WOULD BE SIIIIICK


these look more like PH problems than mutants to me :chin:

here is a mutant on a perfectly healthy leaf...

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that was a mutant^

twisted leafs, especially on young plants, are a sure sign of PH problems. leafs that are sometimes not following the conformity in number of blades such as 2 bladed leafs or 4 bladed leafs, are a sign of PH problems also. the PH on your top soil might seem fine, or in certain areas, but it may not be the same in other areas. you could of gotten an incorrect reading, but I guarantee that was not a genetic trait. it was caused by environment, not genetics. I've seen it many times over and over. I can even see signs of leaf problems in certain patches on your leafs. when PH is off, it can influence many things such as auxins, which when manipulated from the norm, can give you some very funky looking mutant like plants. It is obvious yours, s.leaf and bennies plants are having health problems from mis-care, not natural mutations. this information is to help you, so you can learn from your mistakes, not attack you. If I had a bud for every time someone posted pictures of plants with obvious health problems but no one pointed it out and instead you saw people say 'looking good! keep up the good work!', I would have a lot of bud I assure you. PH problems don't only show themselves as yellowing, crispy leafs, colored spots, etc.

If you would like, I could get every pic you, s.leaf and benny posted, and point out the problematic areas with arrows or by circling them, though I shouldn't have to because it is very easy to 'spot'.
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twisted leafs, especially on young plants, are a sure sign of PH problems. leafs that are sometimes not following the conformity in number of blades such as 2 bladed leafs or 4 bladed leafs, are a sign of PH problems also. the PH on your top soil might seem fine, or in certain areas, but it may not be the same in other areas. you could of gotten an incorrect reading, but I guarantee that was not a genetic trait. it was caused by environment, not genetics. I've seen it many times over and over. I can even see signs of leaf problems in certain patches on your leafs. when PH is off, it can influence many things such as auxins, which when manipulated from the norm, can give you some very funky looking mutant like plants. It is obvious yours, s.leaf and bennies plants are having health problems from mis-care, not natural mutations. this information is to help you, so you can learn from your mistakes, not attack you. If I had a bud for every time someone posted pictures of plants with obvious health problems but no one pointed it out and instead you saw people say 'looking good! keep up the good work!', I would have a lot of bud I assure you. PH problems don't only show themselves as yellowing, crispy leafs, colored spots, etc.

If you would like, I could get every pic you, s.leaf and benny posted, and point out the problematic areas with arrows or by circling them, though I shouldn't have to because it is very easy to 'spot'.
Dude pleas I don't want to turn this into a debate about why the plants look like they do I just want people to post pics of their freaks, crazy cupped extra blade on your leaf

Deft that is a crazy plant man, I've saw a few plants like that before not many though you got a rare freak, she may make more budsites than normal for you, check the rez seeds forum, the one about S diesel abnormalities, same type thing going on.


yea my ph was fine too...im not a begginer i at least know to check it. When a leaf has two leafs on a single blade, that is not a def. its just fucking sick! tight bud shot mutants!