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coco clone experiment

awesome, im sure you will see roots in a week.

on similar note i was trimmin up my garden and took 20 cuts shaved the bottom and put them in beer cups with 1/2 strength charged coco, no hormone no dome...
i really don't know what to expect...but my hopes aren't high. lol

good luck.


Active member
Nice, I will be following this for sure! I prefer Clonex gel, and soak my cuts in some water with a drop of clonex gel mixed in...for about 20 min. I see you are just putting in the Coco, they will root if you keep the temps and humidity in the "zone". Might not be in 6 days, but they will root. Once you get cloning in Coco down, it is stupid easy! It is like clockwork for me...unlike bubble cloning. I get roots by day 7 EVERY single time, and I am running 8 different strains. Good luck, looks good so far!! I see you added Rhizo, good idea since you did not use a gel.

emerald city

cut the clone ,dip in clonex,stick in coco,water with lite fert solution....If your bottoms temps are aprox 78 degrees youll see roots 7-10 days 14 tops..done..even by the woodstove no need for humidity domes..


Active member
thanks for stopping by :wave:

truescience- comeback and let me know how those root.

slowandeasy and emerald city- yeah i have used the same method in root riots, clonex gel, clonex solution and roots excell- same clone for years now, same results- around 2 weeks i get healthy roots, which is fine , i'm used to that schedule hahaha. i just thought since i don't need these it would be a good time to play around with a new method, plus it's fun. i'm not trying to get roots in 6-7 days, but it would be pretty funny if did tho:bigeye:

NEW CLONEX GEL is out BTW and it rocks! i used it on my last rootriot batch. it's got twice the butric (sp) acid- it's called "red" i think

Humidity matters the first few days....if your humidity is low, your clones will wilt or take longer. Trust me, I have taken hundreds!



Would like to point out that if you have the space available i suggest not to cut any leaves. This beast: No gel, Fresh Coco, GHE 0-6-9/GAL, Under a dome for a week & without it another. Most important when cloning in coco: Use fresh coco and correct temperature!



Active member
Humidity matters. Don't listen to that. Try cloning in 25-45% RH like in my environment. Haha. You will learn quickly. 80+% the first few days makes a huge difference. Paper towl helps a lot too. Most people overdo the light.