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Some Beasters



i figured id throw some beasters up here for next person who complains their sour diesel thunderfuck kush was too weak.

its better than this CRAP

first off some middies for comparison (bottom left, duh)
bottom right some WET beasters and top is less wet beasters.
they all smell like wet hay and taste the same way. i actually took a hit from the shit up top and it gave me a headache.

notice even with middies i can fold bud in half and it BREAKS.

one more of the lower class triumvirate here...

now the BEASTERS
notice the stems are still wet enough to fold back on themselves without breaking!!!

stuff bends right in HALF...hahahaha

this is the less wet from up top of the triangle.

it breaks when folded in HALF but gets 3/4 of the way there.....


some beasters to look at for that trip down memory lane!!
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Well-known member
Damn it is memory lane, me and my roomate used to sling so much of that crap in college. lol


we should eliminate the people who grow and actually BUY this garbage.

THIS was payment for siding a "work" shed



Active member
whats wrong with the "beasters" looks to be quite chunky..

has it been molested? trics removed or maby chem grown.. Maby beasters is the strain... Sorry not local and rarely get crap buds.

personally it looks like buds grown with PGRs if so theres he reason for lack of odor and maby trics..



trichs are there (nothing on the level of super strains BUT...) but the stuff is NEVER....EVER dry....ive seen it floating around NYC area for almost 8 years now and it suprises me that it still floats.
id rather not smoke than smoke Beasters. well....almost, but u get my point.

its always wet (suprisingly rarely moldy)
always smells like grass or hay (not dried OR cured)
even AFTER drying it...it breaks up nice and DOES work, but it tastes like your gym socks after round 8 with 1975 george forman.

just a few shots to keep everyone humble.
90% of herbburners smoke THIS garbage.
the rest of us get high/medicated.

the funny thing with "the beast" is....
it's prolly be pretty good if "they" werent greedy and dried and cured it BEFORE they give it the chopparoni, you know?
in NYC its called "tourist weed"
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Active member
Hey hub

from your last desctription nearly convinces me its been grown with PGRs super bud, rock bud type product. will make buds chunky loose alittle odor, make many strains look the simular and can make a sativa like like an indica.

the slow drying could just be the buds where vac sealed too soon OR they where using alot of silica in the res. Ive noticed with heavily silica fed buds they take upto 6 weeks to dry properly when cured..

I have buds from last harvest 6 weeks ago that are still sticky and moist in the centre while in the past ive had problems with buds drying too fast in cure jar...

happy charing Hub and do all beasters look like this rocky bud.

Intersting looking buds id smoke it.. Once maby twice
Beasters= Street name given to a commercial product brought to us by the aisian mafia in canada, I forget the actual name of the strain but is always bagged straight from harvest! You can get it in most northern states and is usually around 1800 a PD! Peace, B.P.


Well-known member
There is nothing wrong with it if its the only thing you can get. It's just very boring in the high and smell department. The shit is everywhere down south here near Atlanta.


I've smoked my fair share of those. Ya know it's beasters when the bowl snap crackle and pops.


Pufftillicum said:
Beasters= Street name given to a commercial product brought to us by the aisian mafia in canada, I forget the actual name of the strain but is always bagged straight from harvest! You can get it in most northern states and is usually around 1800 a PD! Peace, B.P.


wouldnt bagging straight from harvest make it mouldy?
i rarely ever is....just wet, you know?? think bendy stems like in the pics....

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
We call that biker weed. There has been a bunch of big Asian grow op busts over the past few years. It's such a shame that people are paying that much for such crap.


often thats whats sold as bombs around where i live its rediculous i remember fools thinking wet buds was tight cause it was moist and sticky. That shit usually makes makes my stomache hurt. All that moisture adds weight too. Blaaa


Active member
Man, that pic of the beaster bud bent in half is definetely a sad picture. Who would sell buds like that? Clearly, someone who cares nothing about pot and cares only about cash...


yea beasters suck. see that shit in the midwest a lot. thats why you gotta grow your own, sick of paying money for herb that isnt even good. From my point of view, beasters are immature buds that arent cured, rarely dried and usually beaten against a screen to remove the tric heads. My last grow I had a plant that had to be chopped prematurely and the taste even after drying and curing was very similar to the taste of those hideous beasters.


Active member
No such thing as beasters around here, either outdoor mids from crap to good but ugly, and "the good".

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