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All Organic Bug Juice "Make ur Own" ,by Master Thai

wow thanks for the recipie! Is is good for prevention though or to use only if you get infested?

Added bonus:+= Your weed could end up more spicy! No seriously does it effect the taste at all in the end?


i like it very simple. also can be used to ward off annoying neighborhood kids/jahova's witnesses!!lol


Hey Master Thai, thanks for the recipe, I usually just use garlic soaked in water and it does fine. But I've heard using hot peppers really helps.

However when I read "bug juice" in the title I thought about another kind of spray... that involves crushing a few bugs you find on your plants, and mixing them with water. I know it sounds a bit disgusting but it seems to work, the fuckers notice the "smell of death" and fly away. I have tested this technique only once so I cannot fully accredit it, but I've seen it on many organic gardening websites, might be worth a shot?...



I lived in Mexico for a few years and until today I thought Jalapeño peppers were the hottest lol... where do those Habaneros come from? I guess they'll be hard to find around here, I'm on a remote island in the Pacific ocean (not that I'm complaining lol, but we can't find everything here).

Take care and happy growing :joint:



Thanks for the info Master Thai, I don't really need those peppers at the moment but it's good to know I can order seeds online. Have you ever tried eating them? I love spicy foods, but those might just burn me off lol.



dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
wow cool master thai, your the man! i use a similar recipe just minus the spray mate. and yea you gotta love those Habanero Pepers there so HOT!!!! easy to grow too. maybe next year ill do some outdoors.

relik, i have tried the bug juice you were talking about, works good with caterpillars and larger bugs. mites and other small suckers its best to go with a recipe like master thais here, they cant handle that stuff.


MAYAN's From my are had been using something like that for hundreds of years, well witout the sprayer ofcurse lol...... Never thought someone here will know about it but its great it works like a charm but beacareful with the eyes and with inhaling it......


The Soapmaker!
Thanks, Master. I use the same spray and it works like a charm outdoors even. It keeps wild pigs away, too.


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
Just out of curiosity Master Thai, do you know how 'they' (the establishment) measure the heat radiated from chilli peppers ?
It's not really important, just thought you might know.
Thanks mate .... smurf


You know, I made a similar spray for pole beans in my garden... it cooked the beans.. but maybe it was me and i did something wrong... I forget how i actually did it.


Smoke weed and prosper
the first time i read "bug juice" i said to myself that some guy just figured out a way to make a new fertilizer out of bugs.


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
Congratulations!!!! You just made Mace
Yeah, didn't think of that.... I might whip some up now, for the bigger bugs that try to eat through my front door!!!
This will work good outside forreal?im very excited about this ifso,Cause i have had a pesty grasshopper, that is a pothead and is ALWAYS there on my plant...but Question..

Does the soap not break down and dissolve into the soil ,which will soak up the dissolved soap?and cause problems?

Cause i think it would work the same,
We use soap EXTERNALY
Does a plant need to "soak up" the different chemicals or w/e from the brokedown,dissolved soap?would it not affect it?

also, the smell would go away quick outdoor wouldnt it?Lol i dont wanna cause alot of attention have ppl lookin and wondering


stayin high master thai? you have inspired me to wage a war on the fungus gnat horde that has been brewin and brewin in my plants. i ordered 3 different types of venus flytraps in order to have a symbiotic relationship established, larvae into flys into jaws of death. maybe i could just eradicate the swarm with your method and feed the flytraps separately. good for you man for developing an "organic" method without all that pesticide nonsensse.

Gantz - i too was like, sweet an organic juice made with bugs. that wascal has me bugged out, eh doc?