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Treachery from a longtime friend - Still can't get over the shock!!!!


Active member
Hey all you cool cats from IC Community,

Just wanted to re-iterate a general rule about growing which is often spoken of in these threads.

Don't grow with anyone that you don't know 100%, don't show to anyone that you don't know 100%. Do your own thing for yourself.

Be wary that friends that seem 100% loyal, may in fact not be.

I do have three friends that I know 100% would not rip me off, I would trust them with anything. We have all been tight since junior school and they have all more than proved their loyalty to friendship with me. In future though I will limit their knowledge of my operations, for their safety also.

I just got ripped off by someone I have known for years. I was in partnership with him and he took all the profit and has spent it. His daughter is my wife's god-daughter, and his wife is best friends with mine. Never in a million years would have thought this would happen, especially considering that he knows intimately how financially and emotionally challenged I have been this year.

I now face the prospect of defaulting my mortgage and losing my home. I have relied on income from cultivating small amounts of Cannabis ever since I injured myself and could no longer physically sustain my original occupation.

I guess what I'm trying to say though folks is that although we read and hear it all the time.... be very, very, very, very careful who knows or is involved in your business.

I didn't even smoke one single cone from my last harvest.

I feel so stupid for letting myself be vulnerable, in the past I have always had confidence in and relied on my intuition. I didn't even see this coming.

Hope that everyone can take a moment to review their security and consider if they might soon find themselves in a similar place. I would hate any of you to go through what I am at the moment.

May all of your yields exceed your highest expectations and the buzz be above and beyond....

Peace guys.... stay safe..... ;)


Active member
Yeah, to take the equipment. He already had the buds 'cause was his job to move them. Like I said though before, never, ever would have thought he would pull this shit. Thanks for your empathy disco biscuit, the main reason I'm posting this is to remind everyone to be careful and if possible not to get involved in partnerships.


Yeah, to take the equipment. He already had the buds 'cause was his job to move them. Like I said though before, never, ever would have thought he would pull this shit. Thanks for your empathy disco biscuit, the main reason I'm posting this is to remind everyone to be careful and if possible not to get involved in partnerships.

Sorry to hear of your situation.

In my opinion, it is ALways possible to do it alone with no knowledge of your hobby.



Active member
You definitely have a good opinion badbeans. Thanks for commiserations mate. I hope that someone reads this and realizes that they may be exposed to risk, and that they take steps to avoid the worst outcome.

Peace folks!!!


just don't molest my colas..
Sorry to hear this man. People are unpredictable. That's why my #1 rule is don't put all of your eggs in one basket. That way a failure or robbery doesn't break you.


Active member
Sorry for you short comings sad that it was a good friend always remember Scarface "Who do I trust I trust me that's who" it sounds korny but sometimes you can't even trust your own family...Good luck in the future and remember your not alone...


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
that sucks bro.. . the only reason people enter into "partnerships" is for one person to take advantage of another....

ive never heard of a partnership ever going right... i was ripped off for like 2-3 years before i ever got out of my first one.... but i learned to never do it again...

if people want to partner with me... i tell them no but always help out... id rather help out and take nothing then "partner" and rip someone off....




Active member
Ticklemyballs, Sativaking and Budweiser,

Thank you all who have posted positive replies for your kind words. You have helped make me feel a little better. Unfortunately from a previous experience I already know that sometimes you can't even trust your own family. Treachery never ceases to amaze me.

Even with people who can be trusted, if you care about them then you're not only protecting yourself but them too by providing little to zero information about any of this kind of activity/income.

Hope that you all have health, herb and happiness today and in future. Your sincere thoughts are why you deserve this.


Active member
Thanks PoopyTeaBags and DJXXPlatinum, very good advice for those out there who might end up in a similar situation if they don't review their investments and security.

John Deere

Active member
Thanks for the reminder, Parallel, and best of luck to you. That really sux. Any chances of recovery of what you've lost since you know who took it?


I'm shaking my head in disbelief and what a long time friend could do to you and your family. Sorry for your loss.
What does his wife say to your wife?


Active member
Unfortunately as they are the partner of my wife's best friend and the father of my wife's god-daughter I wouldn't really do anything. This guy is pretty connected so I'd have to murder him if I wanted to retrieve money and/or seek revenge. Anything short of that and I would have him come back at me and 'take care' of me. I'm not prepared to kill anyone over weed anyway, it only makes weed look bad and evil in our communities eyes. There is already too many negative stigmas attached to cannabis where I come from without people killing each other over it.

All I can do is learn from my mistake and warn others not to be naive.


Active member
Thanks though JohnDeere and HighDesertJoe,

Everyone who has contributed to this thread is helping me be stronger.


Active member
No, she has no idea what it's worth either. He told her that I chopped some and put aside and that's why they're not gonna pay me. He owes me about $Xk for my share yet he's telling his wife that I took $XXk out from underneath him. Crop total wasn't even $XXk. My wife knows what every bit is worth because we rely on it as a source of income and not as disposable cash for wants. She tried to explain to her friend, but she doesn't want to hear it. I don't blame her though, how would you feel if your best friend told you that your partner dogged them for thousands of dollars.
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