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DoobieDuck 2011 Grow Diary


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
tagged :friends:
this is one i def dont wanna miss....i can only imagine the way this spot is gonna look here in just a few....and im predicting atleast 3 potm noms :D
peace brotha-T-


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Rez Strain..

Rez Strain..

I got a message it would only let me include a limited number of images in that previous post...sorry Rez.
Edit:..ChemHaze Chem Dog:

Almost all the plants in this grow have been topped alread, only a couple sexed, one ChemHz/ChemDog yanked as male. Two Red Stem are female. I'll keep you in the loop..
Last edited:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
heehee,looks as though you still have that large hairy pest problem!:laughing:
i suggest scattering some rush limbaugh books around,if that doesnt work set up a tv in the greenhouse and set it to fox news:laughing:

lookin great doobster,im sure there will be some beauts again this year!

The Hummus Monk

Active member
Hi Doobie!

Nice greenhouse and nice vibes...

Out of all those strains it's the Mystic Gems I'm most excited about...not sure why!



Senior Member
ICMag Donor
..what a nice buntch of friends!

..what a nice buntch of friends!

I'm so honored to have so many good folks tagging along already. I'll work it hard for Ya.
lookin great doobster,im sure there will be some beauts again this year!
Unc..thanks buddy, hope so, I have more sprouts a germin but will only post them when they hit the ground.

Beautiful grow Doobie. Love the green house. Best of luck with her.
Easy thank you..
Best of luck this season DD. I'll be watching.
Nomaad thanks for joining..Im watching your grows as well...
Mug many thanks...
I bet that chair gets allot of use out there relaxing watching the flowers bloom.
Hammer yes it does, I find it very easy to fall asleep in it after lunch every day..kinda peaceful.
I'm tagged :)
Welcome Jare..
Hi Doobie!
Nice greenhouse and nice vibes...
Out of all those strains it's the Mystic Gems I'm most excited about...not sure why!

Monk many thanks, me too! Here some more vibes from yesterday...
As always I will not only be showing off my creative cannabis photography but will always include pix of my birdie friends, flowers, and anything else that catches my eye.
Here's an example of some of the images I'm uploading today to the thread:
Wall flowers, boy they smell great, overwhelming, planted the full 30 foot length of the house. There are some Sweet Williams amongst them, those will bloom soon.

..the view out the main entrance to my summer home...


...these hanging pots I planted a month ago and they are starting to take off:

...and the lettuce patch, we can't give it away fast enough:

..thanks for your views and comments...DD


Wow, loving that lettuce patch! I'd like to do something similar myself, haven't made it happen yet. It's actually a dream of mine to someday get a home that has room for a greenhouse, and you are making that dream even stronger :tiphat:


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Mugen many people made me dream here at IC as I watched for years utill I got this baby up...it takes time, but sure is nice in the end, good luck, I hope you get one sometime. Maj welcome to the diary.
No cannabis pix today, very sorry, I do have hemp though! I know-boaring-This is an very old, very large and heavy rope that is part of my pulley collection and the GH is just the place to display it. Also in the house you might notice some of my antique ice grippers for the old blocks of ice hanging around. I like to fill the place with artifacts, they make for good eye candy. DD



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
looks lovely, great shots as usual- like the bearded iris, shame they only flower for 5 minutes :D

in the words of william morris

"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful"

Elevator Man

Active member
Wow - what a spot - nice work Doobie. Rather jealous of the monster greenhouse - if only I had that isolation! Look forward to seeing the crop develop over the summer...;)


Well-known member
I highly approve of this greenhouse, I look forward to it being filled with.... greens!!!


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Lovely greenhosue DD, those lettuce look so lushis and flavourful,
Organics is it?

Im tagged in on this one Peace. Afro.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Bit late but all tagged up for the rest of the show :D
Looking good so far DD :good:
:smoke out:


You have a wonderful spot there, Doobie...looks like a beautiful place to be. Good luck on the summer and I'll be checking for your amazing pix...peace!

Also, great work on the Stratocaster F3...nice selections