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Cannabis Art I Did, whatcha think??About to put on ebay, how much would you pay?

dj digigrow

Active member
cant believe nobody mentioned the security aspect, hopefully your in a med state, be careful telling everyone your listing on ebay when you have potentially incriminating posts/pics

Nothing goin on right now so im good, will keep this in mind in the future though


Bush Doctor
It needs work on composition and something like a focal point or complimentary color. But that's just like, my opinion, man.


weed fiend
Thanks for the feedback!
@geeker its handpainted by me, I guess I could include a certificate of authenticity

You could always sign your paintings in acyclic. Keep up the good work.:)

I can't offer a price. But consider concept in your pricing. Some of your best work may not be your most time-consuming yet command the high price.

My pops oil-painted a photo of his childhood home. It's geometrically correct, color coordinated and all that. His girlfriend did a somewhat abstract watercolor sketch and it turned out better, IMO. There's just something about concept and how it's interpreted that strikes the buyer as much or more than time/skill.


New member
My pops oil-painted a photo of his childhood home. It's geometrically correct, color coordinated and all that. His girlfriend did a somewhat abstract watercolor sketch and it turned out better, IMO. There's just something about concept and how it's interpreted that strikes the buyer as much or more than time/skill.

Anyone with technical skill can paint anything without much thought to it, but it's the whole thought process that really contributes to the wealth of the work. With enough practice, anyone can paint a bowl of fruit adeptly, but conceptualization is a very special process that distinguishes each artist as his own individual...and it evolves right along with his own thought processes and experiences. :smoke:


Well-known member
You're going about it all wrong my brotha.....you don't ask folks what they WANT to pay....let the cretins on Ebay fight each other to the death for it.
In addition to that, you ask for a ridiculous amount of money and then folks will flock to it. You need some fantastical hype like you're a sought after artist that just died and the value of your vast artistic collection has just increased 100x.
Plus I wouldn't tell a single mofo what it was....art is completely and totally subjective....most folks are just full of shit anyway when critiquing it. Someone may pull a Rorschach and think it's a hammock or the second coming of Christ or whatever. Now you've got the entire artistic community in the pool for purchase and not just a few stoners with discretionary income.
That's the ticket!
I totaly agree dude.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Good of you to create something inspired in our sacred herb.
3 hours with a smoke break?!? Well done my friend keep those brushes busy and good things will come out of it. No doubt about it.
I don´t understand why are trying to put a price tag on your work...and please don´t narrow your options, i don´t see cannabis growers and users as major art collectors&critics ;) if you get my drift.
Art is the metaphysical "golden goose" so don't kill yours before the first egg.

dj digigrow

Active member
Good of you to create something inspired in our sacred herb.
3 hours with a smoke break?!? Well done my friend keep those brushes busy and good things will come out of it. No doubt about it.
I don´t understand why are trying to put a price tag on your work...and please don´t narrow your options, i don´t see cannabis growers and users as major art collectors&critics ;) if you get my drift.
Art is the metaphysical "golden goose" so don't kill yours before the first egg.

yea I guess I shouldnt have asked how much would someone pay.. I would say Free myself if someone asked me the same question.. lol..
I ended up putting it on ebay for now @ $100 we'll just have to wait and see if I get a bite..
But more are definitely in the works and I will be submitting some to seedbay soon enough....

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
check out this chicks work.... http://www.facebook.com/CathyLeeArt?sk=photos

i kinda dig her stuff...




OR this chick Kristian Angel - super sick cannabis art - http://www.kristian-angel.com/

ill post her work up here to give you more ideas man.... im an artist myself believe it or not, but i have not done a piece in a good 8 years, so i know how motivating it can be to look at the work of others.... similar to what we do here on icmag, we peep out what the other man has got going on!

check this stuff out tho, i dig her style... she sells prints of these for ten bones... limited edition set... i wonder if she will sell out since im posting her work here? i think im personally going to grab up one of each...


"Lemon Kush"


"Purple Haze"


"God's gift"


"Kali Mist"


"Matunuska Mint"



dj digigrow

Active member
I really like the lemon kush and the purple haze.. I like the colors.of the first pics as well.. This sure is some inspiration! For now id like to keep my stuff handpainted only. Keeps it more limited and I can get more $$.. Thanks for the pics lonewolf.... Before this I hadnt painted in a few years myself.. Just pick up that paintbrush and do it!:artist: