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Kratom & Cannabis:


Well-known member
Anyone like Kratom?

Anyone like Kratom?

i personally love the stuff. if yes, what variety do you like most?


Now in technicolor
I haven't tried it but I have a psychonaut friend who goes to a Kratom bar in FL. He loves the stuff and this is somebody that normally sticks to high doses of hard drugs.
Nothing special in it. Tried few times, different leaves, different extracts. Only 10x extract were worth of something, but I would take good heavy indy over it anyday, if I need to calm down.

Nothing comparable to decent opioids like Tramadol, workmen best friend! :mopper:


Well-known member
what's with the pizza talk? i'm gettin' hungry- haha.

herbal extasy- i take tramadol too. it helps gets me through my long work days. but i love kratom for sure. i've seen the 10x stuff on some shady looking sites but i've never tried it. i read that it's hit or miss with vendors- some sell bunk garbage, some sell quality product. like seeds perhaps?

tbl-yea it's similar to an opiate.

bigswifty- it's not a pain in the ass for me at all. i put some powder in a cup, mix with water, heat and drink. when i first started- i stopped for like 6 months because the taste was just not worth the effect. the powder turns to gritty mud in water and it has a very bitter taste lol. now i love the taste. kinda like with whiskey. the smooth shit is cool but i'll take the jim beam.

moonchild- my roommate has taken some kratom to help ward of opiate withdrawls with success. i've had some withdrawls from kratom itself and it is indeed pretty close to opiate withdrawls. we're talking hydrocodone here, nothing too heavy(but not fun either).


Active member
I've done this twice now, the kratom removes all of the anxiety/paranoia that I experience with weed. I've also found that edibles made with cannabutter tend to be a less paranoid/racy way for me to consume.

Space Ghost

It's a plant native to s.e. Asia that has psychoactive chems that mimic opiates in your system...


Kava is another good one for anxiety... numbs your mouth too. But in my experience, both Kratom and Kava are too much of a pain in the ass to prepare. Both are easily acquired over the net, FYI, though.

So much easier to crack a brew and smoke a J.


Active member
You're spot-on about prep being a PIA, Molson.

Kava, to me, tastes like ass (and you need to drink a ton of it!), but I've been able to "toss-n-wash" a teaspoon of Kratom @ a time... it makes me all-kinds of mellooooowww - NO paranoia, & 100% legal!

I'm not a big alcohol fan, brews make me feel bloated, alcohol in-general makes me sloppy (although I used to toss-back a few Bradors in my time).

I'm buying a capper for my Kratom powder, capsules will make dosing more pleasant & precise. Cannabis & Kratom work so well-together! (eh, for me at least).


Active member
I've just started experimenting with kratom, I like it. I've only used the 20X extract, but I have some powdered leaves on-order, which I've read will give a fuller experience, because all of the different "non-essential" alkaloids aren't taken out, like they are in the extraction process - it's been described as a more natural, more complex effect.

I've had several back surgerys, and was given hydrocodone post-op. The kratom has a ligher-version of that effect on me. I like cannabis for relieving back pain, but I hate the racy/paranoid feeling that sometimes accompany cannabis - this helps me not be anxious.

(wow, that's a LONG sentence!)

From my research I've also discovered that you need to be careful of addiction - this is something that will be considered a treat, only used once in a while.

M00nchild is right, you need to treat kratom with respect and caution!


Active member
i personally love the stuff. if yes, what variety do you like most?

Sorry for not answering this earlier, phog. I purchased sample packs of a "20X Standardized Private Reserve Extract" powder & a premium commercial-grade leaf powder. The 20X powder is expensive, & I frankly haven't been all that happy with it. The bali premium powder (not an extract) is just great - so much for getting more for paying more!

You do need to take a considerable amount for the effect (I take about 10 grams of it). I tried making the tea, but that tastes terrible, and "Toss-n-Wash" is difficult also, because of the flavor & texture, so I spent another 30 bucks for a capping machine & 1000 size "00" capsules. I take anywhere from 18-24 capsules per dose. This, for me, is the way to go. Capping is easy, you get very accurate dosing, and taste isn't an issue anymore. I have no problems with taking all of those capsules, for me it's easy (6-8 caps @ a time).

I purchased 500 grams (yep - thats 1.1 pounds!) of the bali leaf powder for $95, I'll be in kratom for a long-long time!

I'm impressed with the way it loosens my back spasms, it makes you feel just great, & it's legal.


wow thought i was the only one on this tip....i got into entheogen research early on way before i started growing...I tried kratom along with other herbs and loved it....

kratoms great, after work i would make some hot coco measure out my dose of kratom toss and wash...i was gaging at the raw herb taste at first...but shortly after a few doses i was in love....and found myself liking the taste of raw herb

The effect vary for me...if i take a little bit i get a boost in spirit and energy...a moderate to strong dose for me has me couch lock pain free feeling to it....i suggest it but only to those who are strong willed cause it is well known to be highly addictive

educate yourself before indulging into other herbs first erowid is your friend
I'm impressed with the way it loosens my back spasms, it makes you feel just great, & it's legal.
Not here anymore, where government try to ban every motherfuc*ing chemical, that could be used as a drug. They like to keep that way that no one is having fun. Only Booze, that shit that causes 75% policework, is legal. :friends:

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