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ten pounds outdoors?


Hi All,

I've been mainly growing for personal use and to sell to close friends, but next year Im thinking of doing a much bigger grow. My goal is ten pounds.

Is it as simple as 10-15 plants with close to lb per plant? Any suggestions for high yielding strains?

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
It is as simple as harvesting 10 or 15 1LB plants yes, easier said than done though, someone will tell you but don't you need to grow 4 or 5 for each one you harvest to allow for police, thieves, animals and other losses?, so now you need to find somewhere to grow 60+ plant's, already getting harder just typing it!, i suppose if i needed x amount of cash i would be prepared to put the work in because believe me you will have earned it, whatever you get. As for strain, with a few exceptions almost anything outdoor should get you your pound if planted out early and given a good veg time.


It is as simple as harvesting 10 or 15 1LB plants yes, easier said than done though, someone will tell you but don't you need to grow 4 or 5 for each one you harvest to allow for police, thieves, animals and other losses?, so now you need to find somewhere to grow 60+ plant's, already getting harder just typing it!, i suppose if i needed x amount of cash i would be prepared to put the work in because believe me you will have earned it, whatever you get. As for strain, with a few exceptions almost anything outdoor should get you your pound if planted out early and given a good veg time.
:yeahthats Hit it on the head perfectly!
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Ok...Well, here is some more information.

Last year I teamed up with someone and we did an experimental grow in a great spot by my house. 3 plants and we got a total of 2.5 lbs. This year, we have a total of 4 plots, with 2-3 plants in each, and so far everything looks promising to get a yield of close to a total of 6 lbs.

For next year, I was going to share this inital plots with the guy since he did show me the outdoor growing ropes which lessened my learning curve, but I was going to add three more plots of my own to that area, and than do a whole bunch more. All my prep work for next year is going on now. Scouting out new areas, digging holes, backpacking in bags of soil, etc.

My partner is trying to convince me that I would be more likely to get my ten pound goal by teaming up with him next year for a much larger grow as opposed to me trying to do it all by myself. He claims that he is barely able to get ten lbs a season and hes been doing it outdoor far longer than myself, and has far more time to devote to it (he does not work FT, while I have a regular 9-5 job.)

Any suggestions? Should I stick with my plan to go more or less solo next year or split a larger grow with this guy?


I prefer solo big time. Cant argue with yourself , well you shouldn't, lol......Seriously its better to seperate and then when you harvest share the joy. Also better chance of more makeing it because of more locations. I might get a little over a LB with 1 out of 6 females put out early with a good start. Deer and critters are an SOB in the swamp i live near. I will check mine 1 more time before final harvest because of how hard it is to get to and biteing flies will eat you alive. Damn green ass deer flies hurt. I checked not long ago and its loaded with small frosties. I only share and swap bud so what i get will be plenty for me till next year. Its your choice but i would grow solo.


I cough up honey oil
this is as big as I ever got. Seeds were stated early and grown indoors till warmer weather came around. they were placed outside in a well prepared part of the yard in early feb. when they were 2' tall. this pic was taken late july/early aug. they had not yet begun to flower. The roof of the shed was about 10'. the tallest grew to be about 15' tall and about 7' wide. They finished mid Nov. yield was over 6 lbs. I was 20 years old and thought I was RICH! wish I still looked like that. LOL that was three plants. 10-15 pounds is doable.



I cough up honey oil
Thanks Hazy Lady;)

Randude- No they didn't trigger. The pic doesn't show it but, looking at the pic just out of frame to the left was a HID security light on a 12' pole next to a concrete path. I'm not sure the wattage but probably 400 watts. It was used every night for a like 4 hours to keep the plants in veg. I had moved them out at that time because they had out grown the space I had been growing them in indoors. It was warm enough but still quite chilly. If I remember right, They didn't grow much the first month or so.:ying:


Well-known member
That’s 13.3 oz/plant. That’s a lot of flowers/plant. I would guess the average guerrilla grower would be happy with 1/4 lb per plant and to get any more is a plus but don’t count the bud before you harvest it.

So many factors that differ per grower location

Amount of sun: Many Guerrilla growers are not getting full sun far from it.
Strain Grown: I’m from the Midwest and must grow earlier strains and it can limit size ,can not always.
Soil conditions: If you are growing in rock and clay and have to haul in soil its much different then growing in a rich native soil.
Security: Many Guerrilla growers can’t afford to have 10 ft trees and must limit size and therefore yield many times.
Seedlings or plants started indoors: If you are putting out 2 ft tall plants on May 15th that’s a whole lot different than putting out 8 inch seedlings on June 1st.

If you are growing in your yard or somewhere you can tend to them different story but guerrilla growing is a whole different animal. I guess it all depends on your Lat. and environment too. It’s hard to put a number on it so many factors.

In the end if you can pull 13oz/plant than you can, keep on growing.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Helpful hints...

Helpful hints...


Getting 10lbs outdoors is very easy. The most I ever got from a single plant was 7lbs from a single plant of my own strain (in my gallery).

If you can get Kiddie Swimming Pools, fill them with Fox Farms Ocean Forrest, Perlite, Chicken Shit and this year I added Green Sand. If you can't get Kiddie Pools to the grow site use 55 Gallon Buckets, or dig holes of that equal size.

I use General Hydroponic Nutes indoors, but outdoor I have used everything from Earth Juice, Fox Farm to Alaska. I find that outdoors the Nutes haven't been nearly as important as they have been indoors. Although I did like using Earth Juice Grow a lot outside.

Strains you should consider are Northern Lights, Big Bud, Williams Wonder or I should be sending my Northern Dreams to seedbay as "FREEBIES" before everyones outdoor grows next year.

I hope these things are helpful. 10lbs should be no problem and can be done with just 3 plants if you do it the above way.


Ten pounds in weigh dry bud isnt difficult but f*ck you have to work for it,most of my plants were 3-6 ounces and didnt get the care and attention some give theirs however.


yeah, biggest plant i got was 3 lbs. just got full direct sun all day, and was put out fairly early, with lots of water. only bigbloom was used during flower and watever was in the soil which wasnt high in P or K in any aspect... maybe sum age old or tiger bloom it could of been quite bigger yield.
a buddy of mine did 8lb off one plant outdoor, never thought it was possible.

just grow for a little bit indoors and get plant established fully rooted ina one gal or 2 gal pot before being put out as early as possible. give it water every day in july-aug, liquid nutes and lots of soil you'll be fine. maybe mix in some water crystals for the harder to reach spots.

i dont see the logic in the 60+ plant idea, because of cops, animals and rippers... i think haze lady you meant that for if the spot is all guerilla and you just set up some real cuddy spots, then id agree. but i think mtbazz has a spot close to house and like that, correct me if im wrong, but its not all guerilla really.
if the spot is legit, and you take the precautions to cage and keep deer out, and if legal then your set. no one should find it, and cage em even if guerilla, caging shouldnt be too hard if your gonna go through all the time,money, and labor to grow a cashcrop.
good luck


thanks for the replies. Ive got multiple site picked out, so I guess I'll probably give it a try.

"If you can't get Kiddie Pools to the grow site use 55 Gallon Buckets, or dig holes of that equal size"

Doubtful Ill be able to dig a hole that size, Im going to have to stick to digging 2x2x2 trenches.

" but i think mtbazz has a spot close to house and like that, correct me if im wrong, but its not all guerilla really.
if the spot is legit, and you take the precautions to cage and keep deer out, and if legal then your set. no one should find it, and cage em even if guerilla, caging shouldnt be too hard if your gonna go through all the time,money, and labor to grow a cashcrop.
good luck"

That is correct, it is close so I can backpack everything I need in. The majority of the land is in a park that gets very little people visiting, and there is no hunting allowed. There are meadows overgrown with blackberry bushes decades old, grass almost 6' tall, cedar thickets all over the place that are hard to get into, and once you are in there they are like a maze. There are also some cornfields near me I am pretty certain I can use, although some of the fields around here get cut down in mid september.

It will be alot of work to prepare for this, and the prep has started now, and will continue through this fall, and winter. Im probably going to plant 20 females, and hope to get ten.