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No water for a week - Coco vs Soil


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+7 Days




Lesson: Don't go on vacation if you grow in coco unless you've got a drip system, my flowering plants look a whole lot better than these guys.
damn.....why ????? plants that size look pretty good to have gone that long with no water...mine would drink one watering in 36-48hrs then i'd be scared.. they'll live..



Out of interest what size are the big pots??

Ive got a 4 day holiday coming and i am trying to prepare

Unfortunately i grow in coco and dont have a dripper!!

Yours look ok i think, with a bit of love they should pull thru

Thanks :rasta: :rasta: :rasta:


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They're fed GH Flora series, 6ml Micro and 9ml Bloom per gallon, the last watering was just straight water though. It definitely didn't help that we had a record breaking heat wave the same week I was gone. The "big pots" are 6" pots. I think they'll all pull through fine, not too worried about it, although the coco 2 liter is going to have some heavy pruning done, not sure if I'll even keep it. They were all watered right before I left, the would've fared a lot better if I had left them in an inch or so of standing water.


provided they didn't get tooooooo much direct sun those plants will prolly pull through. they look really sad though!


Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
I hope they bounce back. Last time I went out of town I made this

It did not cost much and all the parts come from the local Mega hardware store. When I got home all the girls where happy.
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aww, poor Babies. I had a similar incident happen, I visited my mom and my boyfriend turned off the A/C before we left,3 days later the box was at 104 degrees, but only one plant died....good luck!


Active member
a wick setup might have helped too. the coco only had to be kept moist. since they're in veg, and he knew that not tending to the plants while on vacation is 'suboptimal,' showing a slight N deficiency would probably have been preferred to seeing such sad plants...but i dont mean to speak for bounty29.

but yeah i think what is pictured is surely stressin hard, but still alive and should perk up, albeit with damage, to continue on with its otherwise productive life :D


New member
I had same experience :) I was 7 days away and disaster was ready. I gave them plenty of water and pot plates were also full of water. I had 11l wet coco and 1l water on the plates. 1/3 was crispy dry when I arrived. Luckily a bit was saved and now growing while I'm building new system.

It teached something :) Now I'm building improved system.