Anyone interested in possibly doing a 1oz FUN ONLY...shotglass grow?
the point of this would be to see who could get the biggest plant and what not out of growing a plant in a 1oz...shotglass. Or...anything that has a 1oz root capacity? Just to see what these...WEEDS...are capable of....
if weeds can grow in cracks of rocks...WE CAN DO THIS TOO!
Post up if your interested. If enough people are interested i'll add more later and possible make it a contest!
the point of this would be to see who could get the biggest plant and what not out of growing a plant in a 1oz...shotglass. Or...anything that has a 1oz root capacity? Just to see what these...WEEDS...are capable of....
if weeds can grow in cracks of rocks...WE CAN DO THIS TOO!
Post up if your interested. If enough people are interested i'll add more later and possible make it a contest!