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martial law in nevada!

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Hank Hemp

Active member
Sorry, but you obviously don't know what you are talking about.

Sorry but you VERY obviously don't have a clue. If there open range why did the clown pay rent till '93? Now quote me law and statue were there is open range in the 20th century. You know 1993.


Kiss My Ring
when were you last in Nevada?

I raised desert tortoises in my yard for many years. released many into the desert behind frenchmans mountain on the way to lake mead.

it's ironic them saying they are there to protect tortoises, probably more tortoises than bundys cattle in that range. both of which occupied that land for years and years. well to protect those reptiles BLM and National Park Service erected a short fence around many parts of the lake to keep the tortoises from accessing water.

google 'tortoise group'.

bundy had approximately 1000 head of cattle on 15,000 acres...about one steer per 1000 acres of desert scrub. eating creosote bush and cacti (and probably poaching a few desert tortoises for their bodacious soup) worth absolutely nothing and detracting less from 'our' collective worth.

during the seventies there was discovered a vast aquifer beneath this very land. the guy who discovered it was subsequently discredited and destroyed.


this is a grab for water and mineral resources, has nothing to do with delinquent fees for grazing rights.

The Water Crisis

Water pipeline timeline
By Mary Manning
Clark County Population: 616,650
The Las Vegas Valley Water District realizes drinking water shortages may occur early in the 21st century because of population growth, which is putting more demand on the Colorado River and Lake Mead. The water district begins seeking water in deep carbonate rocks to supplement resources from Lake Mead, from which 90 percent of the water supply is drawn. The first hole drilled northwest of Las Vegas at Indian Springs is dry, but in mid-September, drillers find water at 1,335 feet.

Southern Nevada draws 244,000 acre-feet of water from its annual allocation of 300,000 acre-feet from the Colorado River, which supplies Lake Mead. It's the largest draw from the lake in the valley's history.
Clark County Population: 661,690
The Las Vegas Valley Water District asks the 1989 Nevada Legislature to ban using drinking water in Southern Nevada's man-made lakes.

The Las Vegas Valley Water District measures street runoff for the first time and finds almost 6,000 acre-feet splashing across the valley's concrete. The study also finds that between 50,000 acre-feet and 60,000 acre-feet are wasted by over-watering lawns in the Las Vegas Valley.
Clark County Population: 708,750
Southern Nevada consumers use more water than predicted, jumping from a 4 to 5 percent use rate in 1987 at 173,000 acre-feet drawn from Lake Mead, compared to 19 percent at 202,000 acre-feet in 1988, the Las Vegas Valley Water District says. That use figure jumps to a more than 25 percent use rate in 1989.

In December, the Las Vegas Valley Water District files an application with the state engineer for 589,000 acre-feet of water from the rural counties of Lincoln, White Pine and Nye to be delivered in a pipeline. The pipeline system is estimated at $1.5 billion.

Clark County Population: 835,080
Seven local water agencies form the Southern Nevada Water Authority to address water issues on a regional basis instead of on an individual water agency basis. Pat Mulroy is named its director while still general manager of the Las Vegas Valley Water District.

Clark County Population: 990,564
The Southern Nevada Water Authority begins preparing a regional capital improvement plan to meet increasing water demands, including water resources from rural areas. The plan is flexible enough to approach water expansion projects in phases to respond to either rapid growth or slower population increases.

Clark County Population: 1,261,150
Southern Nevada Water Authority buys $25 million worth of ground water in Coyote Springs, a proposed housing development straddling the Clark-Lincoln county line northeast of Las Vegas. The water authority agrees to pay $5.2 million for 1,800 acre-feet from Coyote Springs immediately.

Clark County Population: 1,327,145
The sales tax in Clark County increases by a quarter-cent to 7.25 percent on April 1. The money is earmarked to help deliver almost twice as much water to the valley through a proposed pipeline, dipping into rural groundwater resources beyond the 300,000 acre-foot annual allotment from the Colorado River.

Clark County Population: 1,715,337
As the Las Vegas Valley faces drought conditions at Lake Mead, the Las Vegas Valley Water District goes before the state engineer in March to ask for 17,000 acre-feet a year from the Three Lakes and Tikaboo valleys, north of Las Vegas. The water will supply about 85,000 people.

The water authority approves an agreement in August that pays the Bureau of Land Management — which controls most of the land in Lincoln, White Pine and Clark counties, on which the water authority wants to put wells and pipelines — $4.5 million to supervise an environmental analysis performed by an independent contractor. The application asks for the right to build wells and pipelines across hundreds of miles of federal land in the three counties.

In September, a proposed utility corridor linking Lincoln and Clark counties for the pipeline's pathway wins approval from the House Resources Committee.

In November, the Southern Nevada Water Authority board approves an agreement with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Moapa Valley Water District and developer Coyote Springs Investment that allows the water authority to build wells and pipelines on rural areas north of Las Vegas.

Clark County Population: 1,796,380
In March, the Southern Nevada Water Authority puts a price tag of $2 billion on the plan to extract and import water through a pipeline from underground sources in rural Lincoln and White Pine counties. The plan includes building 461 miles of pipeline, 200 miles of power lines and four pumping stations to import water from Coyote Springs, Delamar, Dry Lake, Cave, Spring and Snake valleys. The water authority says it aims to pump an estimated 125,000 to 212,500 acre-feet of water to Las Vegas from the rural areas each year.

In May, the Bureau of Land Management hears a flood of testimony against plans by the Southern Nevada Water Authority to pump water from rural Nevada to Las Vegas. The hearing is part of an environmental impact statement analysis.

Also in May, the water authority boosts the cost to build the pipeline and pumps to bring more water to Las Vegas to $7.6 billion from an estimated $2 billion. The ultimate price tag could be $12.8 billion and will not be paid off until 2059, water authority financial analysts say.

In June, the Bureau of Land Management extends public comment on a proposed Virgin and Muddy Rivers water development project. The comment period is supposed to end June 10, but the extension lasts until Aug. 1.

Clark County Population: 1,874,837
In May, White Pine County rejects a $12 million offer by the Southern Nevada Water Authority to drop its opposition to a plan to pump millions of gallons of water through a pipeline from eastern Nevada into the fast-growing Las Vegas area but agrees to continue talks on a potential settlement.

In June, the state engineer rules that the water authority cannot move wells that were approved in one part of south-central Nevada to other spots closer to Las Vegas.

At the same time, the U.S. Geological Survey, with cooperation from the National Park Service, releases a study that says wells proposed for White Pine County in northeast Nevada could hurt springs and ranches in and around Great Basin National Park.

The Southern Nevada Water Authority buys seven ranches in northeastern Nevada within a year's time. The wells are expected to supply groundwater for sensitive habitats in an effort to protect wildlife from the effects of pumping groundwater from rural counties north and east of Las Vegas to the state's largest metropolitan area.

Clark County Population: 1,954,319
In April, the state engineer issues a 56-page decision that secures Las Vegas up to 60,000 acre-feet of water a year from Spring Valley, a lush rural basin 250 miles north in White Pine County. Southern Nevada had applied for 91,000 acre-feet from Spring Valley, but was granted only 40,000 acre-feet a year for 10 years. Only after careful study, clearance was granted to slowly remove 20,000 acre-feet more.

In September, the Southern Nevada Water Authority goes before the state engineer with its application for 180,000 acre-feet from Spring Valley.

In October, federal, state and local water officials note the continuing drought conditions at Lake Mead, which has dropped 100 feet in eight years.

Estimated Population: 2,000,000
Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman publicly opposes the Las Vegas pipeline encroaching on his state's water supply. Huntsman tells a Salt Lake City radio station that he's optimistic the strategy used by his state and its counties will protect the water resources in western Utah. The governor stresses that water is the lifeblood of the West and he will not allow Utah groundwater to be depleted.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
You stupid fool. I already told you he is the last rancher in town. Let's say a solar flare hits, or a nuke goes off like Obama keeps talking about. Where are the people of the town supposed to get their food? wait for the grocery store to get filled back up?We are a self sustaining valley at least we were.

it's OK, I don't mind being called names, you didn't need to alter your post at all, I got thick skin.

where I live I also buy my beef from a local farmer, if not from Jeff I'd likely go to another farther away.

It's 10 miles to town (pop. 840) and a chain type grocery store for me, they're the only grocer in town, imagine the prices. If I go in the other direction it's only 5 miles to the next town (pop. 223), the grocery store there has the old squeaky wooden floors and not much going for it, again the only grocer in town, his prices exceed convenience store prices, potatoes, onions, bananas, but no refrigerated produce.

I have to travel over 30 miles away to Bemidji to buy regular groceries, so whereas I may not live in your neck of the woods I'm remote enough to understand the complexities of convenience. I've got to drive over 65 miles round trip to buy produce, I'm curious, how far will you need to go to buy your beef now?

You claim to be in the know. Did the govt renegotiate or cancel a valid lease extending this far for Bundy? Why won't the county buy or convert the lands for Bundy? What aren't we hearing? What's been going on for all these years?

tell us all here, never mind pm's, this is where the action is.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Sorry but you VERY obviously don't have a clue. If there open range why did the clown pay rent till '93? Now quote me law and statue were there is open range in the 20th century. You know 1993.

In California at least, cattle and sheep still frequently graze open range. Check the statute yourself (you might have better luck with the word "statute" rather than "statue", though). In the mountains where I live, there are cattle running all over hell out in the woods, and the sheepherders run their herds right down the highways to move them from one grazing area to another.

Hank Hemp

Active member
In there some were is there when the open range or homestead act was still in effect? NO I remember in the early '60's homesteading was stopped in Alaska. None of this has anything to do with turtles does it? And further more who cares what the population is anywhere. This is about a teabagging freeloader on our land using it for free. We want our money with interest compounded annually sine '93. Cash on the barrelhead son. If he ain't got it lot him mortgage HIS land and if don't take the teabaggers land lock, stock and barrel. AMEN
Ain't this fun Stoner4, Why do I like correcting morons so much? Can you imagine what the Europeans think of them, you've got to laugh. I bet they are think theses idiots came from here?

Hank Hemp

Active member
In California at least, cattle and sheep still frequently graze open range. Check the statute yourself (you might have better luck with the word "statute" rather than "statue", though). In the mountains where I live, there are cattle running all over hell out in the woods, and the sheepherders run their herds right down the highways to move them from one grazing area to another.
I stand corrected. There are bits and pieces here and there aren't there. In the wind rivers a little in w. Texas and here and there. BUT that not what this is about is it? This is BLM land our land for all of us. And the land in the Wind River is mostly BLM I know from riding from Rock Springs to Jackson Hole in WY. On the left,west, was fence with the BLM signs every so often on on the east it was not. You know up to the hills there.


Active member
Cattle free by 93 they shrunk the available grazing area to basically nothing to save the turtle. They BOUGHt out the RIGHTS of the 59 or so other farmers. They tried to BUY Bundy's rights but he wouldn't sell. He also refused to all them to shrink his available grazig area to almost 0 so he kept grazing and stopped paying because they won't take fees for grazing on land they say you can't graze on. OK put it like this. You move to a desert island and build yourself a house and garden. Then the feds come and say hey now we own this island pay us rent. You say ok and pay rent. 90 years later they come and say well ok now you are only allowed to stay in the bedroom of your house on this island, no fishing no going outside and we still want our fees. Any rational person would say FU.


Active member
you can be sure I watched the whole thing, but his facetious attitude from the very start tells me that unbiased to you means that he agrees with your own point of view.

Being facetious while putting forth the govts side of the story is EXACTLY the opposite of unbiased, he is sarcastic and facetious throughout the video and don't try to fucking deny that. And throughout that video he's on one mans side and one man alone, isn't that completely obvious to you bentom?????

oh, but he's never that way when describing Bundy's side of the issue, no no no. :nono:

he can kiss my unbiased ass.......

It's fine to hate your federal govt, it's your right, it's even your right to speak out against them, but! (here I go again) when your landlord tells you that the gig is up, the gig is actually up. that's when you start lookin' for a new place to do what you gotta do.

He can't talk about facts be correct and be facetious ? So minus the facetious attitude was there anything in there that was about the facts that a discerning individual would walk away with a different opinion ?

I think the facetious attitude comes from seeing the blatant truth and knowing that certain people will just think their heros in uniform are their for the greater good.
They also don't consider it could be them next because the landlord (Govt) claims it owns all the land (USA) and eminent domain is a real threat to everyone.
The land lord also obtained the land through displacing the original inhabitance.(Indians). Stealing it in other words.
He's not going to dispute that and even pays a fee for its use, thinking he could make his living unmolested. So the only thing he's guilty of is being trusting of the government.

How do you defend the federal government taking land the state owns and declaring it a tortoise habitat ? When the same government turns around and orders the turtles euthanized ?

They are not endangered ,they don't compete for the cows for anything, they have lived there for decades and the turtle is still thriving.

The BLM has stated its a funding problem, what those dishonest idiots don't understand is when there is one rancher footing the bill because they kicked the rest out ,that's going to happen ,thus they shot themselves in the foot and the very thing they want to protect will die at their hands.

I think the problem the BLM has is being dishonest about their pretext for needlessly labeling the area a protected habitat then saying the cows were illegal grazers.

The BLM is managing the land and what goes on there, the problem is they can and will and have made a arbitrary change to the rules which will drive him out of business for a false pretext.

I got this article from a lady I don't like much or care for and count her among the many MSM talking heads but this part is worth considering.

What this tells me is, it is about developing the land and not for tortoises. Keep in mind the developments that will be put there are to benefit other private individuals or companies.
So there is no silver lining here if your against the rancher for being a cheapskate, as if no one else looks for the most reasonable costs for services and goods. He's being robbed because there is more money for the fed's in developing the land and taxing people than there is in letting his cattle graze. Either way "your land" that the government owns and charges you to maintain,and you see no revenue from is going bye-bye.

A tortoise isn’t the reason why BLM is harassing a 67 year-old rancher. They want his land. The tortoise wasn’t of concern when Harry Reid worked BLM to literally change the boundaries of the tortoise’s habitat to accommodate the development of his top donor, Harvey Whittemore. Whittemore was convicted of illegal campaign contributions to Senator Reid. Reid’s former senior adviser is now the head of BLM. Reid is accused of using the new BLM chief as a puppet to control Nevada land (already over 84% of which is owned by the federal government) and pay back special interests. BLM has proven that they’ve a situational concern for the desert tortoise as they’ve had no problem waiving their rules concerning wind or solar power development. Clearly these developments have vastly affected a tortoise habitat more than a century-old, quasi-homesteading grazing area. If only Clive Bundy were a big Reid donor.

BLM has also tried to argue that the rules have changed, long after Bundy claims he secured rights and paid his dues to Clark County, Nevada. BLM says they supersede whatever agreement Bundy had prior; they demanded that he reduce his living, his thousand-some-odd head of cattle down to a tiny herd of 150. It’s easy for the government to grant itself powers of overreach, but it doesn’t make it right. Many bad things are done in the name of unjust laws. Just look at Obamacare. This heavy-handed tactic has run the other ranchers from the area and now Bundy is the last one. He’s the last one because he stood up to the federal government.

So why does BLM want to run Bundy off this land and is Reid connected?

Hank Hemp

Active member
Stoner4 I'm sorry I've got to correct you, in my state with the broad form deed and all they can strip I'm sorry mountain top remove any land were the mineral right's were bought lol these many year ago. Even National Forest lands or what ever. God damn yankee lawyers.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
OH know you used the "L" word. You make me sorry I voted for Wallace in"68.

I have a hard time discerning any difference between you and your Southern Democrat antecedents other than perhaps the color of your sheet. Advocating setting dogs on people that you don't know and have no understanding of for exercising what they understand to be their rights sounds awfully familiar to me as a child of the '60's. It's wonderful to be able to demonize people as a result of their religious beliefs or political leanings as long as they aren't part of the PC-protected classes, isn't it?

Christ, it sounds like you are channeling that fat southern sheriff in the Dodge commercials from the late '60's.

Hank Hemp

Active member
Tell your "boy" bundy to get off our land or pay his rent we've got coming due that's all we (Americans) want our rent. Everybody else does why not him? All he wants is a hand out live rent free. Tell that heathern mormon to give up our money know body cares what he thinks. Anteceddents? Hell I better like that up you may have called me the hateful L word again. You can tell I love fucking with you teabaggers can't you. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

2 Legal Co

Active member
I'm confused!

This 'family' only owns 20 acres? Yet they 'own' 1000 head, grazing illegally on 'my' land?
What's right about that?

So the Grazing leases were with drawn in 93? That's over 20 years ago. This family hasn't purchased any additional land in over 20 years but continue to 'graze' 1000 head of cattle.

HUGE: Since you are there, and the valley is self sufficient.... Do they give you free beef? I'm not understanding how this all works perhaps, but it seems to me that IF you were self sufficient.... and you were aware of the closing of the grazing.... Do you own your own cattle and run them on the desert/BLM, as well? Or does this family 'own ' All the cattle, and charge everyone else for beef?

I've noticed for years here in Colorado that BLM and National Forest land that is 'leased' for grazing,,, that the 'public' lands invariably are grazed way too short. Which seems to encourage the scrub growth, taking grass out of the picture ..... I've also in the same vein noticed that across the road 'Privately' held land tends to have far more graze left on it, year in and year out.

Was the BLM's response 'overkill'? Yes maybe, but any response was LONG OVERDUE. Or were there previous notifications for them to remove their cattle from the land and they chose not to comply? If so, was this really overkill? Perhaps not.

And of course I couldn't help but notice that the woman who was 'slammed' to the ground was referred to as a Cancer Patient (by the 'reporter'). Rather than a Cancer Survivor. I know what a person on Kimo looks like and she didn't have that gray look, nor did she seem to lack energy, which is another sign of recent Kimo therapy. When asked about the cancer patient situation, she admitted that the cancer was in the past. Hmmmm?

Seems to me that if indeed the Bundy's were interested in honesty,,,,,and or willing to provide remuneration for the graze. They've had over 20 years to figure out a solution? Pay the County? Yeah right! Will the county pay the rest of us? It's Federal/Public land. I guess that we all need a share of the Monies? This is not state or county land!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
He can't talk about facts be correct and be facetious ? So minus the facetious attitude was there anything in there that was about the facts that a discerning individual would walk away with a different opinion ?

I think the facetious attitude comes from seeing the blatant truth and knowing that certain people will just think their heros in uniform are their for the greater good.
They also don't consider it could be them next because the landlord (Govt) claims it owns all the land (USA) and eminent domain is a real threat to everyone.
The land lord also obtained the land through displacing the original inhabitance.(Indians). Stealing it in other words.
He's not going to dispute that and even pays a fee for its use, thinking he could make his living unmolested. So the only thing he's guilty of is being trusting of the government.

How do you defend the federal government taking land the state owns and declaring it a tortoise habitat ? When the same government turns around and orders the turtles euthanized ?

They are not endangered ,they don't compete for the cows for anything, they have lived there for decades and the turtle is still thriving.

The BLM has stated its a funding problem, what those dishonest idiots don't understand is when there is one rancher footing the bill because they kicked the rest out ,that's going to happen ,thus they shot themselves in the foot and the very thing they want to protect will die at their hands.

I think the problem the BLM has is being dishonest about their pretext for needlessly labeling the area a protected habitat then saying the cows were illegal grazers.

The BLM is managing the land and what goes on there, the problem is they can and will and have made a arbitrary change to the rules which will drive him out of business for a false pretext.

I got this article from a lady I don't like much care for and count her among the many MSM talking heads but this part is worth considering.

What this tells me is, it is about developing the land and not for tortoises. Keep in mind the developments that will be put there are to benefit other private individuals or companies.
So there is no silver lining here if your against the rancher for being a cheapskate, as if no one else looks for the most reasonable costs for services and goods. He's being robbed because there is more money for the fed's in developing the land taxing people than there is in letting his cattle graze. Either way "your land" that the government owns and charges you to maintain,and you see no revenue from is going bye-bye.


I won't answer a single other question until you clear this up first:

When exactly, what year did the federal govt convert that Nevada land to federal land, please be accurate and divulge your sources.

then I'll answer everything you've brought up.


cant re Member
I would submit that awakening to a SWAT team at 6:00 am is a disproportionate response, even to fraud. Same thing with a police knock & talk for a $100 library fine.

Some pretty interesting responses on here from our law & order advocates that don't seem to understand that they could easily be receiving the same attention. Ummmm..... what is it that attracted all of us to this site again?

wtf do you think they turn up at 6am? they are hardly gonna wait unlill you are likely to have left the house. I agree with growing weed and think it should be legal. should that mean I should also agree with theft and fraud??

most of the people here accept that they are breaking the law.. you don't need to remind us of this. if you break the law guess what? police can come and arrest you!
difference is I could be arrested and still think weed should be legal. I doubt id commit another crime and feel the same.


Active member
Tell your "boy" bundy to get off our land or pay his rent we've got coming due that's all we (Americans) want our rent. Everybody else does why not him? All he wants is a hand out live rent free. Tell that heathern mormon to give up our money know body cares what he thinks. Anteceddents? Hell I better like that up you may have called me the hateful L word again. You can tell I love fucking with you teabaggers can't you. Like shooting fish in a barrel.
this is where the debate is. Is it Nevada land or federal land. He has many times offered to pay Clark county. Just not the blm because they have no claim to that land.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Tell that heathern mormon to give up our money know body cares what he thinks. Anteceddents? Hell I better like that up you may have called me the hateful L word again. You can tell I love fucking with you teabaggers can't you. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

Heathen Mormon? Teabagger? Sorry Hank, no Tea Party affiliation here. I just like to look at both sides of a situation and try and understand it rather than condemning things that I know little or nothing about. The only thing that you are shooting is your feet. When you can take the exact same hate speech and simply interchange the noun, it's time to take a long look at yourself. Face it - you've become the narrow-minded cracker that you always despised.

difference is I could be arrested and still think weed should be legal. I doubt id commit another crime and feel the same.

Gee, I wonder how Bundy feels about the law that he is breaking......

Hank Hemp

Active member
this is where the debate is. Is it Nevada land or federal land. He has many times offered to pay Clark county. Just not the blm because they have no claim to that land.

Who says?
Look I'm getting bored but I did subscribe. Tell your boy bundy to go to the county courthouse get his deed for the land it will be there and show the BLM it's his land no problem. right? Now if he don't have a deed it's not his land, right? Sorry, I'm a land surveyor and I've researched many a deed and that's how property disputes are settled. Here in KY more people have died over a foot of land than any other reason. That's a surveyor joke around here but it's true.


Active member
The constitution of the united states and Tue constitution of the state of Nevada says.

Hank Hemp

Active member
Heathen Mormon? Teabagger? Sorry Hank, no Tea Party affiliation here. I just like to look at both sides of a situation and try and understand it rather than condemning things that I know little or nothing about. The only thing that you are shooting is your feet. When you can take the exact same hate speech and simply interchange the noun, it's time to take a long look at yourself. Face it - you've become the narrow-minded cracker that you always despised.

Gee, I wonder how Bundy feels about the law that he is breaking......

Ain't nobody called you a thing just bundy hey his name ain't Al is it? One more time tell him to get his deed problem solved. right?
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