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My 1200 Watt Perpetual Garden


M3TH- The number of 10 ounces was an estimate. I have no idea what to expect. What do you get with your similar setup?


I have a 4' x 3' x 3' veg cabinet adjoined to a 8' x 4' x 6' flowering cabinet. Going to be running 1200 watts as well. I'm very interested to see what this turns out. :)


I just flipped to 12/12 last week so I have no idea what to expect. Hoping for 6-8o's every 2weeks or so. I will have 4 sets of 6 plants (24 total, first batch is in) each 2 weeks apart in a 5x7 room, under 2 600's plus 160 watts of floros for a wider light spectrum. Plus a 240watt side veg room to support moms, clones and veg of course. When do you expect your first harvest? real interested in how your grow turns out. I'll be around. peace

Tarus Bulbar

Lookn Excellent bro!! Its definetly normal to get
slapped in the face with the smell even when
running a filter!! As long as the tent is enclosed
with negative air pressure its all good! Just means
no air is leaking out without running through the
filter 1st. If I ever had 9 extra clones that I didnt
need,id give em away to a friend OR just flower
them all with alot less veg time than normal!!
Cheers Bro


gegessh - thanks dude :cool: stop back!

M3TH - I considered the staggered method but figured that I would constantly be taking clones and have plants in every stage of growth. This can lead to feeding problems in my experience. Especially with me using Blumats now, I'll need all plants to be in the same stage of growth for feeding purposes. The only reason these plants are at different stages this time is because the seeds were started at different times and this is my first time with these genetics as stated earlier. Harvesting 12 plants every 2 months in is the plan. The White Widow has ~1.5-2 weeks left on her, I think.. She smells soooo dank and and sticky!!

Greenadian - I can't smell anything until I unzip the door. Is there a way to know if I have negative air pressure? As for the extra clones, giving them away is not an option since nobody knows that I grow. I guess flowering or killing the weak ones are my only options. There's a lot of time to think about this though...

Stay tuned for more updates!


Tarus Bulbar

Yeah bro its easy! As long as your intake fan (cfm) is
smaller than your exaust fan (cfm) you are creating
negative pressure!! Hope this helps ya!
Not too much to worry about if you cant smell
it around the tent/room/house!!
Cheers Wise


Yeah bro its easy! As long as your intake fan (cfm) is
smaller than your exaust fan (cfm) you are creating
negative pressure!! Hope this helps ya!
Yes it does help! I figured something along those lines. I should clarify, this is not a tent. The only exhaust (6" 218 cfm) I have running right now is filtered through a Can-Filter 33. That must lower my cfm, right? The intake is a 5" 149 cfm. Is that a sufficient difference?

I'm really liking the intake, it has LOWERED my average lights on temps 8%-9%! The addition has even RAISED my lights off temps 8%-9%, which were dangerously cold at under 50° F!

Tarus Bulbar

Oh Ya Wise,that sounds good to me!!
Keep those pics coming bro!!




Well I did it! I harvested the top colas of the White Widow at 54 days flowering. It may have been a little early but I should have a decent supply for awhile and I'm really anxious to try the top notch smoke. I'll give the lower small buds a week or so more. The WW is so damn sticky.. my hands were black after the trim.


I'll end the day with a little photo dump taken a few hours ago... Click to enlarge..

2nd from the right, White Rhino, look how short she is!

BoggleGum & Cheese

Cheese, Cheese, Harvest White Widow (A)

So what is causing some lime green plants? I've added N to the flower regime - hopefully that helps.

Tarus Bulbar

Nice Work Wise!!
If you have the time,make sure
to give those WW colas time
to cure!! It will smooth out the
smoke ALOT