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4000 watts, 1 bedroom apartment: can it be done?

Thanks for the continued great info guys. I've actually saved this thread to a word doc, haha.

I live in a med state (colorado) fwiw.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Then study the Landlord Tenant laws for your state.

Nothing matters, unless it is vindicated in court.


1K per bedroom is the norm. 2K is pushing it with heat and fan noise. 4K is doable, but will need a considerable investment in odor protection and AC needs.
every time you open the door to your apt. there is a risk. also, are you going to be a hermit for 6 months? no one is going to visit you?
biggest problem is when you need to trim potentially 6-8 pounds... do you know how bad (good) that smells? your cloths, cell phone, furniture, everything in your apt and your whole building is going to reek. also...thieves might get to you faster than the cops.
Ugh. The harvest smell. I knew I was forgetting something stupid.

That is going to be an incredibly difficult situation, right there.


Not necessarily too bad. Although this is another area where 2x2k would help lighten the load.

Just trim your buds wet, inside their flower tent, lights off and fans/filters still running. Hang dry them there for a week, and then cut them down into jars. Kind of sucks to lose a week of production, but you grow how you can.


Dude you have a 10 x 10 tent to harvest in...Just keep the scrubber going.
And while your at it throw in a lawn chair and ice chest while chopping and get a tan with the lights on.
I am currently running a 600watt grow tent in an apartment. But its not an apartment complex, it is a house split up into 3 units.

My landlord would be considered a "slum-lord", she has not visited once in the 3 years I have lived here. Maintenece never comes over unless I call them about something broken.

My biggest concerns about a 4000watt grow would be the noise.

My 600watt tent is pretty noisey so I'm sure a 4000watt tent is going to be loud.

This is how I vent my grow tent out of my apartment window...

From the outside all you see is closed blinds, you have to be really close to even tell the window is open. The fan does make a noticeable noise outside the window tho, but where I'm located this noise is down out by the passing traffic on the street.


That's a pretty cool solution you've got there. What is the silver cylinder toward the tent side of your ducting? Is it a muffler? And how does your window cover work? Just a frame of 2x4s that hang over your window with insulation stapled to the frame? Or do you have plywood or something as well? Is it attached to the wall/window at all, or does it just kind of hang there?

And do you run cool tubes? I've got to imagine that cool tubes would be a good way to cut down on total cfm requirements, and thus cut down on sound.
That silver cylinder you're seeing is just compact ducting that hasn't been extended yet. There is probably 10-15feet worth of ducting there but its only stretched to about 3 feet.

My window cover is made out of 1inch thick foam insulation, no 2X4's or plywood were used. It is held together with hot-glue, duct tape, and paper clip pins.

It is not attached to the wall, except for a duct tape seal. It fits snugly against the window frame and just hangs there, but I went around and sealed up all the cracks with duct tape.

And yes, I do run a cool-tube. 6inch cool tube, 6inch exhaust fan.
Hey RobMarley is that tent a greengold one i think ive got the same one its ok i use it for veg. I rock 2k in a 1 bedroom and use the stove outlet for power with a 40 amp powerboard.