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Evolving Society


Civilizations rise and fall. The Romans, the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Egyptians, etc. Why? Disease, natural disaster, societal upheaval, shifts in climate, war, and reasons we aren't even sure of.

All of these civilizations had societies that evolved from lesser origins. They evolved, rose to prominence, then fell, sometimes for reasons we understand, sometimes for reasons we don't.

Our society will continue to evolve. Maybe for the better, maybe for the worse. How much it evolves (or devolves), and how far is unknown.

But history has shown that eventually, civilization hits some sort of point of no return and crashes. How and when ours hits the wall is unforeseen.

I'm not stocking up on ammo and MRE's just yet, but I'm optimistic for now. Yellowstone could blow tomorrow and we'd all be back in the Bronze age.

All of the previous civilizations were generally local civilizations unknown to most of the world at the time. Today we have a global civilization where an event thousands of miles away effects most of the planet. Where an act committed 100 years ago effected only people in that area. Today has global repercussions.


Grinding extra.
They have us locked in a trance. They are doing such a good job, we trample our brethren to be the first to buy thier goods...

Does anyone remember this?

"Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede
Friday, November 28, 2008
A Wal-Mart worker died early Friday after an "out-of-control" mob of frenzied shoppers smashed through the Long Island store's front doors and trampled him, police said.

The Black Friday stampede plunged the Valley Stream outlet into chaos, knocking several employees to the ground and sending others scurrying atop vending machines to avoid the horde.

When the madness ended, 34-year-old Jdimytai Damour was dead and four shoppers, including a woman eight months pregnant, were injured."

This made news for a fews days at best. Hush, hush....

What are some things we can do to help waking people up? (Short of dosing the water supply, which won't work due to oxidation, however is feasable in a water cooler situation if the water was distilled...) ;)

What would happen if tommorrow all the grocery stores in America closed for a month?

People are so asleep, they rely on others to provide them food. "The powers that be" have set up a system in which the mojority of the population not only does not raise orgrow thier own food, but WOULD NOT KNOW HOW if they HAD to...

They have set us up to be relient on THIER food supplies. Which are sprayed with pesticides, mixed with nitrates, sprayed with nicotine. We drink THIER water which is laced with Floride, which is calcifying your pineal gland (revered since the dawn of man as your third eye, the place where DMT is regualted in the body...I will ad that when the calification aroud a human penial gland has been analized, it was found to be made up of material 300X more concentrated in floride than found in ANY OTHER PART OF THE BODY!)

So you see, most of us go through life not even giving a thought to where our food comes from and how to sustain ourselves and our families... The MAJOR MAJORITY just goes the supermarket. And will kill you if you stand in thier way when the sales are on.

Think about a "cave man" being released in todays world. Amoung many other feelings and thoughts, his first would most likely be securing a food source.

Would that early man be so fast to trust the grocery store will always be there to provide for him?

If everyone else around him did, sure... ;)

What I'm trying to get at is the first step to some sort of mental, cerebral, spritual evolution is becoming aware. Self aware. Aware of your surroundings.

We shouldn't be so relient on government, religious institution, etc.


Active member
Black Friday is madison Ave taking advantage of modern man's desire to have a tribal connection.

It's a group of a few friends gathered together with a mission to get that hot toy, or gadget.

The object that people trample others for, will be forgotten by new years. It's not the object it self, but the bonding and the experience involved in trying to obtain it.

I have aunts that still joke about a brawl at Toy's R us that they got in trying to get a cabbage patch kid.

We all yearn for war stories.


Active member
Good topic. I'd recommend "Human Zoo" by Desmond Morris as it offers a different (and still fresh, after decades) look in human behavior in todays supersociety by comparing city-dwelling humans to animals in the zoo. It makes so much sense.

I see anarchy as something that could be a useful tool for change, but not a working system in itself - people are not lone wolves but highly co-operative and social species that will always arrange itself into tribes and societies with some kind of power structure. This doesn't mean that the way it's done today would be perfect, or even in any way good way of organizing. Another book that just came to my mind that'd make a good read on this topic would be Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, which deals on neotribalism.


Grinding extra.
Black Friday is madison Ave taking advantage of modern man's desire to have a tribal connection.

Indeed. And by "Masdison Ave." I'm sure you're reffering to those who choose and control what we watch, what we hear and see, and therefore how some of us think.

They have a better idea on how a human works than most humans.

And yes, it is used against us. Everything is. Our fears, our passions, everything that drives us is twisted and manipulated to get us to act a certain way.

Look at marijuana as an example...

They told you (the majority, white America) that migrant Mexican laborers were smoking the plant and becoming enraged violent ad sex crazed animals. That black folk (may I ad at this time there were laws on the books that stated a "colored" man could not step on a white man's shadow! Or couldn't tip thier hats to a white woman!) were smoking it in Jazz clubs everywhere and raping white women while "stoned".

That played on a huge fear... And the result?

Exactly their intention. Marijuana has been deemed illegal! With NO medical use (unlike cocaine). And has remained that way for years... Agencies have been made to "protect" us. Many generation have been employed.

So instead of people feeling cheated and controled being told they can't use a plant, most poeple go on feeling all warm and cozy inside for may years until....oh shit! LSD hits America...


They are more aware of ourselves than we are. And it's used to thier advatage...

Good, scared, little taxpaying citizens. Lining up on the roads in herds everyday at 8am and 5pm. With what? Our shepard police officers keeping the herd in line and "on track"?

Yes, pretty much....

And it is very effective. They've got many of you so scared, you type behind a viel of anonimity. Some of you hide what you do from even YOUR OWN FAMILIES. For fear they themselves might TURN YOU IN...

They got us shook!

h^2 O

its a joke, now they're saying 60mph winds. It will just be a big storm. I don't foresee extensive damage


Active member
its a minority that "controls" us (they dont, not really)

a tiny minority that owns everything..

when they fuck up enough, they will be gone, either ignored or something else.

the village idiot is only annoying when everyone is paying attention to him (not to mention actually following his tune lool...)

but ignore him and he soon settles down (or if he gets into trouble, he just gets chained in the garden, free to roam bit, but since he´s dangerous to others (but too much of a idiot to be set free on a small island somewhere) he´s ona leash)

lol , course it says alot about the rest of the village that they listen to the village idiot, snazzy dresser though he is, but sadly appearances used to be everything and still are to a great extent.. lol.. damn idiots.

but we evolve and the empire of folly is falling apart.

but this is too a connected of a world now to easily fall apart.

systems do and make for new ones, but man will probably outlive the cockroaches.


Active member
Humans have always strived to eliminate pain and increase pleasure. This trend will never stop. We will end up in the "Matrix." But will will enter the Matrix under our own free will.

Not sure what it will be called, but in the near future a virtual reality simulation machine will be sold to the public. Some will live in it all day only comming out for work and food. Some will starve to death in the machine.

Some fear the "Elite" want to reduce the world's population. They won't, we will. When you can have virtual kids that you can turn off when ever you want. This will kead to a steep decline in the birth rate.

Speaking of turning off...

when you can have sex with the hottest women on the planet, in an enviornment that feels 100% real... what will become of real world relationships?

I see a future where the majority of the people on planet Earth spend nearly all day in a world of their own creation.

With a few settlements of Neo-Amish scattered around the world.


Active member
I think the question is why have we come to the point that so many are violent? A hundred years ago it was possible to live your whole life and never see any violence except maybe two drunks going at it. Or a fight over a girl.

100 years ago the entire world was gearing up for war. 100 years ago a proud Indian nation existed where I live. Yet I have never seen a memeber of that tribe. Where did they all go? I go to the near by casino, and still I see no natives.

Violence has been the norn since day 1. Now since we have 24 hour news coverage, and FBI stats, it makes it feel worst.

Can you imagine what the news coverage would have been like during the Crusades, or the Civil war, or during one of Ghengis Khan's bloody rampages.


Grinding extra.
H20 - That's funny I was going to respond when I saw that yesterday about the hurricane "scare tactics" they've recently employed to sell us thier WATER, BATTERIES, a few GENERATORS, CANNED FOOD, and others items.

I have a good amount of experience with hurricanes. I have made it a point to witness as many storms as I can. The strongest storm being a catergory 4. The strongest storm I've been outside in, a catergory 3.

Irene is a currently a 1. These things loose ALL of thier intensity once they hit land. It will be a tropical storm by the time it reaches NYC.

I'll bet an ounce of herb!

The reason I'm finding this interesting is because of the borader line panic state the news has got everyone in. Look how they act at the thought of not being able to go to a SUPERMARKET for a few days.

Or to have to go without electricity for a day or two...

Shelters are being open, manditory evacuations, it is a joke (to me).

A windy rain storm is coming that will knock down a lot of branches on trees not evolved to withstand these force winds. That will knock the power out for, I'll venture to say 48 hours MAX.

sso - You are correct. It is a minority that controls a majority. Thier fancy clothes have us fooled. lol

meduser - The treatment of this land's natives by it's early European settlers!?!?!?! Shit that's a whole other topic... Read about what Lewis and Clark did to a small group of teenage blackfoot Indians...

Everyone stay safe during the inclimant weather. And have fun!


Grinding extra.
"Who made up words? who made up numbers?
And what kind of spell is mankind under?
Everything on the planet we preserve and can it
Microwaved it and try it
No matter what we’ll survive it
What’s hue? what’s man? what’s human?
Anything along the land we consuming
Eatin’, deletin’, ruin"

Last edited:


Maybe people would evolve more, but why even smarten up, our products are being forced to be made so that dumb people don't hurt themselves !
Lawnmowers that shut off when you let go of the handle, so that "dumb people won't hurt themselves trying to use as a hedge clipper"!
Cars that have air bags so that dumb people that won't use their seatbelt might not die in a car crash that the seatbelt would prevent!
The list could go on forever!


Maybe people would evolve more, but why even smarten up, our products are being forced to be made so that dumb people don't hurt themselves !
Lawnmowers that shut off when you let go of the handle, so that "dumb people won't hurt themselves trying to use as a hedge clipper"!
Cars that have air bags so that dumb people that won't use their seatbelt might not die in a car crash that the seatbelt would prevent!
The list could go on forever!
I sense a thread?? Yield signs at the RR tracks!!! Stop?? OK! But U need to b told a choo choo got the right o way???


Active member
The fact that this and other threads like this exist is a great sign.

Did the Rapa Nui people of Easter Island examine their way of life?

Did the Romans?

Trees are being replanted daily on Easter Island. regrowth is occuring.

Rome still exist. It's a tiny city in Italy, be exists non the less.

The future belongs to those that prepare for it today.


Stay Puft

Touched by the noodly appendage

Touched by the noodly appendage

I believe some of us are evolving. (and seeing things differently)
In example:
I have been touched by the noodly appendage of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Now I'm off to be a Pastafarian!
can I get a "RAmen"?
May your pasta bowl always be full and you be eternally marinated!


(please google "Flying Spaghetti Monster" for more information)


There are some people currently working on a concept called, Sea Steading... can you imagine what sea steading is?. Well, just think of the 1995 film, Water World with Kevin Costner. That's right sea steading, is building and living in a floating city. Sounds mind blowing right, well it is, and the first sea stead is due to be finished within the next 20 months.

The first sea stead will apparently be located 25 miles off shore from California, and has already received several million in start up donations. The intent for sea steading, is to provide a place where people are completely free to experiment with different types of societal organization, in order to see what works best not only for them but people as a whole. For example if u wanted to live in an anarchist, communist, or democratic sea stead, you could choose, simply hop islands in a sense, and see how life is on the other boat. There could even be a cannabis growers commune, imagine that. Also internet and other resources will be readily available.

Check it out, http://seasteading.org/


Active member
ForbiddenFruit I see a future like that also. Tribalism come full circle. Like minded people, hunkering down with other like minded people.

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