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Ona inside the grow box.


I have no carbon filter inside because my box is too small, and cant stick one outside because I need to be really discrete. Has any one tried growing with a ona block inside their grow room to reduce the odor?

Also is there a difference between normal ona and ona pro?

I mainly want to know if it will ruin the buds.
Why not build a small carbon filter?

2 pieces of mesh, a frame and some active carbon inside and a fan to pull the air through.


senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
I would not put it next to my plants. Next to the exhaust maybe.


My fan is pulling with enough stress as it is. I don't think DIY filter would help any. I have 41cfm with low rpm 120mm pc fan.

You think if I make a little hole on the lid it would be fine? I have a febreze carbon filter outside in my room but I can still smell the faint herb smell. I am in 2th week of flowering so I know It will get stronger. Any solutions?


Active member
are you getting the ona that comes with the fan? if you get the one with the fan that attaches to the top i can assure you it will smell up everything making it very hard to pinpoint the smell of your herb.

didnt really know there was a difference i just thought one covers more square feet than the other.

not sure how well the jug of ona will do just sitting by itself though.


for the price of one ona block you could upgrade your fan. for the price of the second ona you could build your scrubber


Active member
well only problem i see with a DIY scrubber is how stealth is that gonna be, the most ive seen arent too stealthy.

would suck to make one thinking it was done right, only to see it doesnt work so well. in some cases its just better to spend a couple bucks.


ona is scented
ona pro is scent-less

ona/ona pro are essential oils. to be effective the offending odor must come into contact with the particles of evaporated oil in the air.
getting ona to work 100% is a crap shoot it's alot better as a back-up to catch any stray odors your filter doesn't handle.
essential oils don't harm your weed. it would work better if your exhaust and the ona mingled together.

Mr Jay

Well-known member
You will still be able to smell the pot. Look up micro carbon filters in the micro section.


Active member
Also remember that just because you cant smell it does not mean it doesn't smell. Once you get used to the odor its hard to determine if you do have an odor problem. Take no chances or shortcuts. Don't get cheap when your freedoms at stake


New member
ona pro works fairly well. i ran kandy kush and it masked the smell of the 1 scroged plant amazingly. i then tried sour d... the ona did absolutely nothing against that monster and i was forced to get a scrubber. so i guess it all depends on the strain. but i actually ran ona in the box.. i had great buds. just keep it fairly close to your exhaust fan... your room will smell like fresh linen


Thanks for the helpful tips guys. I may consider making a DIY micro filter seen a lot made one, came out very noisy and impractical. I have over 5 fans laying around that I don't even use. I think I have my cab the way I like it, I just got to figure out a safe, quite, and reliable way for odor control.

I do have a Hamilton beach carbon filter running outside my nightstand. It works fairly well. But I still smell the faint aroma of the buds, however the other inhabitants of the house don't seem to catch the smell or maybe they are turning a blind eye on it.


ona pro works fairly well. i ran kandy kush and it masked the smell of the 1 scroged plant amazingly. i then tried sour d... the ona did absolutely nothing against that monster and i was forced to get a scrubber. so i guess it all depends on the strain. but i actually ran ona in the box.. i had great buds. just keep it fairly close to your exhaust fan... your room will smell like fresh linen

I got a question mate did your crop taste and smell like ona afterward?


New member
not at all, that's what i was getting at while i rambled. i didnt even keep mine near the exhaust and it still didnt hurt the buds. just make sure you have good airflow