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TheWhiteLotus and his Romulan Diesel Diary


Active member
Unc, definitely getting packed in there. Didn't fill the screen as well this time around so I dont think im gking to hit the unit mark but we shall see. Maybe new PK boosters will bulk em up!

Thanks 190! Not much of a photographer so ill take it


Active member
Happy monday everyone! Hope ya all had a nice weekend! Me, ehhh, i got a little butter made and worked out in the garage.

Got a new crockpot so wanted to give it a whirl making some butter. Used 1.5 ounces of trim to 1 lb of butter.



becomes (it sets up to a nice green color)


Ohhh and check out my fortune from my fortune cookie last night :laughing:


As always,

thanks for stoppin in :tiphat:


Active member
Howdy dudes and dudettes! Finished making butter this evening....made about 7 pounds....that should last me a bit

heres the last 2 pounds goin in to cool


And some pics of the ladies....day 35



As always, thanks for stoppin by! :tiphat:


Active member
bug, im trying to come up with new things to try. always been just a cookie, brownies, or rice crispy treats duder myself


Active member
papa, i definitely do. i clean up the undersides 10 days before flowering, then also at 3 weeks in. I start to pull fans about week 3 or 4 and slowly take a few every so often. I havent taken any in a few days though, as its not nearly as bad as it was before...

your thoughts on defoliation?

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
The 1 time I did a dry ice run I only usd a 120 bag. Carefull not to shake to long or you will end up with vegetation in it like I did lol. As for the bags, You get what you pay for. I would spend the bux on a quality set.


Active member
your thoughts on defoliation?

This is the last horizontal canopy I did.
It was the first time I'd tried heavy intensive defoliation. I literally took each plant out one at a time and stripped them bare, about a week into flower, or just after stretch - every branch.
About two weeks later I did it again, some little leaves even needed cutting with scissors. Then I left them to finish. This is what they ended up like

This is a bud from the far back left of that picture, to give you an idea of how they yielded

If you ever feel like trying it, I'd say go for it, even if you only do half or a quarter of a canopy to compare. It's a scary thing at first, but I couldn't argue with the results.


Active member
This is the last horizontal canopy I did.
It was the first time I'd tried heavy intensive defoliation. I literally took each plant out one at a time and stripped them bare, about a week into flower, or just after stretch - every branch.
About two weeks later I did it again, some little leaves even needed cutting with scissors. Then I left them to finish. This is what they ended up like

https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=49668&pictureid=1191459View Image

This is a bud from the far back left of that picture, to give you an idea of how they yielded

https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=49668&pictureid=1191460View Image

If you ever feel like trying it, I'd say go for it, even if you only do half or a quarter of a canopy to compare. It's a scary thing at first, but I couldn't argue with the results.

thanks for the info papa, did you slowly do it over a few days or did you just have at it? Im at day 37 today and theyre just starting to fatten up so id be a lil hesitant at this point.....missed my window


Active member
Yeah I think the best results are had when the bud sites get light from a very early point. I just did it in one go as well, twice.

It's something to try out in future though, I'd definitely advise having a go at least once to see what you think.


Active member
Thanks papa. I did a little heavier defoliation than normal over the past 2 days to allow for a little more air/light to the canopy. Took a couple lights on shots....nothing fancy



ohhhhh and check out the neato hose dripper setup i created for the outdoor veggie beds and containers....not the prettiest but it works!



Active member
Cool... getting my veggie garden started up myself... did you decide on your tomato varieties in the end? What else do you grow? Is much of it for cooking?


Active member
papa, i havent decided on everything just yet. i have some lettuce, spinach, and radishes going right now since its colder out, but im planning on getting my selections this week! ill definitely let ya know what i come up with

Snuck in and took a few shots last night....around day 40




really starting to frost up and get all bulky....will most likely take her right at 8 weeks