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CA Marijuana Legalization Initiative to Qualify for Ballot Today


I have not read the bill Chron but I will read it next week and give you my interpretations of how that bill will jive with your questions. I'm not a lawyer but I can understand a lot of the jargon.

Thanks mate :tiphat: look forward to your input :wave:

Thundurkel I addressed the issues that you mentioned in my previous post as well as my post on the first page, I'd like to know what you think of my take on things.

This is goin down like the Catalina Wine Mixer, so we need to start a realistic discussion of what we'd like to see unfold so we as a community can eventually help guide the legislature in crafting decent regulations, not restrictive and prohibitive ones (none of this "not within 1000 feet of a school" bullshit or anything like that). I have provided in my posts a lot of hypothetical as well as realistic stuff so let's get this ball rolling :dance013:


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yea you've made some good points and I think you are right that corps aren't going to jump into it right off. Also making a Brand out of your stuff and franchises sound good so we can all still have a chance to open a store front ect cuz I see "Cannabis Bars" with comfy couches, hookas, video games like at Zumiez (here in NorCal ya know what I mean) and have em be like say Subway so and franchise that place out and make sure they always have "these strains" "this kinda food" "that kinda tv and game system" "fat comfy couches" ect . Also the shit about schools pisses me off cuz what if you CAN'T move and you happen to live across the street from a Elementary School? You a supposedly "free American" can't do what you want in your own home!!!! That's kinda stupid I'm a bit tired of all the shit I was taught in school being totally backwards!

Neo 420

Active member
Also the shit about schools pisses me off cuz what if you CAN'T move and you happen to live across the street from a Elementary School?

I know in terms of medical marijuana here in Cali there is language in either prop 215 or SB420 that exempts the smoker/grower if his/her residence is in the affected school zone. Now when it comes to dispensaries, they have definitely are affected by that rule.

Grass Lands

Not to long ago I was ranting about the legalization bill...but something clicked...its like the panic finally went away and I was left to think about how I can make my own niche in the cannabis market.

I read somewhere folks usually do one of three things when they are faced with something they don't like or quite understand...they bitch about it till they are blue in the face or they sit and do nothing about the situation and then we have the movers and shakers...they get off their asses and make change...

Me, I want to be one of the folks who flow with the change and move on the next level...

I will say this folks while you are sitting there bitching about whether this should be legal or not due to the nature of the bill there are folks brainstorming and coming up with many ways to take advantage of the new laws if passed...


Neo 420

Active member
Not to long ago I was ranting about the legalization bill...but something clicked...its like the panic finally went away and I was left to think about how I can make my own niche in the cannabis market.

I read somewhere folks usually do one of three things when they are faced with something they don't like or quite understand...they bitch about it till they are blue in the face or they sit and do nothing about the situation and then we have the movers and shakers...they get off their asses and make change...

Me, I want to be one of the folks who flow with the change and move on the next level...

I will say this folks while you are sitting there bitching about whether this should be legal or not due to the nature of the bill there are folks brainstorming and coming up with many ways to take advantage of the new laws if passed...

Well said...:tiphat:


realistically what are the chances of legalization....i have no hope for this corporate, capitalist world and i dont see it happening anytime soon


I have found an opposition website dedicated to opposing the initiative:


Their arguments and statements leave my jaw on the floor, for lack of words to describe the sheer ignorance and lack of logic throughout. They offer no rebuttals, no solutions, and no place to comment on their different posts (unlike NORML, which allows people to sift through their blog and news posts and freely criticize anything on the site). This is very telling of our opponents. They not only want to mislead voters/potential voters, but they want to do it with no dissent. There is too much bullshit on that website for me to even begin a rebuttal, but since I literally have nothing to do, all day every day, I think I am going to make it a point to go through each page and pick out everything that's wrong with their arguments, then send it back to them and see what they think.
Maybe I'll be published :D

Don't worry Thundurkel, nothing in the initiative is preventing you from exercising your right to possess cannabis in your home if you live near a school. I was merely saying that we as a community need to band together on the issue of regulation, and working out a regulatory scheme ahead of time so that when the time comes that the legislature starts making rules for where, when, and how licensed commercial vendors and producers can operate, we will have a list of proposals for them. This includes not putting any sort of limit on where they can be located, as this would be discrimination. I saw the regulations that LA was trying to put in place for dispensaries, and this included limits not only on their numbers, but on the time of day they can operate, and that they can't operate within x amount of feet of a school (and I think churches and "youth centers" as well). Those kind of restrictions are discriminatory and baseless, and only make things more inconvenient for the operators and the end users and do nothing to address the issues they seek to solve (such as use by minors, who wouldn't be able to enter those establishments without a card anyways). So we can't allow them to place such ignorant restrictions on legal cannabis establishments once the time comes.
Here's the initiative, for anyone who hasn't read it but would like to see a glimpse into the future of cannabis in California:


It seems like a lot, but it's actually not that hard to follow. My education doesn't go beyond high school and it's still very easily understandable to me. Skip the findings, purposes, and intents sections if you want to, the real meat and potatoes of the initiative are in the "Lawful Activities" section which starts on page 5.
The part that wins my support is Section 11301 (l) which says that local government may allow "such larger amounts as local authorities deem appropriate and proper.. than those established.. for personal possession and cultivation" meaning that local government which are more tolerant may allow larger possession amounts and larger cultivation amounts than the 1 oz and 5x5 that we've been told all along.
Employers may not discriminate against cannabis use unless they can prove that it is
"actually affecting job performance".
Aside from the $50 tax and age limit (both of which I find excessive), this initiative really isn't all that bad. It guarantees the right to at least an oz and a 5x5 grow to all over 21, with the possibility of even greater amounts if the local governments are kind enough to grant them (just place a lot of political pressure on them, it's not that hard to change local laws!)
My fingers are tired, I'm going to go blaze and play some Modern Warfare 2 :joint:


Active member
The opposition will lie just like they always have. It's all they've got. Saw one of their spokesmen (a woman, really) on CNBC and it was straight to the same, tired old lies and fear mongering. Disgusting, really.
The one thing they would like though, is to divide us.
That is why I feel this community needs solidarity on this issue, even if the bill isn't perfect. It's a step in the right direction, a very important step.
I hope it isn't ruined by infighting.

The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
It's going to take the NorCal vote to get this thing passed. I dont see SoCal getting this thing done. All you NorCal voters will need to come out to cancel out all the old folks down here in SoCal.

Get it done NorCal. Get everyone inspired to get out to vote. The history of Socal is so laid back, that most people will not even come out for this non presidential election.

Care Giver

All I hear (on this site) is America wants capitalism, not socialism, yet the second MJ can become legal and force COMPETITION the growers cry foul.

Can't have it both ways.

Care Giver

It's going to take the NorCal vote to get this thing passed. I dont see SoCal getting this thing done. All you NorCal voters will need to come out to cancel out all the old folks down here in SoCal.

You seem to be missing the point.

NorCal doesn''t want this to pass because then they would have to get a real job with the last 20 years on their resume as blank because who wants to hire someone who has taken the easy way and grown pot for the last 20 years of their life?

answer: no one.


Reelly? I mean REALLY? I can't believe anybody here would be against MJ being legalised for recreation.
I do see how corperate distrubution could be bad for growers.. but REALLY? Some people would rather others still get imprisoned for smoking weed then have to adapt to a new market? Seems greedy. Free the Weed people!

I personaly don't think commercializing MJ wouldn't be that bad either. Top seed companys would probably be like miller and bud is to beer mass producing. but there would still be the smaller ops like micro brews with beer.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Keep in mind, people, that Samuel Adams beer is only 0.9% of the US Beer Market and they still make millions of dollars a year.


LOL...........??????????????? LEGALIZATION ain't gonna happen! Too many CROOKS in the upper crust!
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Keep in mind, people, that Samuel Adams beer is only 0.9% of the US Beer Market and they still make millions of dollars a year.

Really tho.

And if legal, you could advertise and market your product. grow all you want and sell all you want... legaly. You can still produce the greatest plant on earth and turn a profit.
If your just in it for the lucrative nature and quick profits, go start a meth lab or somthin.

I see this as a glimmer of hope.. you know, maybe i'll be free to smoke in peace and people can be released from their cells and cages when this weed taboo is finaly gone.

Mr. Charlie

The best growing will still be in Northern Ca, that won't change. The more people smoking will only grow the need for the finest, from the finest. Cheers to all the Cali growers... now is your day!

Care Giver

The best growing will still be in Northern Ca, that won't change. The more people smoking will only grow the need for the finest, from the finest. Cheers to all the Cali growers... now is your day!

Yes, but the artificially inflated price they will be able to sell their pot at will evaporate and they will be left with an actaul hard working job of producing herbs and getting paid very little for it, similar to any other produce.

Now is not their day. Soon the "free ride" will be over.