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G13... Legends, Theories, and Facts


Well-known member
G13, we know it is a pure Indica whose genetics have been incorporated far and wide, but where does it originate. Was it really rescued from a U.S. Government Research Laboratory? That only tells us how it got loose. The missing puzzle piece has always been from which genepool did it arise? No other variety is as shrouded in mystery as G13.

Any Stories, Theories, or "Facts" about this infamous strain belong here.

These pictures are from the 1989 Seed Bank Catalog, and contain descriptions from Neville:



Well-known member
There's a 100 stories, we'll never know the truth as some of the players are now deceased. But here's two of them........

According to the most reliable story, written by Jesse for the Treat Yourself Magazine, this plant was apparently liberated by an unknown assistant from a government research facility at the University of Mississippi. The G13 was part of a project run by a Dr. Carlton Turner, who was conducting research on both cannabis sativa and cannabis indica drug strains. One thing is known for a fact and that is that Neville Schoenmakers, who also founded the Seed Bank, got a hold of a clone marked G13 some way or the other. Opinions vary but apparently it was given to him by man called Sandy Weinstein, who had a friend working at the government research facility in Mississippi. The G13 was found among a batch of Afghani indicas labeled G1 through G23. The G13 was said to be highly superior to the others, sporting fast indoor flowering, massive resin production, excellent potency and extreme hybrid vigor.

Airborne G13 CuttingAnother story points towards a man named Michael Hallman, who had acquired a lot of cannabis strains during the 1960’s and 1970’s. Following his arrest, these strains ended up in the possession of the CIA and FBI and were later used to genetically engineer the notorious G13 cannabis strain in secret government labs.


Well-known member
What's the earliest printed date for G13? When did it first appear in seed catalogs, High Times, or some other pop culture stoner media? The earliest I can think of is 1986 but I'm a youngster. By the time I encountered G13 buds in the mid 90s it was already legendary.

By that point there were different clones going around I'm certain were unrelated. The Barter Fair/hippy/Dead crowd had a cut that was moss green, orange hair and danky, very different from all the other g13HP I've seen. The bikers/hessians/rockers had a cut that flowered quickly, more lime green big bud red hair.

G13 certainly wasn't around before indoor growing. Was it around before NL/hashplant in the early 80s? It came into my sphere after I'd encountered the NLs, hashplants, Alaskan Thunderfucks, blueberries.

The modern G13 or 88g13HP is much more of a hashplant then the old G13s I remember. The 88G13HP now is basically the same as the 'hashplant' from the early 90s which was different from the G13 in the 90s. One problem is that all the G13 in the catalogs like in the pictures posted above is hybridized. The pictures look similar but not the same as I remember but then they're hybridized.


Well-known member
Look for grows of g13 done by a guy called DD..thats supposedly one of the original clones in pure form which nevil gave him in exchange for a hash machine....also ortega aka doggles still has it pure form although it supposed to have undergone some micro tissues culture tech to clean it up and seams to have come out enhanced....I believe this enhanced version was sold to greenthumb and I believe shanti baba also has this cutt too....nevil while he was still around did verify ortegas g13 as pure and the story about doing the exchange with DD for the hash machine .


Well-known member
Those stories are the two that always come up.

I just wonder: How (if it was liberated from the Lab) it could have so little information accompanying it. Research lab stock labelled A-Z, 1-? seems like a School Science Fair project. Where's the info on Origin? Obviously, individual plants, seedlings, and cuttings could be, but somewhere in the Lab, there's a Notebook with the written details of what is what.

The big batch of mixed seeds from The Main Man sounds possible, but the Feds had access to Drug Cannabis from Global contacts and sources from anywhere they could hope to choose. Why would they start with a bunch of unlabelled seeds from some dudes stockpile?

I feel like there's a reason why nobody comes clean on source. It is an Afghanica but from where? Could it's point of origin be some sort of "deal killing" taboo? Given the political situation of the day ( late 1970s early 1980s) there are only a handful of possible candidates.

I propose a theory that solves many of the riddles:

Could G13 be from Iran? Possibly from Gorgan?

At that time telling someone in America their pot was from there could have started a fight. Maybe people couldn't be honest about where the seedstock originated. Personally, my willingness to smoke herb or grow seeds knows no borders and has no political agenda.


The Haze Whisperer
I was told the story of how Nevil got the G13 by Nevil and its less complicated than most know.

The G13 clone was from the Government Ag facility not from a Lab.

The person that liberated the clone worked at the facility and passed it on to a person Nevil collected it off and this person is known in the canna community but they would be the last person any one would expect played a roll in this.

Nevil told me he be surprised if any one had the clone left as his died for no apparent reason.

Nevil made a few hybrids with the G13 the last cross before it died he felt would be the best was passed onto Shanti that was the G13/Sk.

Nevil was the only person in the seed industry to get it but the clone was past on to other growers with in the group of growers in the US what they did with it is any ones guess.



Well-known member
Right on! Thanks Hempy. The Original players are heros in my book. Those plants look supremely healthy, so do the buds.

I still wonder from what Landrace strain or genepool the G13 arose? I guess the genome mapping and sequencing of its hybrids would reveal more of the parental lineage. Sure would be cool if it was hiding somewhere in the genes of an old variety.


The Haze Whisperer
Right on! Thanks Hempy. The Original players are heros in my book. Those plants look supremely healthy, so do the buds.

I still wonder from what Landrace strain or genepool the G13 arose? I guess the genome mapping and sequencing of its hybrids would reveal more of the parental lineage. Sure would be cool if it was hiding somewhere in the genes of an old variety.

I personally believe its a Afghani some say it had a Green Apple type flavor for me it tasted like Lebanese Blonde hash.Smelly even in Veg that only worsens in flower.


Active member
As per usual, Hempy is spreading misinformation and frankly I’m sick of seeing it perpetuated.

The original G-13 clone was acquired in the winter of ‘86 when Nevil visited Portland, Oregon. Jorge Cervantes (resident of Portland at that time; High Times contributor) introduced Nevil to his friends where he purchased the Big Bud, Hash Plant, and G-13 each from separate sources. Nevil paid $500 for the clone from an individual with the initials R.P., who claimed to use the money to pay for his legal defense after a bust.

I’ve personally interviewed R.P., who still lives in Portland, and Jorge can corroborate my account as he was my point of contact. R.P.’s source was a former partner who later went on to work for Sunlight Systems based out of Vancouver, WA. His account doesn’t jive with hempy’s account of what Nevil told him.

The G-13 was a dwarf Afghani cultivar which is most likely extinct.

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The Haze Whisperer
As per usual, Hempy is spreading misinformation and frankly I’m sick of seeing it perpetuated.

The original G-13 clone was acquired in the winter of ‘87 when Nevil visited Portland, Oregon. Jorge Cervantes (resident of Portland at that time; High Times contributor) introduced Nevil to his friends where he purchased the Big Bud, Hash Plant, and G-13 each from separate sources. Nevil paid $500 for the clone from an individual with the initials R.P., who claimed to use the money to pay for his legal defense after a bust.

I’ve personally interviewed R.P., who still lives in Portland, and Jorge can corroborate my account as he was my point of contact. R.P.’s source was a former partner who later went on to work for Sunlight Systems based out of Vancouver, WA. His account doesn’t jive with hempy’s account of what Nevil told him.

The G-13 was a dwarf Afghani cultivar which is most likely extinct.


Were did i mislead any one Apomixis ?.

I just left out Names like Horhay Cervantes or as most know him as Jorge Cervantes as i assumed he did not want to be named as up until know it was not common knology it came from his friend.
I was told the guy the clone came from worked at the Ag facility.

Nevil was staying at Horhay home but lets not let facts get in the way of a good story.

I am kinda glad you let the cat out of the bag to be honest.


The Haze Whisperer
Furthermore, Ortega’s clones and stories circulating the community should be taken with massive grains of salt, no different than hempy’s narratives.
Shanti’s clone was not from Ortega, it was obtained in WA within the last 6 years.

Airborne G-13 is G-13 x NL#2.

Shanti never had the G13 clone he was given only seed by Nevil


Well-known member
Premium user
Shanti never had the G13 clone he was given only seed by Nevil

Your statement doesn't fit in with Nevil and Dogless' account re the supposed doc that shall not be named over yonder if memory serves.

However, I regress and believe the indica offerings of today to be much less desirable than what many pure sativa's have shown.



The Haze Whisperer
Your statement doesn't fit in with Nevil and Dogless' account re the supposed doc that shall not be named over yonder if memory serves.

However, I regress and believe the indica offerings of today to be much less desirable than what many pure sativa's have shown.


LostTribe my account of things came from Nevil not what some one has posted on line.

Shanti Never got a G13 clone from Nevil the clone had died long before Nevil left Holland.What Nevil gave shanti was seed of the last cross he Nevil made to the G13 before it was lost.

Shanti germinated them made selections made fresh seed and that is what i grew and pictures of the plants are what i posted last page over.


Well-known member
Premium user
LostTribe my account of things came from Nevil not what some one has posted on line.

Shanti Never got a G13 clone from Nevil the clone had died long before Nevil left Holland.What Nevil gave shanti was seed of the last cross he Nevil made to the G13 before it was lost.

Shanti germinated them made selections made fresh seed and that is what i grew and pictures of the plants are what i posted last page over.

Then was Dogless still holding her ie doc? Is he still do you think?

Nevil confirmed that doc had the cut from him.