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33 sq feet of vert

33 sq feet of vert

  • Female

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Male

    Votes: 10 76.9%

  • Total voters


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new room, fresh start

Here we go


These first plants have been around for a while, smashed together,in a 4 in pot at about 50f for many weeks. The bottoms were pretty spun out and their color was a light shade of green. Not sickly plants, just denied due to lack of space. 5 of these plants were from some herb that was packed with beautiful healthy seeds. The herb itself were fat healthy nugs the color of burgundy wine and covered in snow. Pretty sure it was outdoor too. So I popped those in oct and they've been living in peat pots for 2 months then made a huge leap to 4x4 pots. Not the best method for coaxing a female out.They still arent fully preflowered, some micro starts but nothing conclusive. It looks to me like long thin calyxes that will roll its pistil out soon. Maybe its wishful thinking but they are some really nice looking plants. I think only one looks like a male, maybe 2. Soon to be seen. The others on the screen are Blue dragon and Purple Mr. Nice. Came in with 26 fresh n healthy clones, took the lid off and stuck them about6 ft from a 600hps and left thinking id be back in a bit and i was gone 13hrs, devastated them.....



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My soil mix is 15 parts pro mix hg, 7 parts used soil(about 75% worm compost mix, coco and perlite and hydroton amended several times) and One part earth worm castings




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these ar ethe liners for the bucket bottoms, some privacy screen. Keeps the drain holes a little cleaner.

Fresh Replanted



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In come the moms
So on to more clones. These are a bunch of Blue Dreams
Then a bunch of Blue Dragons



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and some air rooting experiment on the Purple Nice, Bull Ghani Haze and Purple Diesel
Some of these moms are over a year old. When its time, ill show how I trim the roots and repot to keep them healthy and productive for so long in small pots.


Thats a 1/8th chunk of Rapid rooter, sliced in the middle, soaked then warped around the stem, wrapped in plastics and twist tied



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@ 1gpw,The plant objective is to get almost 40 bud sites/ 2 gram flowers in its 504 sq in (14x36)vertical footprint, using 8 plants. Thats 31 4x4 squares at 2 grams each. I think i can get that many sites, with good lighting. Im unsure of what I should expect from each site. Properly set, large leafed and lolipopped of course.
Thinking im going to let the tops over grow the cage and over the bulb instead of topping to send a growth burst to the side branchings to achieve an equal screen canopy. Gives it a flat round shape. Sort of like topping an outdoor 5 footplant a foot or two, gives that a nice ball shape.I'd like to get an octagon medium base. But I'm on the KISS method and trying to stay on track with that because I'm itching to set up an RDWC around one of these cages. My biggest expense is a nute chiller there, but man, how fun.. maybe for the next round. My plan is to flower 8 different cages over 6 months, we'll see.


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I've considered making individual screens for each plant to veg onto, then just slide them into its flower spot. These being used for rotational, green sea cropping. I'm thinking I'd rahter have each individual vertical cell in synch with each other, ie; veg and flower all four in the same room, setting back at the same time. But I may rethink myself into the perpetual sea of green, hmmm.....
My other thought is to veg them with a Vert400mh naturally, one side to the light(not turning the pots)and keep a cageless traing regimine on them untill flower height, and then put them into the flower room and cage train them right into flower. K.I.S.S.


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I use rapid rooters soaked in hygrozyme to clone with. I make tags out of panda film, cut them into strips and using a razor, slice an x in the top to insert the cutting through. Perma tags. Writing in ball point pen leaves the letters impression should the ink fade or wash out. I dont worry about having a node in my cube, I scratch, very lightly, the end of the stem that will be inserted, with the scissors, just before I cut it from the mom.(only because I'll forget, just how I've trained myself) Just scraping the stem with the cutting edge of the scissor. Not enough to sever it, just a scrape. I put the clone dip im using in a separate container to prevent cross contamination.The hole I'll be using is pre pierced with a stainless steel mini screwdriver to prevent stem bend.
Once inserted, the clones are put on a bed of wet vermiculite, sprayed with azatrol or spinosad, put under a dome with vents closed at 78f using a thermostat and propogation mat. the vents are opened 1/4 on day 3 or 4, then a 1/4 more the next day and finally open all the way open. about day 6-7 I get them used to the llid off. If they're chill, I leave it off. Each day from day 2 or 3, I take the lid completely off 2 times a day to replace all the air.
I used to soak my cuttings in roots xcelerator solution for 12-24hrs after cutting to ensure maximum cutting saturation but these last 2 domes full I just cut n cubed. Sometimes I'll soak the cubes in RXcelerator with the hygrozyme





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that clone was trimmed but the leaf in the foreground is a FIM cut fro about 5 days ago

Thats a bubba Ku top


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Upcoming projects include a spring time crop, possibly hoop housed, using freshly amended beds underneath the spring harvest plants' pots, to create heat in the hoop hose.
Blumat auto watered (my back order came today I heard!!) flowering Sour Grapes(purple Elephant x Chemdog x sour D ), Green Candy (Green Krack x Candy Kush) and some Bull Ghani Haze.
Once those finish, dropping the summer crop in the already cooled, amended boxes covered in hoop houses and using supplemental lighting, get them Girls in their holes early May. Want a few trees but the others will be manipulated for profile and sun.


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I don't tie the plant to the cages, it makes harvest difficult. Instead I tie the twist to the cages and make hooks with the loose ends. The ties are left on the cage for subsequent grows.The entire plant will be grown outside the cage, with only the budsites hanging inward.

