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Death from Cannabis ? (in official Belgian statistics)


Well-known member
Dear ICmaggers

After a little light reading I came across the following:

In a belgian 'facts sheet' about Cannabis, from the Flemish Association for Drug and Alcohol problems (VAD in Flemish) from 2012 I found the following:

Source: http://www.vad.be/media/733558/vad_factsheet_cannabis_april.pdf
(English txt is not available...)

Interesting part of the txt reads in Dutch

" In het Vlaams gewest zijn in de periode 2000-2010 561 personen, 455 mannen en 106 vrouwen, overleden als gevolg van het gebruik van illegale drugs. Eén keer is die sterfte het direct gevolg van het gebruik van cannabis [...] Directe sterfgevallen die enkel aan cannabisgebruik te wijten zijn, komen zelden voor. Cannabisintoxicatie kent immers meestal een mild verloop.
Ernstige intoxicatie kan soms optreden na inname van grote hoeveelheden."

In plain English this reads:

" In the Flemish part of Belgium there have been - in the period of 2000 till 2010- 561 deaths (455 men and 106 women) because of illegal drug use. IN ONE CASE THE DEATH WAS DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTED (CAUSED) BY CANNABIS USE. [...] Cannabis-use only fatalities are rare. Cannabis intoxication progresses mildly most of the time. Severe intoxication may result after using big quantities"

I'm researching this as we speak. I've contacted the department of the Flemish government that deals with these statistics.
I've tried to look in to the statistics myself... not an easy task. More like that peverbial needle in a hay stack.

I really find it peculiar to find a government statistic of someone dying of cannabis use alone. Because even the scientific world hasn't encountered a single death caused by cannabis use alone.

To be continued...



Well-known member
Hahaha good one Mack!

That's exactly what I'm trying to figure out.
Maybe he choked on a baggy?

Maybe the guy used cannabis in the wrong way? ... but than again... how could that be? unless making rope from the fibres and hanging your self counts? (let's not take that morbid turn, shall we?)



I wonder what strain it was. And what the name of the death-ee is.

10 years from now, there might a strain named after him.

joe fresh

Active member
well if a guy is driving drunk, and crashes and kills himself, they say it was because of alcohol....maybe someone was driving high on weed and crashed?


Active member
Looks like the following article would ring true to the OP's article--at least in Brazil. jpt


Drug trafficker killed by his own 500kg cargo of weed after it crushed him to death when he crashed car following police chase

Drugs smuggler was on the run from Brazilian police when he crashed
Man was crushed by half-a-ton of weed which he stored in the backseat

By Sara Malm

PUBLISHED: 09:43 EST, 3 October 2013 | UPDATED: 12:40 EST, 3 October 2013

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...cannabis-trafficking-chase.html#ixzz2oRNHnpyr
A Brazilian drugs trafficker was killed by his own stock when he was crushed by half a ton of marijuana.

The man died after he lost control of his car and hit a tree, resulting in his stock of weed stored in the backseat shooting forward, squashing him against the wheel.

The driver was on the run from the Federal Highway police, who had taken up the chase after the smuggler refused to stop at a road block in Bataguassu, 210 miles from Campo Grande.
The man died after he lost control of his car and hit a tree, resulting in his half-ton stock of weed stored in the backseat shooting forward, squashing him against the wheel

The man died after he lost control of his car and hit a tree, resulting in his half-ton stock of weed stored in the backseat shooting forward, squashing him against the wheel
Police started to chase the man who died after hitting a tree (pictured) when he refused to stop at a road block in Bataguassu

Police started to chase the man who died after hitting a tree (pictured) when he refused to stop at a road block in Bataguassu

The car was loaded with tablets of marijuana and the driver was sandwiched between the flywheel and the drug charge

The car was loaded with tablets of marijuana and the driver was sandwiched between the flywheel and the drug charge

The man was on his way from the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul to Sao Paulo with 500kg of marijuana when he was asked to stop by police.

In an attempt to escape, he embarked on a three-mile chase which ended against the tree where the man died instantly, Brazilian police said.


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His car and its precious cargo were taking to the nearby Bataguassu police station where it was confiscated.

Authorities have been unable to identify the deceased because he was carrying no identification.
His car and its precious cargo were taking to the nearby Bataguassu police station where it was confiscated

His car and its precious cargo were taking to the nearby Bataguassu police station where it was confiscated

In the weeds: The drug trafficker was on the run from the police when he went off the road and was crushed to death by 500kg of cannabis he was keeping in the backseat

Authorities have been unable to identify the deceased because he was carrying no identification. File photo of marijuana plants
Tough control: The man was smuggling marijuana, a crime which carries a prison sentence of maximum 15 years in Brazil

Marijuana trafficking carries a prison sentence of up to 15 years in Brazil

Possession of marijuana and other drugs is illegal in Brazil, but if the purpose of personal consumption can be proven, whether it is possession, planting or preparation of the drug, it only entails a warning, community service and education on the effects of drug use.=

Smuggling and selling larger quantities of drugs is classified as trafficking and a conviction leads to between five and 15 years behind bars.

As with a majority of drugs trafficking in Latin America, a majority of the trade is controlled by gangs, particularly in major cities.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...cannabis-trafficking-chase.html#ixzz2oRNZ0SYm
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Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Here's the reference for that statement, as if it's going to help any;

11. Statistiek van de doodsoorzaken 1998-2010 (Vlaams Agentschap Zorg en

mack 10

Well-known member
I saw that Brazillian pic, looked fake.
All the packages looked wrong, too small to be a kilo,
the pics on here somewhere.


Active member
Death from cannabis? Doubtful...

Death from ingesting/inhaling contaminates found on cannabis? Very Possible.

Cannabis is awesome for health but it's not THAT powerful. You can definitely make yourself sick from cannabis contaminates.

Keep it Clean! :D


New member
hey chak-ra. dees zal niet de eerste & zeker niet de laatste leuge zijn dat ze over cannabis gaan verspreiden. zoals di stomme trut da cannabis is even op tv gaat slecht praaten.. nja ik probeer u al even te bereieken mr krijg geen antword. whats up?

The Hatter

I'm very curious what the circumstances involving this alleged death were. If it is in fact a true overdose death I shudder to think what the media and government propaganda machine would do with such story. My guess is there is more to this story than they have hinted at since although cannabis overdose can certainly make you hellishly ill I just don't see how it could kill a healthy person by itself unless some other disease process or drug was at work.

Then again with all the concentrates that are going around these days you never know what some idiot may have done with it. Watch it turn out to be some fool who ingested 30 or 40 thousand times the threshold dose orally, then rammed a quarter pound of bho up his ass while dabbing off a rig and shooting pure THC oil into his neck with an elephant sized syringe.

If people are able to figure out a way to overdose and kill themselves with something as innocuous as water then it stands to reckon if they put enough stupidity and determination into it they should be able to kill themselves with just about anything.
Guys we have people getting ill from contaminated silca weed!

Europe has alot of contaminated weed and thanks to the Romanian and Polish who are spraying with crap to make it look crystally or put more weight.


New member
i once bought cannabis that was high inflamable. as soon as i lighted it it completly burned away my joint. i was so scared i immediatly threw everything away. i wonder if its something like that? even if there was a way to smoke that crap im shure it would kill you

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I call huge BS on this info lol. I actually have heard of a guy dying from cannabis as he swallowed a few lbs and they broke open in his stomach .. Nothing to do with the cannabis and more about the amount in him. This was in Jamaica so I don't know how accurate it is.. Stay frosty headband 707


Active member
I call huge BS on this info lol. I actually have heard of a guy dying from cannabis as he swallowed a few lbs and they broke open in his stomach .. Nothing to do with the cannabis and more about the amount in him. This was in Jamaica so I don't know how accurate it is.. Stay frosty headband 707

A few lbs....nobody's stomach is that big..

Few OZ's of coke mebbe... That seems to happen more often.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Well this practise is actually common in Jamaica and the more they can swallow the more they get obviously .. So the paper might have been lying about the amount .Hell they could have been lying about the whole thing but when you talk to ppl in Jamaica this is common stay frosty headband 707

A few lbs....nobody's stomach is that big..

Few OZ's of coke mebbe... That seems to happen more often.

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