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is it possible to flower outdoors early in NE?



ok i have extra plants im working with right now. that i dont have room to flower.. about 10-15 plants in 5 gallon grow bags.. if i put them into flower for a week.. or 2 .. then toss them outside will they continue to flower.. its a 50-60 day flowering strain.. so

basicly.. i was going to flower these out at my place were i had the room. but we moved again so .. i let my boy put them in his room to harvest.. but the room is crowded and im thinking of ways to get the room emptied a little and not waste any plants?


Private Breeder
ICMag Donor
Not likely this time of year. If you flower them indoors for a week or two they will start to flower and slow growth. When you put them outside they may flower for another week or two but the days are getting longer up till June 21st and there is a good chance they will revert back to veg mode as the days get too long. As the days get shorter in the fall it will flower again. You can check online and see how many hours of light you get this time a year. You may have time to finish but it's a gamble.


do u think if i just throw them out now.. that they will survive and stay vegging if i dont flower them out at all before tossing them out? i have tons of clones going.. and i want to start getting them put out veryyy shortly.. and im thinking maybe ill start tossin them out early. see what works best .. do a experiment with the same strain. put them out say.. 420. then some at 5/1 some at 5/14 some at 5/20 and some at 6/1 and see who does the best ..