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Weed Pops, little spots glow as it pops


Professor Organic Psychology
I am not sure where to put this question, but hopefully a mod will know, and I thank you in advance for the trouble.

I bought a quarter ounce of this weed from this new guy that is supplying me ($60 is his price to me). It is good, smells good, taste good, gets the job done etc... No complaints, except it is a bit more than I have been spending. The thing is it pops in the bowl, sounds like a seed exploding, but no seeds. And when it pops there is a little glowing spot. There is no off taste and I haven't gotten ill.

My mind has wondered in respect to fertilizers, mite killers etc. That is the main reason I don't like to buy weed. I plan on growing my own pretty soon, as soon as I can clear out one of my spare rooms, but until then I need to buy. Funny thing is this fellow asked me today if I knew anyone that wants to buy pounds of this stuff (price break at 5lbs). It is pineapple something or another... I forget what. I told him I never had that kind of weight and don't really know anyone that does. Not my thing. It does imply that if I buy from him I will be buying the weed that pops for awhile. I asked him about the pop and got a blank stare.

This is a serious questions, thanks.


Professor Organic Psychology
Thanks for the advice. I will have to change suppliers if I feel this is unhealthy. Sounds like he has a lot of it.

And for seeds?

No if I thought it was seeds I wouldn't have started this and would not worry at all. And the glowing part... Bugs would not glow and I cannot imagine burnable metals getting to the buds like that. First time I seen anything like this in many years of smoking.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It's usually caused by a buildup of salts in the tissue.

It's probably an issue of not flushing.

I would think that maybe there are immature seeds but it's less likely.

When I was young and dumb(er) I tried to dry an unflushed (and likely immature :D ) bud in my microwave.

It popped and glowed and caught fire.

Flush your herb!!!!

You may do well to water cure it if only for research's sake.