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first COCO Grow SCROG, blackberry, S.A.G.E, and Madman kush

HEY ICmag'ers .

I'm new here, spent the last few years on cannabis.com, wanted to show my first COCO grow , make sure from the pros that Im not messing things up to bad ;)

this is all so my first scrog grow, so I might need a bit of help there too ;)
My reason for going scrog this time is to try to maximize good meds within my legal plant count (legal med grow for my wife an I:joint:)

strains are Madman kush ( la conf*sfv og kush ) SAGE sour kush ( SAGE n sour * larry kush) and finally a Blackberry kush strain that Im not sure of the liniage of.

first of all, this is my first COCO grow, and let me tell you I will NEVER go back to soil, ....sorry, every soil run over the past few years I seem to have just been chasing one prob after another, probably a lot of grower error as well ;)

anways this grow is going fantastic ! growth rates with the coco are amazing, and I have had the healthyest plants yet !

anyways , here are a couple pics :)


this is madman OG kush corner ..just starting 3 weeks flowering 'ish


madman on the left , SAGE kush on the right, she's got a bit more strech , so going to be a bit longer flower time. Strain smells fantastic , like a sandlewood OG funk :)


sage kush on the right , madman close to cam. The sage has the smaller bud development so far, but Im not worried cause shes a longer flowering strain anyways ;)


OK and thats a Blackberry kush LST'd all to hell. Going to need a lot more tie downs to before shes done, like to strech and grow ! This is a fantastic frosty potent strain from cali, not sure of the exact cross though.
OK so my only question to anyone with more SCROG experience than me, do I have to many bud tops ?

What I mean is , should I go In and this them out, Ive never scrogged before ,bud size isn't hugely important to me, but I don't want a pile of popcorn !! Plants seem to have the ommph to put the weight on, here's a pic from just only 10 days ago


Sorry to ask such a noob question Ive just never scrogged before, only lst, when there are only really 5 - 8 tops MAX per plant, this madman momma plant mush have at least 50 tops in the screen !!


oh yea, and Im getting a better camera this week so no more grainy cell phone crap pics...SORRY ABUT THE SHITTY PICS, NEXT ONES WILL BE BETTER :)


how bout some room stats :)

so COCO obviously ;) botanicare coco, House and garden nutes (AB + bud topper) fed every second day right now, water till a little bit of run off, then plain water on the weekends ;) .... sure its going to be daily soon though the way they are drinking !

1000 watts total between a 600 and 400 super red hps over the screen/grow area that is about 2'1/2 feet by 5 1/2 feet . just in bat wing reflectors but I think that really lets me spread out my light cone bettter than a small hood, temps are never above 80.

3 fans in the grow area plus a 6" vortex extractor pulling out the hot air. No intake just leave the clost door open durring the day ;) That 6" fan really moves some air !
Lookin good dogg..

I recognize your name from WT.. Im def gonna keen an eye out on this journal. I have their madman and sour, as well as the bubblegum and gods gift that im going to be looking to flower out in the next couple weeks

keep it up, lookin forward to seeing this as the end

peacee :joint:


looks good man. that screen will fill in nicely. don't be afraid to whack out some of the undergrowth and small buds from underneath. once that canopy develops it will take all that over, should give more energy for your colas.
Looking good!! As for screen filling, Generally in a Scrog, you'd veg tell 75% of the screen is full. Switch to 12/12 and then train 1/3 of the stretch UNDER the screen. The last 2/3 will grow above the screen. Also you want to get rid of any shoots 1/8 thick or smaller.
Its a bit tricky to time it all just right. Also depending on strain you may have to adjust your veg time or at how full you want the screen before switching.
Good Luck!
Thanks all !

Yea I've cleaned out the underside pretty well, and clipped away a lot of little sprigs that look lame ;)

good luck on the gods gift man, I hear that's a nice strain as well. LAW is fantastic !

One of the things about this Madman/cataract kush that I just can't get over are how thick and shiny the leaves are, they almost look fake, like plastic, haha ,they are so razor straight and thick !

guess that's a good thing though


Been a good week for growth. Just finishing 3 weeks of flowering now, so I figure about 5-6 more for the madman k, and 6-7 for the Sour k . Blackberry k is at least 3 weeks behind that.

Found out what blackberry K is as well ! She's a Bubba Kush x (Blackberry x White Rhino) no wonder it smells so good !


madman corner

buds seem to be filling in fast , I haven' t counted all the tops yet, ut its a jungle in there !


sour kush corner ( SAGE x sour d x OG)

can really see the sativa side here , slower growing buds, more strech , but im sure shes going to be a winner.

madman strech.jpg

sourk strech.jpg

stretch difference between the 2 strains , good thing the tallest tops are growing mostly between the 2 light sources ( 600 and a 400) so the stretch on the SOUR will actually be a good thing.
what do you guys think about thinning out some of the lower fan leaves ABOVE the screen.

I feel like I could get better light penetration to some of the lower buds considering they have streched above the screen so much !

:witch2::pumpkin:happy haloweeeen
update? I just flipped my girls to flower earlier this week..was looking to see what was a a couple weeks ahead

hope all is good
peaceee :joint:
sure how bout an update !

madman mom first





I cant believe that's one F'ing plant ! I think COCO and scrog are my new favorite !

crazy crazy tric production ! smell is musty and funky in a good way ! taste so far from small samples this week is more a sweeter OG funk, unique cali' taste for sure, the kush funk seems to be growing more in these final weeks.

this is the Last week with nutes ( week 6 ) , then a week or 2 maybe on straight water..but we'll see how that goes, more fresh pistols keep shiiting out every day , so Im going to read the plant !
sage n sour kush.

Gotta get some better pics of her, the trics are insane, growing down the stems and leaves. smell is like a HAZE / OG , these buds looks scary potent , still a good month to go for her.
blackberry kush in the background, Ill get some more pics of her as things get interesting...


nice to have a half ass camera now. Next batch of pics will be with the lights off i promise :joint::joint:
After the madman goes out out the door if a few weeks, I have a nice Mantuska ThndrFk to take her place. Sour kush will be replaced with Julius Cesar ( i think ) from cali connection.... `but thats a ways out still :woohoo:


Color me gone
Damn looking good I love the ScrOG technique it takes some time but is very efficient when it come to yield...
few more pics from today... week or 2 left for madman ( on flush now),
3 or more for Sour Kush, and 4 at least still for blackberry .


madman mother plant


sageNsour OG kush mom plant


sour Kush bud, one of many ...very frosty stuff !


Active member
im liking what i see ,,very nice ..so did you take any of the undergrowth off ??..what kind ayield ya lookin at??
sour K will look small at first , but then explodes in these last weeks, you've got good things to come wonderland has some of the best genetics around IMO.
