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A Tale of the 80s, Florida, Miami Vice & The Big Bale of Pot



A Night In the Life of the Big Bale Era..

A Night In the Life of the Big Bale Era..

I was suddenly popular with my friends after the acquisition of the massive amounts of marijuana, to say the least. The party ensued with vigor!

I would get ready for a night out on the town in Daytona Beach by putting on my crayon box colored, shoulder padded clothes and putting electric rollers into my big 80s hair.

Then it was out on the town for live bands galore, cheap drinks and fun messing with the tourists (or tour-I, as we referred to them). Most of the clubs had bottom less cups for the ladies for $5. This meant you got a giant one liter plastic cup that could be refilled all night for free!

I think the clubs wanted to encourage drunk ladies. :biglaugh:

We'd sneak off into the bathroom frequently to toke on giant joints from my super stash. House bands included Ronnie Van Zant !!!!!! Party On!

Occasionally, tourI would come up to hit on me and looking for weed.... heehee.

My day job was working for Hawaiian Tropic giving out free samples on the beach...... this was a profitable job!!!! I hung out in a little palm frond covered hut on the beach....

I had tons of fun. I would highly recommend the acquisition of any bales you see floating around.... Save the Bales!


When going to Key West, hang out at sunset on the beach. I am sure you will find a rasta looking dude or two to point you in the right direction.

Get there early, or stay late...

Wear a shirt that sez "Got Weed?" You will be rolling in some dope pretty quick.

And yes, no one will mind the shirt that says Got Weed in Key West! It's fun. Check out the Mel Fisher Museum and pick the up the bar of gold! (I already done it! You'll be in for a surprise).

Rent a scooter when you get there, and park your car at the hotel. It's way more fun than walking.


The first one had already landed, and I waded into the waves to pull it closer to the shore...

Finally, I found one that looked to be the best. I dragged it across the wet sand, with frigid water seeping into my shoes.
They were still dry after wading into the waves?
I quickly backed the Ford Escort up to the shore line as close as I could, hoping I would not get stuck, praying! What would I do if I'm stuck in the tides and bales of pot are surrounding my car! I had to be fast. I opened the hatchback and struggled to lift a bale into the back. I was practically floating the damn things in!
You drove a ford escort close enough to the ocean to "practically float" multi-hundred pound bails into the back of it? Was your car lowered? Have you ever stood in place anywhere in the ocean as the water recedes? Your feet start sinking in the sand...
I turn the car around on the beach, shaking from the frigid cold wind, wet feet, my adrenaline pumping max.
Were you not wearing anything besides the shoes?
Why would you have to turn around, I thought you backed up to the shoreline?

I knew the story was BS before I even looked at who posted it...

It's sad how some people are treated so differently on this forum just because they have a vagina.
Nobody has ever answered it when I have asked in other threads, but can you still get half decent Colombo in South Florida? I am going to Key West next month. Any place to score there?

idk if i'd say you could score any real columbian nug around here unless you are pretty connected, down here in the south just expect to pay 25 a half-e and 50 an eigth for what will probably be refered to as 'crippie'.. if you want really good bud be prepared to pay top-dollar though.
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Cookie monster

I swear some times this place is like a witch hunt....

If she sinks she's innocent if she floats shes a witch.

Sir Bedevere: What makes you think she's a witch?
Peasant 3: Well, she turned me into a newt!
Sir Bedevere: A newt?
Peasant 3: [meekly after a long pause] ... I got better.
Crowd: [shouts] Burn her anyway!


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Cookie monster

Ah i dont really care who is lieing or not, just seems silly to dig up old threads for arguements sake.

Maybe ye guys should settle it via PM or a fight to the death in a pit...now that would be fun :dueling:


Active member
I lived in Houston Texas for a time.
On the route I drove to school and back police towed an apparently abandoned van in to impound after sitting on the side of the road for 3-4 days.
In it were I think something like a dozen army duffel bags filled with big ass basketball shaped bricks of cocaine(showed them on the news), I almost cried when I saw the story, I drove by that f**ker at least 15 times before it was towed, damn.

Nice story Lola, You got to love finding more weed then you are physically able to haul away yourself, that's great.


Active member
lol @ foil dog

moral of the story is , if you see suspicious bags on the side of the road , open them , you never know what you will find

I once found 3 bags in the vicinity of my guerillia spot.

I opened them and they where bags with waste material from an indoor grow , BUT i also found approx 100 liters of plagron grow mix there:D which was put to good use:yeahthats


all praises are due to the Most High
I don't know about opening suspicious looking bags on the side of the road... I once did that and found a bag full of dead little kittens... broke my heart and the smell was awful.

also, don't run with scissors, that shit is dangerous. :D



all praises are due to the Most High
it sucked... i carefully poured out the contents of the bag to see if anyone was still alive, but no chance, they were rotting badly already.. i don't even want to speculate on how they got there...


wrote every word myself! Shame on you!

Look it up Port Orange Florida.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
wrote every word myself! Shame on you!

Look it up Port Orange Florida.

Shame on me why? It's a well written story, sounds like something out of a book, I'm just used to you Southern lingo! Cool..same kinda thing happened in Rio back in the day. I have a thread on it somewhere, not 5oo lb bales tho...