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Karma - How it works?

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Active member
So I see people always sending out good vibes when someone has an encounter with bad luck. ++k to those with a string of bad luck.

So obviously a good number of people here believe in Karma.

But what is it?

Does it punish you only for bad actions, or bad thoughts?

Does it reward you when you reward others?

When you suffer bad karma, does that clean out all the karma woogie boogies and now you are back to neutral karma?

If someone gets raided, robbed, or has a failed crop, is that because they somehow deserved it in the greater scheme of things?

Do you folks just send out good karma so as not to affect your own personal karma?

Just trying to get a grasp on this a little better.

I have my own ideas but I'd like to hear what others share about their belief in this ultimate justice system (can I call it that?) known as Karma.

I have trouble putting my thoughts in words for this subject matter, but didn't want to just view and not post because I think this has the potential to be a VERY interesting and eye-opening thread...as long as everyone stays civil and open-minded :)

I, for one, am still relatively young - and don't see myself with enough experience/wisdom/whatever to have my ideals set in stone. Which is not to say that I do not wholeheartedly support my ideals and live by them...I just like to keep an open-mind for the possibility of things contradicting those ideals, or me seeing the flaws in them if any.


Active member
was watching deadliest catch, the crab fishing show. and one boat that had a film crew on board was following another boat. was a guy chainin the pots on the side of the stack, and he fell off. the boat w the film crew saved him. and after that the guys that saved the man, there pots had 100+ crabs in each one. before that they were gettin like 40-50 crabs per pot.
to me that was a very good proof of karma

rick shaw

Good question about karma. It is the concept of your actions or deeds. The way you live your life. The "cause and effect" you are thinking about is called samsara. What you do shapes who you are. The results of your actions are called karma-phala.


Good question about karma. It is the concept of your actions or deeds. The way you live your life. The "cause and effect" you are thinking about is called samsara. What you do shapes who you are. The results of your actions are called karma-phala.

simply put MR shaw.

it seems to me people have the karma idea all wrong. people treat it as a religion, a religion with conditional love depending on how you treat it!

doesnt seem right to me but if thats what it takes(fear of karma) for you to not rob your neighbor, then by all means, bow to the religion of karma


There is a kind of personal balance - "evil" and "good" being extremes. Karma is your balance with regard to your interactions with society.

Keep your balance open to charitable acts, be more likely to experience same. Do unto others isn't originally an xtian concept. Expect nothing for being kind, you will be rewarded for no reason at all.



Active member
for me karma has always been the same as the concept of 'what goes around, comes around'.

in other words, we each create our own karma through our own actions, lie and cheat and you will be lied too and cheated.

and maybe it's even deeper than that in that if you're a liar, it doesn't matter whether others lie to you because you will just think they are at least as big a liar as you are.

no, if you aren't trustworthy yourself, how can you ever truly trust anyone else.

so do unto others as you would have them do unto you and you'll probably be alright.

peace, and stay safe, SOG


Active member
Karma is very real.

Most refuse to see it.

A friend of mine wanted to learn how to grow.

I gave him one clone.

He added 2 more seeds from bags he bought and 2 more clones from the dispensary.

Now he has spider mites.

He was supposed to learn a hard lesson the easy way.

Now he refuses to learn the lesson because he has 5 plants he doesn't want to destroy.

Had he stuck to his agreement it would have been a lot easier for him to toss out one plant.

He could be growing kush.

He became greedy now he gets nothing but stress.

This is his karma or samsara?


Karma not religion - I'm atheist

Don't believe in god, ghosts. No devil, no demons.

Not the same thing as karma - be a dick, people will be a dick to you...


Active member
Karma may be a buddhist or indian religious concept but 'karma' is more akin to luck so neither politics nor religion.

what that means is, if you act like a douche, you will attract other douche-like people and events into your life, and deservedly so.

and Noobian, consider, ...it's only you with the contentious attitude.

so go forth and create your own karma.

peace be with you, SOG


Active member
i have a lil philosophy on that word.....when you break it down it sounds like "care ma" self explanatory "care" meaning care and "ma" is short for "mom" and "ma" being the planet aka mother nature aka the big "GOD"...mo.....in other words do you "kar ma" if i do this, if your inner self tells you yes then you know there is gonna be something to pay....if your inner self gives you the OK then you know "mother nature" dont mind....she seaz EVERYTHING....
off topic but it sounds cool....be spontaneous you already live on the plan'it;)...


ICMag Donor
I look at Karma as a "what goes around, comes around" type thing... I don't see anyone preaching Buddhism or any other type of religion......


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
I can't believe in karma as I can't see any real proof of that as I can't believe in many other things like the most important religions or to ghosts for the same reason.
I'm open to karma concept,but I just can't have any proof,so I can't believe in it.Why you guys believe in it?I don't mean I am right and you're wrong,really, but I'm curious about what a karma guy thinks of it and how he\she start to believe.

However I often send good vibz to other people in need.I think to the one I'm sending good vibes and hope in my heart they'll be fine or whatever.You can call it a very little prayer maybe...and maybe it could be better than nothing...for many reasons

One Love 731

Senior Member
“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.”

I have noticed there is a few who choose to disable rep/karma cuz their just not interested in the popularity contest. The majority of members who choose this option seem to be those that just don't understand to get respect you need to give it. Funny how those that seem to take a thread and try to destroy it many times have chose to disable the rep/karma system. Its the easy way out, its easy to be a jerk and never look at who you are compared to who you want to be. When one puts him or herself in the next persons shoes and show's compassion the rewards are endless. By looking at ones self and being open to new ideas the world becomes a much happier place. when you do something good, in return you feel good

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” Buddha.

Peace, pot and karma. One Love:ying:

I love IC Mag's rendition of the yin & yang smilie, two opposites moving together. They go around and then come around.

rick shaw

Watch your thoughts,for they become words.
Watch your words,for they become actions.
Watch your actions,for they become habits.
Watch your habits,for they become character.
Watch your character,for it becomes your destiny.
Truth or lie here is a definition of karma that is dharma free.


So I see people always sending out good vibes when someone has an encounter with bad luck. ++k to those with a string of bad luck.

So obviously a good number of people here believe in Karma.

But what is it?

Does it punish you only for bad actions, or bad thoughts?

Does it reward you when you reward others?

When you suffer bad karma, does that clean out all the karma woogie boogies and now you are back to neutral karma?

If someone gets raided, robbed, or has a failed crop, is that because they somehow deserved it in the greater scheme of things?

Do you folks just send out good karma so as not to affect your own personal karma?

Just trying to get a grasp on this a little better.

I have my own ideas but I'd like to hear what others share about their belief in this ultimate justice system (can I call it that?) known as Karma.


:biglaugh: every pot grower I know believes in karma must be something that happens to you when you accept the herb into your life.

Honestly I never thought much of it til I started growing herb, no instead of getting pissed at people I just wish real hard that karma fucks them where the sun dont shine. From what I have seen it works LOL, bad people usually get their just deserves, just sometimes it takes a while but what goes around eventually comes around.
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