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Harvest In Morning


How much of a difference does it make to harvest in the morning just before sunrise. This is kinda inconvienient because i hate waking up early and that would mean extra early so i have time to hike to the spot.


Typical unmotivated stoner! Stop giving us all a bad name!
j/k man I don't blame ya!


Sleep in; leave them in the field and when you go out to plant next year you can just pick up all the mature flowers from the previous season. Most of the leaves will be gone by then so you will not only save yourself a trip out there but you won't have to trim them!


There are anecdotal reports of claimed potency increases when harvesting after a dark period. I don't know if there is any hard data on this. If you have grown it well and its ready to be harvested I don't think the time of day you harvest is going to make much difference.


THC degrades in the light & heat, and regenerates in the dark & cold, that's why most people would prefer harvest in the very early morning............that doesn't mean that the weed harvested mid day is bad, it's all about maximizing the goods............peace.......

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