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Advanced nutrients really work?

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This is my first grow and I used Jack's Orchid Special, 30-10-10 for veg. and Jack's Fertilizer, 10-30-20 Blossom Booster for about half of flowering and then swithched to Neptune's Harvest 2-4-1 for the second half of flowering. Would these be considered advanced nutrients? These seemed much cheaper than big bud and bud candy and all the jazz. What is the difference? Would I really see a significant difference if I went out and bought all those expensive nutrients than what I used on my first grow?


Active member
Waste of money for a first grow, and arguably any grow... lol At the very least you should get your grow "dialed in", so you have some sort of baseline for typical yield and plant quality. You can then try switching things up and see how different nutes change things.


Waste of money for a first grow, and arguably any grow... lol At the very least you should get your grow "dialed in", so you have some sort of baseline for typical yield and plant quality. You can then try switching things up and see how different nutes change things.
I feel what your saying but may I add that AN bud candy is a pretty good supp. Yes it is molasses at the base but it is also packed with a lot of other essentials. 72 trace elements, more diverse carbohydrates then molasses alone, extracts like yeast to boost the beneficial count, vitamins and a full line up of bench chain amino acids.

I actually combine bud candy with beestie bloomz from fox farm and the results were great. Not saying my results wouldn't have been If I didn't use the two products together but while I did use them I was very pleased and impressed with my results.







I was happy with the outcome. Who is to blame, bud candy and beestie bloomz? Or just strong genes and genetics? The strain was called 'medi bud' and it was a super solid experience.


Active member
Not to bad IMHO. but who is to blame, AN bud candy & beestie bloomz or just solid genes and genetics.

This is why imo, you should start with basic stuff. You could have very well (most likely) gotten the same or similar results with a basic nute regimen. Of coarse you could always start with the expensive stuff, then switch out to more basic stuff and see if any differerence is noted...


I feel what your saying but may I add that AN bud candy is a pretty good supp. Yes it is molasses at the base but it is also packed with a lot of other essentials. 72 trace elements, more diverse carbohydrates then molasses alone, extracts like yeast to boost the beneficial count, vitamins and a full line up of bench chain amino acids.

I actually combine bud candy with beestie bloomz from fox farm and the results were great. Not saying my results wouldn't have been If I didn't use the two products together but while I did use them I was very pleased and impressed with my results.







I was happy with the outcome. Who is to blame, bud candy and beestie bloomz? Or just strong genes and genetics? The strain was called 'medi bud' and it was a super solid experience.
you said you had good experience, what was the Experience? Taste? Yield? Appearance? Smoke?


New member
yeah...using the basics is a good place to start. Always find out what you need to do first and then ramp up the grows once you get the basiccs down.

ADvanced Nutrients can be complicated stuff, stuff that beginners or those a little nervous about nutes might want to wait on, until their ready. I mean, its not rocket science, but let's face it, that schedule is tricky for those who aren't used to a lot of nutes

I mean, AN is awesome stuff for me, but it might not be a good for everyone else...not everyone is the same, ya know


Guest 18340

Advanced is as good as any other name brand nutrient out their, take your pick. (I use GH)
Theirs a learning curve to any line of nutrients (even with the MG I used in the plant pictured). AN is not the cheapest so you might want to get your feet wet with something else, just my :2cents:
And you certainly don't need Advanced or any other name brand like that to grow sticky dank that tastes good; the plant shown is Mango/Widow and was grown in coco using nothing but MiracleGrow Tomato plant food.
Imho, it's not the nutrient brand that makes a great grow, but
your understanding of what the plant needs, and how to go about giving it to the plant. Once you figure that out, the brands/types of nutrients you can use become almost limitless. GH just gives me greater control over ratios.
In a pinch, I know I can grow dank in MG soil and plant food.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
"it's not the nutrient brand that makes a great grow, but
your understanding of what the plant needs, and how to go about giving it to the plant. Once you figure that out, the brands/types of nutrients you can use become almost limitless"
Very refreshing to hear that kind of thinking.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I don't care what people say, AN works . And yes I don't like them, but I'm man enough to say they work, facts are facts..

AN has testing facilities in Uruguay I beleive
I like AN but many of their products are overpriced. For example Voodoo Juice is $90/liter, but Botanicare Aquashield is $20/quart and they are essentially the same product. Also on Ebay you can buy THIS which is Tarantula, Piranha, and Voodoo Juice all in one for $13. From AN all i buy is the Iguana Juice, Bud Candy, and Org B.


That's like saying a BMW is essentially the same thing as an Oldsmobile. Aquashield may be designed to compete with Voodoo Juice but it's not really in the same league. Is Voodoo Juice enough better to warrant the price difference? Opinions vary. I buy Voodoo Juice because I believe it is worth it. I'm no scientist, but the results I get justify the money.

AN has testing facilities in Uruguay I beleive

Bulgaria, actually. At least that's what they say in their videos. One of the founders is Bulgarian iirc. Something like that.


That's like saying a BMW is essentially the same thing as an Oldsmobile. Aquashield may be designed to compete with Voodoo Juice but it's not really in the same league. Is Voodoo Juice enough better to warrant the price difference? Opinions vary. I buy Voodoo Juice because I believe it is worth it. I'm no scientist, but the results I get justify the money.

Bulgaria, actually. At least that's what they say in their videos. One of the founders is Bulgarian iirc. Something like that.

The analogy doesn't quite hold up. Aquashield is a great product, and very much in the same league as Voodoo Juice. Its got all the benefits, without the ridiculous brand image, product claims, and high price.
Of course, when the owner of Advanced Nutrients (cultiv8) says it must be so, it must be so...

And the owner also prowls these boards under many other fictitious names, defending his company and products while denigrating others... including:

hooked.on.ponics, knowboddy, Aeroherbs, Hydroherb, seaofgreen22, Stonercool, Motherhugger, iamgrowerman, Resinpro, Sensibowl, indoorherbs, basementjungl, Trugreens, StayHigh24, cultiv8, blazingtimes, treeburner, mjcrusader, and I'm sure many others. (In all fairness, he has taken over other posters monikers and used them on a different board in a vain attempt to establish some credibility).

Many call this practice "sockpuppeting". Others call it dishonest. The U.S. Federal Gov't now calls it "illegal".
advanced miralce grow, or advanced bat poop...its either chems are chems or organi is organi, its all the same stuff, get your ph right and add more light and relax, learn the art of watering and watch your girls grow...


HydroIndustry, your little witch hunt would be amusing if it weren't so obviously commercially motivated.

Yes, yes, you'll go on and on about how you're not affiliated with anyone. I don't care. I don't believe it and I doubt anyone else does. You can't prove it whether it's true or not.

That's the beauty of a witch hunt like yours - you can make all kinds of accusations and it doesn't matter if they're true or not, the accused can't prove themselves innocent.

But you are wrong about me and more than a few of the others on your list no doubt. They're probably mostly just people your boss doesn't want saying nice things about the competition.

Oh, and if you think I hijacked this name from another forum try asking me on that forum in a PM. Just be advised I have registered on several forums that I don't visit frequently because (surprise, surprise) I don't get paid to do it. I'm mainly on Garden's Cure so try me there. That's probably the one you think I hijacked anyway.

Next thing you know you'll want to know if I weigh the same as a duck...
Please enlighten me...

Please enlighten me...

Big Mike...

Please enlighten me as to how my outing you is commercially motivated... what product or company have I mentioned in any of my posts? My "witchhunt" revolves around your marketing tactics. I just hate people who pretend to be someone else, shilling their own products while trashing their competitors for no legitimate reason. While not everyone agrees with me, a significant number of folks do, it seems.
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