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Indoor LSD - 250w HPS


Smile Vs Cry
hey vongony that's good man, i have also me 250 w and i'm a big fan of 250w..they work very well also in my homebox xs 0.60x0.60 cm x 120 cm high only but we can grow nice weed for myself you no!!
your plant look amazing, i can't wait for see harvest time you no, i'm happy for you bro with this genetic skunk 1 x mazar ..i want try next time one also me...
you get burn in the leaves only to 2 and only upstairs? if yes you do good put lamp more far from the top of the cola bro, sure you get out the bad spot man.. also they can coming this burn upstairs i you have fan between the lamp and cola, this is cause the burn why the wind make dry place upstairs and change some inside leaves , change color for coming brown and dry like you have , also me i get same same you and one guy tell put your fan ventilator or more down or more up but not between, i hope you understand my bad english bro, and i hope this can help you, because me i put my fan little more down and then go out the problen , never leaves get more burn!!!


@Pedrosbenny: thanks for the appreciation and for stopping by.
@kw31: thanks for the information. I think I will do like you: lower down the fan a little bit.


@kw31: [FONT=&quot]I’ve been thinking and I’ll rise up the fan because, watching your thread, I saw you have a small fan (18 cm (7”)). But my fan has 30 cm (12”) and if I put to blow right to the plants it will dry out the leaves for sure because the distance between the fan and the plants is short – just 15 to 40 cm (6 to 16”).
[FONT=&quot] Or maybe somebody can tell me if my thinking is right or wrong.

I can't believe how huge your plants were at 34 days in Veg!!! Makes me go a bit more insanse each time I see these sorts of veg. Or even some of the other things like the branching being so good.

I have 10 weeks veg right now & am still not even close to that size. I think I may need a lot more experience. I wonder if Hydro is that much more efficient.



@ aloe: thanks for the appreciation and for stopping by.
@ Learningfirst: thanks and tomorrow I will tell you my growing technique (just between us - I don't use any techniques). Sorry, but today I don't have time:clock watch:


Day 83 (48 day of flowering):



  • day 83(48 flo).1.JPG
    day 83(48 flo).1.JPG
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  • day 83(48 flo).2.JPG
    day 83(48 flo).2.JPG
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@ Learningfirst: This is how I grew these plants:
I put 3 feminized seed in cotton wool (for me it works 100%) to germinate. After they germinate I put them in regular soil (mostly peat, with PH 6.5 – 7). They come out on 1st of May (I count from that day). After 2 weeks I realize that I forgot to mix the soil with Soil Plus¹ (100 g to 10 liter – 3.5 oz to 2.25 gallon). I put on the soil and I pour tap water on (I always use tap water after I leave to stay for 24 hours). In vegetative grow I used some nutrient called Valentine² only twice (week 4 and 5). In week 5 I put more soil mixed with Soil Plus (5 liter in the 25 liter pots and 10 liter in the 35 liter pot – 1.15 gallon in the 5.5 gallon pots and 2.25 gallon in the 8 gallon pot). After 35 days I flip them to 12/12. In flowering time I use Ferticare15-30-15³. I never use the schedule for nutrients. I use them approximately (ex. I have Ferticare in 2 kg bag – 4.4 pound and the producer recommendation was to use 0.1-0.2% and I put one coffee spoon to a 2 liter – 0.5 gallon bottle). I always look the plant – when the top leaves becomes too dark I stop to use nutrient until I see that the lower leaves start to yellow. I water each time with 2 liter – 0.5 gallon of water when the hygrometer drop below 3 (1 to 3 dry, 4 to 7 moist and 8 to 10 wet). In week 3 of flowering I cut off the lower branches.
This is my way but I’m not sure if this is the right way.

I forgot - I never transplanted them.

Air: First I used a 14w – 10 cm (4”) – 95 m³/h (125 yd³/h) exhaust fan and a 2000w heating fan (15w when it blows cold air). When the outdoor temperature was 35-36ºC (95-97K) the indoor temperature rise up to 38ºC (100K). I changed the exhaust fan with a new one 16w – 12.5 cm (5”) – 180 m³/h (235 yd³/h) and I put a 40w – 30 cm (12”) fan so now the maximum temperature is 32ºC (90K). I know it’s a little bit high but is acceptable.

¹ Soil Plus (solid): N – 1.35%, P – 0.2%, K – 1.9%, Mg – 0.6%, Cu – 0.002%, Fe – 0.151%, Mn – 0.021%, Zn – 0.018%, Ca, B, Mo, S, Ni + biostimulators, multivitamins, organic enzymes and vegetable amino acids.
² Valentine (liquid): N – 20%, P2O5 – 5%, K2O – 10%, MgO – 2%, B – 0.01%, Cu – 0.02%, Fe – 0.05%, Mn – 0.05%, Mo – 0.001%, Zn – 0.02%.
³ Ferticare (solid): N – 15%, P2O5 – 30%, K2O – 15%, MgO – 2.5%, SO3 – 5%, B – 0.02%, Cu – 0.01%, Fe – 0.1%, Mn – 0.1%, Mo – 0.002%, Zn – 0.01%.
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New member
im also currently doing my first grow in 250w hps! sativa dominant.

it's been a week since germination and 3 days since they were under hps.. so basically they are 10 days old and they still have their cottyledon! I hope im just paranoid or over thinking things

I wonder.. is this how first time growers feel? i mean like checking/peeping every hour, never ending light height adjustment, watering.. etc,
whew. i agree with @learning, your growth is fast! by the way what's your room temp?

congrats and thanks for sharing your experience:tiphat:


@ bromhexine: thanks for the appreciation and for stopping by.
@ sundancertip: thanks and I updated my grow story with the air section. And yes, mostly the first time growers are suffering from "catastrophization" but you will see that finally everything will be OK!


@ Weedsa: thanks for the appreciation and for stopping by. I see you have a lot of seeds (18 strains). What do u (want to) grow?


New member
im also currently doing my first grow in 250w hps! sativa dominant.

I hope im just paranoid or over thinking things

I wonder.. is this how first time growers feel? i mean like checking/peeping every hour, never ending light height adjustment, watering.. etc,
whew. i agree with @learning, your growth is fast! by the way what's your room temp?

