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anti-anxiety strain for my situation

headband 707

Plant whisperer
THCV works against your high.

Well sorta lol some ppl love this others hate this Thai , Durban Poison, African Black just to name a few. Also depends on the grower ,where ,when, how it's harvested and so on .. But yes this is the cannabis that causes panic for some.. peace out Headband707:tiphat:


Registered Med User
(c99Xsourd)X(herijuanaXsourbubble)...... haha, theres about 150 threads on this exact same topic. there is no perfect weed that will cure your anxiety. you must make lifestyle changes, find wut causes your anxiety and change it, or if that doesnt work constently face your fears and it will subside.


thanks every one. Im going to look into all the input. I'm doing the just one hit after I get off work thing now. seems more comforting. GDP is making me drowsey. Its been curing for 4 months and its a total eye closer now. that Sadhu seems good :) looks friendly lol.


Soma's A+/Rock Bud. I remember reading an article in O'shaughnessys about a specific cut that was GS testing at 6% CBD. High CBD strains will mellow you out if anything will.


I use Dark Kush(bluehemp) or Ata Tundra(seedsman) for this or a cross of both.. Or try Parvati (RSC).. very high in CBD


What up. I agree with herborizer - vaping and tinctures vs tokes are a bit less of a rocket ride. In the evenings now I almost always use a tincture of 50% everclear and 50% glycerine, but I am still experimenting on my batches. Once you get the dose right, you can make it a very comfortable experience.

As far as strains go, I have a Blackberry cut from PNW that is great. It is very mild but long lasting. I guess it just hits me the right way. I also have a Flo that is great, but a little more energetic and subtle.

Good luck with your quest friend. Don't worry if it takes a little while.

Purple Kush has always helped my anxiety in the past. I like it at 10 weeks fully mature,it envelopes you in a great state of general well being. Not a big fan of other purple strains but SR71 PK is the best indica Ive grown and smoked for alot of mental issues.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
"Cannatonic " 3rd prize winner of the High Times cup in 2008 Sativa in Amsterdam came in as the queen of CBD's . Two samples were tested high on THC and CBD's
The cross is MK Ultra(F1) And G13 Haze Male grows like indica smells like sativa. Supposed to be amazing results.. not sure haven't tried it yet I have just read about this in Treating Yourself Mag. peace out Headband707


I highly reccommend the Sadhu as well. Not the most potent strain, but it isn't meant to be. I think the reputation of low potency is because of higher than normal CBD, suppressing the THC a bit but also being anti-psychotic/relaxing. Just guessing here, I don't have a gas chromatograph. It also had the most resinous buds I've grown in my limited experience. As medicine, I'd always reccommend Sadhu over stronger, more popular strains like C99, which can make me anxious.

Also, no amount of meds can fix a fucked up life situation if that's what's getting you down.

Here's some Sadhu. The trichome heads are naturally big, about 33% more than my C99

I grew some Sadhu last time. Amazing yield, and I harvested from 8 to 10 weeks to see if there was much difference (not much). It is a bit of a trippy high, I would say it is actually quite strong in its own way. But my wife says it puts me in shit faced stone mode and she hates it when I use it, asked me to get rid of all of it. I seldom have anxiety with weed, all the stuff I have grown still has a slight racy edge (which is why I drink a bit while toking, just some, too much booze and weed is not a good mix).

I could not make myself destroy it, so I took about 4 ounces of Sadhu and extracted the THC into Everclear. The stuff is so strong you can get high by pouring the Everclear on your hand ... I will try putting some drops on cigarettes and letting it dry (will likely have to do a few times) to see how that is for a discrete smoke ...

Anyway, for me, Sadhu isn't quite what I think you need, but strains affect different people in different way.


You need Blue Heaven by DJ short. But unfortunately its probably extinct, or very very hard to find. As others have said, you need to take a close look into your life situation.
I suffered from anxiety so bad that even going to buy groceries would send me into a huge panic. And going to my kids Christmas concerts would literally paralyze me with fright. What helped me was chanting, formally in the morning, ie sitting on a mat, and running always in the back ground the rest of the day. Having a faith base is very beneficial for well being.
And at the end of the day the promise that i could have a glass of wine and a toke. But only at the end of the day.
Over time my life situation changed, and the anxiety left. I got a different job with a group of great guys, and a understanding boss. Oh and a union, it made all the difference.
Your situation will also change, but dont look to cannabis as a panacea, you have to do the work yourself. Its just there to help.


ICMag Donor
I completely second SOTF420's suggestion of checking out SWT. On top of CRIPS (complex regional pain syndrome) from a sever injury, I also have severe depression. Sweet Tooth (or anything with Sweet Pink Grapefruit) has always been great. The smoke is happy, that's really the best way to put it. Check out Next Generation's Dynamite until the new Swt comes out. NG Dynamite is a 5th gen. backcross to SPG.
I grew some Sadhu last time. Amazing yield, and I harvested from 8 to 10 weeks to see if there was much difference (not much). It is a bit of a trippy high, I would say it is actually quite strong in its own way. But my wife says it puts me in shit faced stone mode and she hates it when I use it, asked me to get rid of all of it. I seldom have anxiety with weed, all the stuff I have grown still has a slight racy edge (which is why I drink a bit while toking, just some, too much booze and weed is not a good mix).

I could not make myself destroy it, so I took about 4 ounces of Sadhu and extracted the THC into Everclear. The stuff is so strong you can get high by pouring the Everclear on your hand ... I will try putting some drops on cigarettes and letting it dry (will likely have to do a few times) to see how that is for a discrete smoke ...

Anyway, for me, Sadhu isn't quite what I think you need, but strains affect different people in different way.

Good post. Different effects indeed, or maybe different pheno? I remember silverback(RIP) saying Sadhu was the weakest out of a multiple strain grow, citing Maple Leaf Indica as his choice for meds. The Sadhu I liked most was always enjoyable and uplifting on my mood, but not sleepy like you'd expect an indica to be. This was at a 70 day harvest.

Your description makes me want to buy another pack, as I lost my favorite pine pheno.


mapple leaf indica I smoked on for a while, that was great, but the smell /taste got old after a while, reminded me of a sweet sandlewood cinnimon combo that annoyed me lol. Spice of Life Sweet Tooth #3 is sounding tastey. People have different wants when It comes to smoking weed. some want to be shit stoned, others super energetic, some for pain. I am the type of smoker who wants a warm and sunny day with a breeze toke. ultra happy vibes lol. train wreck, weatehr the stuff I had was the orgional cut, or bread with a cutting of the origional and sold as pure arcata(I think it was or something like that) cut. that was some very introspective medicine. The high seemed to last for hours on end with a very thought provoking aspect to it. cant wait till the legalize in florida.....


I have the exact same problem. I use to be able to smoke a ridiculous amount when I was younger then one day I started getting anxiety attacks when smoking. But when I was younger I wanted to get "high". Now I use it to get ride of anxiety caused by stress. I think dosage is extremely important. I find I still get anxiety if I smoke a lot at once. I find it the worst off the first joint of the day too. I think this is mainly because I want to still be able to get things done so I don't want to get too high. If I smoke a little bit then slowly increase consumption through out the day I am fine. I don't try and get "high" anymore and don't look for the most potent strains. I personally like drinking it. I have a chai tea blend that has kava kava in it that is really nice around bed time. I just boil about half the water I normally would make the tea then add almond milk and a pinch of cannabis and let it simmer for about 15minutes. It has enough fat in it to absorb the cannabinoids. In the morning I make another chai tea with black tea and I just sip on it throughout the day. If people ask what Im drinking I just say chai tea. Strains I like are Satori, Kemo, and Cannatonic. Don't like C99, find I get to much of a mind race. But again if I start off with satori, or cannatonic by the end of the day I can handle a bit of c99 and enjoy it. Again I think dosage is important. Sometimes when I have a really stressful day I can handle a lot more and need a lot more to reduce stress and anxiety symptoms...


I think I hate haze. I cant stand the high I get. its always a stupefying high where I constantly am forgetting WTF I was thinking about. If theirs one charictersit to a high I do not like, its the type that makes you constantly forget shit. I always feel like Im burned out after smoking that stuff, and always seems to leave my head feeling hazy and crappy. Any one else know of other strains that have this effect so i can stay far away from them? I loved my GPD Ive been smoking, no burned out feeling at all. My guy always gets haze when he cant get the good medicine. I really want to know where it comes from, its always spindly but none the less sensimellia. some ones growing it and Ive been able to get the exact same haze from around town when its in for the past 9 years, its like some one dosent know how to grow but keeps kickin it out to multiple people to offload who cant get good stuff. I want to vomit knowing Florida is the 2nd biggest growing state next to cali and the good stuff comes from cali to my guys source. across the whole USA because of floridas shitty laws. were 2nd state of growers but will be the last to legalize even medicinal MJ.


i suggest from experience
dj short- everything
apollo 11
bubble berry
bubble gum
if access to clones onlys
gods gift
socal master kush
pure kush
grape romulan
bubba kush
pure og
707 headband
platinum og kush

I think yumboldt and blueberry are the best for anti anxiety imo. You might want to try smoking spliffs and out of pipes.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
i suggest from experience
dj short- everything
apollo 11
bubble berry
bubble gum
if access to clones onlys
gods gift
socal master kush
pure kush
grape romulan
bubba kush
pure og
707 headband
platinum og kush

I think yumboldt and blueberry are the best for anti anxiety imo. You might want to try smoking spliffs and out of pipes.

I will second this list well done bro.. peace out Headband707:dance013:

Amber Trich

Active member
I love DJ but old time moonshine can at times be a bit racy. surprisingly. grape krush is really soothing though and like i said -flo