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~PIFF~ A.K.A. Uptown Haze/Frankies/Church. Preserving a Heritage...


Grinding extra.
Operation: Urban Renewal
I am a grower. I am making it my sole purpose to preserve the Uptown NYC Haze. For many years I have been involved in the movement of PIFF. Who, when, and where are not important.
Throughout the course of six years, I have managed to procure 3 viable PIFF seeds from many, many pounds of HIGH GRADE PIFF. Two germinated and sprouted...

If the planets properly allign and it is meant to be, I will get one female and one male. I will cross these two plants producing the first known backcross of this strain. If I get two females, I will be cloning them and this strain will only exist in clone form. If I get two males, I will be using the pollen to make a cross with another strain. This last possiblity is obviously the worst case. I would rather get a mother than only be able to make a cross. Still, I believe that many of the PIFF traits would carry through in the offspring.

So, without further hesitation, here are the two children of the future. Everyone keep your fingers crossed...
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very interesting... heard so much about the piff and now we can see this shit grow! this is revolutionary... have you got any info about the lineage?


Grinding extra.
The Lineage:

The parents of Uptown Haze are unknown. Period. But these seeds came from HIGH GRADE Uptown. Church, Frankies, Brown, WTF?! This is Uptown Haze. Period. Call it what you want, those that live in NYC and surrounding areas KNOW. These seeds came from THE BEST Uptown I've ever come in contact with. I've come in contact with more than most as I used to transport. The growers of this strain DO NOT give it out. I know some personally. They are PISSED I AM DOING THIS!
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IcMag Resident Comic Relief
i read the thread you had about it a few weeks ago. interesting indeed. ima stick around for this one. i hope it turns out great for ya. would be a good addition, to the scene.


Piff is the street name for a commercial haze strain that is FIRE. The same strain has been in NYC and parts of the NY metro for at least 14 yrs. Special taste, Special smell, Rediciously strong.

Art - If you get males, what are you going to outcross em to? Will you Bx to the males?


Active member

you know i'm interested!

the 'church' thing though,

i know some peep call it church cause of the smell (well, maybe? it smells like pot 2 me) and it has a very spiritual chill somewhat anesthetic (i'm not sure if i'd say narcotic, i'd leave that to the observer) high/stone combo. it has its followers, like a church i guess. lol. there is no way to describe where you go on it if you hit it decently, lost in your own mind. pretty much a visionary state. a memory walker, somewhat trippy acid like experience. but only if you want it to be! but there is a strain out there i've seen people post about, also has the name 'church', not sure if that is to be confused with the uptown haze. unless i can smell it, i couldn't really tell ya if the other strain 'church' is the same thing. whenever i think about that type of smoke, i only think of late 90s, early 2000s odor. it has a distinctive funk to it, that does not smell like triched out commercial nuggets. and it reeks through plastic bags for sure. stays on your fingers if touched.

she is one stinky plant though, if it doesn't reek in week or two from now, or when it has 2 decent sized fan leaves, i'd have my doubts on it. i remember rubbing the seedling when it just was maybe 2.5 inches wide tip-2-tip with only it's first set of true leaves, and it left its funk smell on my fingers. it had some visible trichomes from birth on those first sets of leaves too.



Active member
art of making fire, i hope all is well with your grow and get to keepers to keep the generation of the piff going in other places then ny. i tried some bag seeds and had no luck at all, either hermie or males,one female that looked too much like a landrace and wasn't up to par with piff. anyway heres some pics of some piff=haze i got a couple of weeks ago.



Active member

i think it's to speed up the flowering of the haze. i believe its approx. 70%sat/30%ind

grow on bro!

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deff interested in seeing how this turns out, I myself have delt with p's of the piff only 2 find 3 or 4 seeds, wich never amounted to anything.. Im routin for ya. lol


New member
Last time I got some haze in NYC it had sort of a yellowish tint to the bud, it was some of the best I had on the east coast, when I moved out west I was lucky enough to try some Super Silver Haze that I found to be very similar to what I had in NYC. I was able to get a pic of the haze, man that stuff knocked me on my ass.



Active member
thump88 is that a pic of the ny haze or the west coast super silver, and was the taste and smell very similar.
a couple of more pics of the piff



New member
i wish i had some piff right now, or any strain for that matter. We use to get it all the time here in north jersey but i lost my connect so been dry all summer so far :(

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