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when cloning...


Speed of Dark
I have been following FreezerBoy's posts, looking at his pics, he does good. I do everthing pretty much opposite for the most part. I do good also.

At the end of the harvest our buds are fine.

When a grower posts I know the information is functional....for his grow conditions.
I have to decipher how similar the untold parts are. The zero % RH is one instance most others do not face. The 35 degree temperature gradient from floor to ceiling when the outside temperature reaches -40 is another. And all the other differences too numerous to even notice sometimes.

I water my clones 4 times a day (1/8 strength), AND there is a dome. If a grower in Mississippi tries this, ALL his clones will die and my ears will be burning. Context is often the same importance as the information itself.

"Moral of the story, adapt." Advice I will heed without need for a context.
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High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Trim well...don't get caught up in the hype and mysteries of cloning. Don't play with them...roots don't occur overnight...keep the temps stable and let them go the full 2-3 weeks.



Try to keep it simple and take more clones than you need...one day you will get a surprise and all clones will put out roots.

You'll get the hang of it...everyone has a way of doing it...there is not a wrong way or a right way...just a method that works for you.


Speed of Dark
I have gone a long time without cloning problems.
I read al these posts and smile cause what works for one may not work for another...and blah blah blah.

I kept rereading FreezerBoy's posts in particular, my rooms are crowded enough to get 15% RH, same as he has. Why didn't his methods work for me?
Hmm, it has been years, one of my whines about growers is their refusal to try new stuff when what they have is seemingly fine.
Hello, is that me?

I pulled two weak clones out of a tray and tossed them, whacked off two new clones from some upper ends and stuck them in the now empty holes. No solution, just stuck them in with a tray full of ten day old clones that had just lost the dome. Water and light was it.

They had 1/2" roots in three days, I pulled one up today and killed it just to see. The two 10 day old clones I had pulled to make room showed no roots, nubs only. Barely. Days are saved and time is money.

Kudos to FreezerBoy, it took numerous repetitions of his success before penetrating my resistance.


I have taken a couple of cuttings now and since placed them into a aerocloner. Rockwool was just not working for me. I took one clone and placed it into hydroton very carefully but things did not work out. My second clone has many roots, more than my first attempt to transplant, but I'm looking for advice on whether I should wait a little longer or just pull the trigger and transplant this beast. Look at my album titled 'cloning' please and make suggestions.

I don't know if my clone is too short, the roots are too big or what I might be doing wrong so any constructive input is welcome.

Thank you

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I have taken a couple of cuttings now and since placed them into a aerocloner. Rockwool was just not working for me. I took one clone and placed it into hydroton very carefully but things did not work out. My second clone has many roots, more than my first attempt to transplant, but I'm looking for advice on whether I should wait a little longer or just pull the trigger and transplant this beast. Look at my album titled 'cloning' please and make suggestions.

I don't know if my clone is too short, the roots are too big or what I might be doing wrong so any constructive input is welcome.

Thank you

I would have transplanted those clones a long time ago. If I get roots 1/2" or 1" they are good to go. I checked out your album and the clones look good but need a new home.