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Growing Inside A Speaker 101!! earluwonder skunk & Big Bud.


Ohhhh man. I'm getting a DWC setup together right now!! I can't wait to start it! How do you like it so far? Has it been relatively easy? How's maintenance? :D
lolraymond - i unfortunately havent started a plant in her yet, but i use her for watering my plants, and they love it!

what are you doing for a net pot? did u buy one? i cant find one anywhere =.=

guess ill have to make me own.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
you should't lower the lights now christoph..it probably got stunted earlier on and its just taking longer...all that will do is confuse your plant...you don't want that buddy!!!!!
Besides that, they are looking AWESOME.....
you can get net pots at ANY hdro store bro..just ask if you need help there..there are many different sizes to choose from...
take care


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
just a reminder to myself that today marks the start of 12/12 for an experiment, although it says its auto flower, she started on 03-30-2010 when she germed, and its now 05-03-2010. shouldent she have shown sex by now? its been 34 days since sprout...

so im switching to 12 12 today, on 05-03-2010 :)
Remember growing with 12/12 it's almost like auto flower usually. Because the plants at 12/12 will just flower as soon as they mature enough. Their times and sizes as to when each will do this very from strain to strain. I've had a female flowering in just 18 days old from seed. To as long as 72 days for a female to just show sex. All in 12/12. It all depends on the seed and barring any other problems since sprouting. Are you absolutely sure it's an auto?
Ghostwolf - im not sure if this is a true auto flowering strain. i have my doubts, but it is a strain from my local seed bank.

Lakehigh - thanks for the compliments :)
upload begins.


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and again

(first picture here, should i trim off the leaf covering this node? if i'de cut it off, im thinking it would be as big as the other ones :( what should i do? )


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again and again.

last upload, lotsa photos of my plants, some close up, can you see the pistils?


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Active member
just gone through whole thread, and looks to me you are never bored :). The babies made a nice recovery, well done. looks they are on their way now. cant wait to se her bud

keep the good work on my friend&happy growin

see ya later :wave:

hey everyone, just finished feeding my gals, whew they were thirsty! two days between feedings now! i know they are probubly root bound, because there is about a 5 inch root tail with inch long tendrils comming out of it all the way down for my first plant :p but i dont have a bigger pot, and i deffinitly dont want too stress it out anymore, ill know for next time :p (well next time will hopefully be hydro :)). my first girl also grew about an inch over night! almost right into the bulb, infact she would have, but she grew right up beside it. so i moved her down, and hopefully this will mark a flourish of growth from my baby :)

also, on another note, my second babe is growing two new shoots out of the top. i dont remember topping her tho! i find this a little strange, but the new shoots look health, as you can see in the previous photos.

anyways onto comments!

Ghostwolf - thanks for the compliment :) peace be with you brother!

BC Chronic - dont worry man, the fun began as soon as my little seeds popped :) but now the REAL fun begins, then the REALLY REAL fun begins, after its cured :)

Propoline - hey prop, glad you dropped on by! and yeah, im never very bored around here :p i just surf IC and tend to my babies. I'm very happy they have recovered so well :) i think my first baby is finnaly in her stretch :p

so thanks too everyone who has supported me, and welcome my new supporters :)

christoph :wave:


Active member
but i dont have a bigger pot, and i deffinitly dont want too stress it out any more

not tryin to be a smart ass or anything, but if you have the space for biger pot (it could be wider since you are limited in height),go for it. you already bought good soil, share it with her :p:p, she will love it. If you wont drop it when transplating, there will be minimum stres. in long term, i think thats better to give it some more space for roots, especialy if she is already root bound :2cents:

Propoline - thanks for the advice man, im going to try to do it, but her roots are comming out of the bottom of her pot, and its geting to be a pretty big root mass, is there any way i could save it? if i transplant ill most likely do it tonight, unless i have to advice, then tomorow.

averagejoe - thanks joe!


Active member
its hard to tell if she is root bound already by the size of her. but she has been through lot in her 34 days :), so her size dont count much i guess. youll probbably lose those roots growin out, except youll be super carefull. if you decide to transplant it, and risk losin those few roots, just dont wory too much, you saw what she is capable of :).... in my opinion, that shouldnt have any efecct at all, if it is not the main root, or at least i wouldt care loosin few of them.
and since you just watered them, i would wait till they dry out. A looot less messy, since the soil is dry, and less volume so it get out of the pot almost by itself, if you trn it around. Make sure you cover it with hand BEFORE turning
yeah, that was my mistake the first time. not putting my hand over it.

unfortunatly, i think that the root is actually her main root, as it is pretty big.

so i guess ill wait a couple days, and see about transplanting her then.

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