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Hey dude,what's wrong with my plant?



son of a bitch! are you kidding me... Golden Fanboy List? WTF! This seedbank is gonna blow up!

anyways, Swami Cheezer i just wanted to show the success i've had with the sweet poop #32. soon as i get the ABC clinton cut it's on!



if you notice the nice color variations, that from KFC baby!!!!


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Active member
just wanted to show the success i've had with the sweet poop #32. soon as i get the ABC clinton cut it's on!

if you notice the nice color variations, that from KFC baby!!!!

man... if you get ahold of the lewinski cigar pheno i will give you 13 rolexs if you let me breed her for my super triple ibl project i'm working on.. :wave:

that's a badass girl you got there! nice color dude, but you should defoliate for better yeild and cut off all those useless leafs that aren't showing color.


Living with the soil
BTW guys..the gravity flush is now a patented method. It's available through Swami K seeds bros.

Nice colors for sure...you can count on that. Who will make photo of the month?.....I have a good feeling I know who.
~Swami K~


Alchemical Botanist
Those are malicious rumors started by one of my former partners who has stolen some of the Swami's cuts....I think you know who we are talking about without mentioning names.
As you know I am an avid photographer and was in that trailer taking "art pictures" with the person in question.

And yes..it's a killer deal @ $19.95 isn't it.

killer .. you said it. ;) I'm mixing up a bug solution that will kill everything and be persistent for at least 1000 years. Better value for dollar you know. That's the important part right?

Now that the "art" pictures have been mentioned we, as your humble supplicants, await said pictures so that we may gaze upon Swami most lecherously. :laughing:


man... if you get ahold of the lewinski cigar pheno i will give you 13 rolexs if you let me breed her for my super triple ibl project i'm working on.. :wave:

that's a badass girl you got there! nice color dude, but you should defoliate for better yeild and cut off all those useless leafs that aren't showing color.

Definitely 40! i just need to grow these out a lil more to see the true genetic's. i'm hoping for solid herm's but i'm keeping my eye out for those thc's. i'll keep another eye out for the lewinski cut, i'm an avid cigar fan myself. i should start the grape kool-aid additive soon enough. going for the dank fire with these Swami Kushendez Seeds.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
son of a bitch! are you kidding me... Golden Fanboy List? WTF! This seedbank is gonna blow up!

anyways, Swami Cheezer i just wanted to show the success i've had with the sweet poop #32. soon as i get the ABC clinton cut it's on!



if you notice the nice color variations, that from KFC baby!!!!

Shwagg, I knew you would make it one day! Beautiful plants man! way to persist; you're playin with the big boys now. Move over Ed and that Spanish guy(?)



I got the letter today! I have been excepted to the first run of Swami Kushendz Cannabis College!!!!!!!! It comes with a new Orange Jumpsuit (complete with DOC on the back), 10 ABC seeds and a FREE months supply of Adult diapers. Man I am so stoked.

And get this,, the letter said I will get to attend classes given by Proffersor Matt Rize!!!! Rize up Baby.......I am going to hit the big time now. There was mention of 2 other guys going to give lectures on Compost Tea.....some guy named Tim and his side kick Tad. The letter made them sound like they were Batman and Robin.....who ever those guys are anyway. Who needs Compost tea......looks like a skip day to smoke.

And all of this for the low price of 15,000 € for 6 weeks. Friggin awesome!!

Classes by Matt himself. WOW!



Good luck at school Von! Maybe you can pass on the cliff notes to those of us who can't afford it!

On another note, I read a thread by someone who swore "gravity" hardener was the shit. I went to the hydro store and the guy agreed! So i bought some, and after just a few days you can already see a difference:

Got mites bro? Follow this program and you'll have the dank nugs fo' sho'

"If you have mites you better get on a serious program. I fogged with a pyrethium fogger, 3-4 days later hit them with Floramite, 3-4 days later another fogger, 3-4 days later, Forbid. I did this until I saw no more signs of infestation and then a weekly rotation of Forbid, Floramite, Azatrol, Sns217. Your safe with the Floramite/Forbid until like week 2-3 Bloom then you have to use the SNS/Azatrol, but you can use the foggers up until a week or so before harverst. Do not wait or those little bastards will take your whole place over."


The method I used is to take a 44 gallon rubbermaid trash can fill it up with water and 2 gallons of Safer and dip the plants in that twice a week. Do not rinse them so the bug killer really soaks into the buds and gives you that long lasting protection you are looking for.

Organicterra......I think I will try that next time. Sounds like you have worked it out good with that system. fo sure!!



One day you will have to answer to the children of
Got mites bro? Follow this program and you'll have the dank nugs fo' sho'

"If you have mites you better get on a serious program. I fogged with a pyrethium fogger, 3-4 days later hit them with Floramite, 3-4 days later another fogger, 3-4 days later, Forbid. I did this until I saw no more signs of infestation and then a weekly rotation of Forbid, Floramite, Azatrol, Sns217. Your safe with the Floramite/Forbid until like week 2-3 Bloom then you have to use the SNS/Azatrol, but you can use the foggers up until a week or so before harverst. Do not wait or those little bastards will take your whole place over."
I was always worried about dipping my shit in Diesel fuel during week 1-2, but now, no worries man.


Is if possible to just dip you plants into straight Floramite and kill the bastards once and for all?

Will it flush out? Should I use molasses to flush? Acai berry juice? De-caffinated coffee?