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Where should I move to in the US?


Well-known member
so you'd rather take the risk in NC of kids ratting you out when po po puts the squeeze on their dumb ass for smoking in the dorm?
they will rat you out-everytime-their ass and a bright future are on the line-your just a greasy no good grower to them
although the +30 market is huge and uber discreet-i'm talking from profs to school teachers-limitless potential out there in NC-like the rest of the east coast
me-no thanks-no exchanging of money-don't throw pearls at swines-I have a wonderful life outside of these forums and the greenhouse-I'm looking for a lifestyle that allows me to enhance my wellbeing via blazing/growing but that is not the be all end all if i can't make a living at it-I enjoy higher education and that is why i'm swayed towards cali
think 420 CSA! meds discreetly delivered in weekly prepaid allotments

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
The way I would try to do California, if that's where you really want to go, is to get a roommate and share a spot until you find a job. CL has tons of roommate ads. I haven't read through them, but I would imagine some of them would have to be "420 friendly."

1. Go to CL and find a roommate situation online that sounds agreeable.

2. Come out to California, get your med card, and just buy herb until you find a job and save up some money. I know you want to grow, but waiting will give you a chance to network and meet people involved with mmj. You might get lucky and find a job right away. Ya just never know.

3. After saving up some money and working for a few months, start looking for your own place.

4. Move into your new place and grow, grow, grow!

I know said I would go to NC in my earlier post, but then I thought again. I asked myself this question: If I failed (couldn't find a job, bleeding money, etc) would it be easier to move from NC to CA or the other way around? I think that it might be easier to fail in CA and then move to NC where the living is cheaper and it would probably be easier to re-organize and try again. You might fail miserably out in CA, but at least you gave it a shot, ya know?

If you want to come to CA, make it happen.
move to the big island, Hawaii... spend 5 grand on a slice of jungle or lava land raise goats grow everything (food) you need, surf, fish and piss on the world....

Best post i have ever read on IC..period.

Its so simple, but yet so hard.
Serioulsy man....Like Hemphrey Bogart said above.....You have 10k and an education.....fuck that 10k, you will make plenty more by the time you die...... Find a cool room mate through ads, and make the jump....If it works out, your on easy street, if not, you lost 10k, but gained a great experience and an even better memory.....Dont over complicate this matter....Your young, you have a little scratch in your pocket...shoot for the stars man....worst comes to worst, you move back to your current town...no big deal....Dont let the possibilty of losing 10k sway your decision.....IMO, chances are, once your in Cali and settled down, doors will open up for you...shit always finds a way to work themselves out....go for the gusto my friend, dont end up 30 with a family, thinking about shit "that might have been".. You have NOTHING to lose now...NOTHING! Do it!

I want to make a move to.....Trust me, its gets harder the older you get, Im not the only person that I will be responsible for moving and taking care of, I also have a wife and a 2 year old boy....and i know, if I dont move soon, like within the next few years, chances are, I wont...and thats bullshit....Soooo Take it from me.....Move to your favorite place in the world, and do it now.

As far as North Carolina....I went to a MMJ rally there a few months ago, in Raleigh, and spoke to the guy that had a big hand in righting up the mmj bills.....and he told me they looked at all the states with MMJ, and Him and his group, took all the best attributes from each state and thats how they came up with NC's bills....Ofcourse it has not passed yet, BUT, Im sure, IT WILL PASS, one day...dont know when, but it will, and when it does, it will be the best state to grow in....Hopefully sooner than later.....I would say the general public wants MMJ / decriminalized..... even alot of seniors seem to be in favor......Good luck man...Life is short, do what you want, if it doesn't wook out, go back to doing what ever it is that you are doing now....makes sense, no?

B O N G !


All true points. But if I have 10K, to provide myself a 3 month window to find a job and start earning something, I can't go over 7-800 a month for rent, and even that is pushing it. Just can't. And in California, IMO, the only place worth living in the beach. I just did a craigslist search of my favorite lil spot in california, Ocean Beach. 1k a month for a studio in a non-ghetto neighborhood.

I just can't afford that.

Fear is the mind killer!


North Carolina's penalties (if you ever got caught) are one of the lightest around... The MOST you could get for a grow of that size is a year of prison and/or $5000 fee. (up to 10 pounds). In comparison, in South Carolina it would be the possibility of up to 5 years (under 100 plants) and go north to Virginia you're looking at 5-30 years for growing any amount....North Carolina may be a good spot.

I don't know much about the weed scene in NC except Asheville was dddddrrrrrrryyyyyyy a few summers ago.

I can also tell you from personal experience that the 'mid-Atlantic' cities of D.C. and Baltimore are weed hell for the non grower and that makes it good for the grower looking to make $$$... Lots of schwag, BC bud, and ignorant people that can't get good weed....What's that mean for a decent grower? You can unload pounds for $4500-$5K a pop all day and the shit moves. So many people in the area have no access to good weed and druel over it when they can.....

Also, as bad as the nations economy is, D.C./Baltimore still has some jobs available.

It may not be the life you're looking for, but I also like the eastern panhandle of West Virginia ALOT. Shephardstown is a nice hippy town...still close to the D.C. and Baltimore job/weed markets...

Lived in DC and NC (got busted growing in NC). Ditto on everything you just said.


great, considered opinions keep flowing. Thanks guys. Soaking all these different views in.

Cept' for Texas. lulz wtf is up with that? You being sarcastic? Those guys are still living in the stone age. They'd throw me away for 20 years in Texas.


Make a temporary move to Cali.

Stay a year or two then roll.

You can go anywhere.


Active member
Vermont.. coolest state in the u.s. Cali type attitude, liberal weed laws and very rural.. (wish I lived there.. )

mgk :tiphat:


Well-known member
vermont is to die for-especially the northern kingdom
you like winter activities? you better-cause cabin fever is very real


Active member
yeah man life is hard as fuck, especially just getting out of college and jobs are scarce.

I wanted to move to cali and live the growers dream, then i realized i couldn't afford it. I don't want to be at a desk job either, thats why im considering the military.

Just an option to consider.

I'm thinking of doing 3 years in active duty (5 reserve afterwards ), with enlistment bonuses I'll have over 100k after 2-3 years, plenty to open a dispensary, or something of that nature.

good luck bro, wish me luck 2 !



I live in Tx and I'm pretty sure it will be one of the last states to support legalization. With all the Republicans on the Texas Supreme Court the Federal Gov't would probably cave before TX.:moon:


Active member
a word to the wise: beware of moving to the south to set up a grow operation if you're a yankee, the moreso the further away you are from appearing to be a "good ole boy" corn fed white boy. (those with anything resembling an arab appearance need not apply.) the people are friendly, sure, but if you get busted with a felony grow operation the police and courts are NOT going to treat you kindly. being conspicuously yankee in your speech and mannerisms (midwest counts as yankee too in southern eyes) is going to hurt you too. if you try it anyways, just remember this, be respectful to everyone and especially police, say your yes sirs and no sirs and remember the thank yous too. ive seen more than cali native get the book thrown at him by a cop due to the cop thinking he is being disrespectful in saying "yeah", "nope", etc, when its just an ingrained cultural thing. people will be cool with you if you're cool, so no worries, they just dont like the "typical" loud mouthed/pushy/rude yankees, i guess the same way as people in other countries dont like "typical" americans.

Big Tree

If you like the cold-snow, Maine is pretty nice but jobs are hard to find everywhere. Land is cheap and your neighbors bathroom window isn't 10 feet from yours. I love the space in Maine but hate the cold. You will need a 4 wheel drive though but trucks- SUV's are cool. I wish your dilemma was mine, good luck to you.


great, considered opinions keep flowing. Thanks guys. Soaking all these different views in.

Cept' for Texas. lulz wtf is up with that? You being sarcastic? Those guys are still living in the stone age. They'd throw me away for 20 years in Texas.

this is a common misconception, and while id never tell anyone to move to tx, i know they do still have some jobs in austin and houston, the rest of my family still lives there....However, when it comes to weed, they have no specific laws for cultivation of cannabis, just possession, and possession with intent to distribute which they have to literally catch you selling to an undercover etc to convict in court.

Texas is extremely politically corrupt and its all about who you know, and how much you can pay. most growers that get busted never see jail time except the night they were booked, after than its a cat and mouse game with your lawyer(better get a fkin good one thats connected) and you will likely walk with a class B misdemeanor and 1 yr probation for a 'medium sized grow'. Or you might even get luck, as so many do, and the cops screw up your arrest and you walk scott free! TX sucks tho
You should go 2 Mass, bra.

Boston has a million young people. and college kids are always in the market for weedz, so there's no shortage of dealers 2 slang weight 2. Also with all the outdoor festies and such. If you're planning on growin, move 2 a suburb like malden or somerville and sell away from your house. Tell people you get yo shizz from canada or something.

Plus, the cops there are lazy as long as you keep a low profile IMO. They'd rather work construction detail and hang out in front of buildings than bust 4 weed.

Also, in terms of legit work, I think they have a lot of jobs (good jobs) and a lot of turnover cuz of the student thing. If only they didnt have shitty accents shitty weather and shitty food...


Active member
just FYI 10 grand out here in CA is nothing, you will have rent covered, maybe, and perhaps a couple 1000 watters tops... unless you're goin ghetto with the setup (sounds like you know whats up though). Definitely can't do "medium sized" out here for 10 g's... unless you're goin outdoor.

I know you already mentioned this in your first post, just I know a lot of people will just spew out CA regardless of what your actual intentions are.

good luck! sounds fun to me :smoke:

yea tell me about it. its funny hearing some of my non grower friends say stupid shit like "hey i wanna start growing in my bedroom and make like 20 grand a month!"....then im like...."how much money do you have to invest" and they say some funny shit like "1000 dollars" hahahaha.....people have no idea what it takes to set shit up. for my puny 5k bedroom and veg areas im already easily approaching 10k...