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Brown spots on leaves


I am growing outdoor few plants. Now they have brown spots on the leaves. First they appear before three weeks. Can you help me to identify the problem. I think that this is some kind of fungus problem, may be mildew. Plants suffered from pests, but after spraying pests are gone.
Plants are growing into outdoor garden. They are about 2.5 months old. Strains are LSD and Red Dragon. Last month every day it rain hard. I use crystals, which retain water.
Here are the pictures:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
mmmh ooks like those are bugspots.....and with a high dose of nutrients you could get the damaged spots and tips to burn up like here...:2cents:


Non Conformist


I agree, the spots look like bug bites, but I think it was the spray that burnt the tipps of what was at that time, the newest growth. Now, the very newest growth seems to be unaffected. My :2cents: Good luck with them damn bugs and the rest of yer grow. BC


I hope that that spots are bug bites, because bugs are gone now. Newest growth is not affected and look like there isn't new spots on older leaves. Last time i fertilized before 10 days N-P-K 15-15-15, but amount wasn't large. The water I use is very hard, so it can't be calcium deficit. Most spots appeared within 1-2 day after the end of heavy raining.
root mold i had the same problem last month. I almost lost 3 of my bettys outdoor. Do to heavy rain. You may think soil is dry cuz top soil is. But deep down toward the bottem of your hole is probly retaining water. If thats the case then just try an let the soil dry before watering. an if there is expected more heavy rain place something around the base of your stalk to run the water of your plants soil atleast till it drys. HOPE I HELPED.


New member
It looks like cal to me to just because your water is hard it could still be low in cal. it could be locked out also what is your ph


New member
I just saw your post about the rain ph could have been way off locking out the cal and others