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Sacramento clones

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Active member
im nowhere near being on my game...i should just quit doing what im doing, maybe farm rice.....thanks for the inspiration N707.... i should quit smoking too....leave all that stuff for the ballers......i'll never be on my game like the rest because i dont mind taking the loss here and there for needy patients...........................................LOL, in all actuality i believe my skills and production methods allow me to be a 'charity' and still be justly recompensated for time and expenses


Registered Med User
oaksterdam has expanded to sacramento, they got a club on fruitridge by the lightrail station and carry sr71 clones.


oaksterdam has expanded to sacramento, they got a club on fruitridge by the lightrail station and carry sr71 clones.

Right on,
I'll be sure and wave on my way by headed to THE new spot(tbd shortly) or to Rowdy's. :nanana: Now the commercial growers that dont provide medicine to needy people have another outlet to bully people out in front of.:dueling::noway: This will just help push those who want the best to: you know where.:laughing:
oaksterdam has expanded to sacramento, they got a club on fruitridge by the lightrail station and carry sr71 clones.

From what I've read and seen about oaksterdam that is really cool they are branching out. Is Sac. "more friendly" now they are issuing county cards? I'm just curious if perhaps the environment is changing there for the better and that helped oaksterdam decide to expand.

Awesome plant pic of that ATF, thanks its420 and trybud.


Registered Med User
Right on,
I'll be sure and wave on my way by headed to THE new spot(tbd shortly) or to Rowdy's. :nanana: Now the commercial growers that dont provide medicine to needy people have another outlet to bully people out in front of.:dueling::noway: This will just help push those who want the best to: you know where.:laughing:

Yep. I just visited Clearlake this weekend and that was the perfect model of how a club should be. In sac we will need higher security but other than that Good Karma IS the spot. Chill atmosphere, nice people, and as a bonus I walked away with about an eighth of some fire that was on the house! Much love for Rowdy and her team!


Active member
i think between us all here around sac we already have all the sr71 gear.for cheaper too. I really only need their DC cross to see what its all about..


Yep. I just visited Clearlake this weekend and that was the perfect model of how a club should be. In sac we will need higher security but other than that Good Karma IS the spot. Chill atmosphere, nice people, and as a bonus I walked away with about an eighth of some fire that was on the house! Much love for Rowdy and her team!

Couldn't agree more!!! Thanks for doing it right and giving us a model to follow Rowdy.

Thanks Jed, appreciate it. For the record, Oaksterdam branching out is not a good thing till they step up their game in a big way. They could be doing it right; right now they just doing it for $$$. No matter where they are and IMVHO. There are many of us who intend on leading the way, the RIGHT way.

Green Crack from Rowdy's

I'm NOT an Oaksterdam nursery hater. In fact I like to think I'm doing them justice. I just expect WAY WAY WAY more from someone with their set up and opportunity to put Cali on the map as bonafied KING of the universe of GANJA. Guess the new school will have to step up and do it right
Hindu x Skunk sr-71/oaksterdam/blue sky



im nowhere near being on my game...i should just quit doing what im doing, maybe farm rice.....thanks for the inspiration N707.... i should quit smoking too....leave all that stuff for the ballers......i'll never be on my game like the rest because i dont mind taking the loss here and there for needy patients...........................................LOL, in all actuality i believe my skills and production methods allow me to be a 'charity' and still be justly recompensated for time and expenses

Naw.... what you should do is be real man, instead of tryin to show off in pms....:bashhead:
"lol, be realistic dude, you think just cuz we want to share and make things affordable up here that we're suckers?....lol, i'll get back with you in a few days when i feel a little more uppity( got a 10 pack or 2 of some kaia kush thats going down south and $65K at once makes me giggle like a girl)...ball on bro

maybe introduce some nice strains to the med community, something we dont have already. Never mind the roadkill, i got that locked down...... "

Your fakness is making it hard to breath in hear man, no offense just callin it like it is.

The clone scene from the peninsula to rocklin is healthy as can be, relativley speaking.
Im sure you have bigger things to do though like run "10 packs" and release all your new strains than fight with me. I have no clue why you had the urge to even pm, but hey we are all entiltled to our opinions right?

On a more related tip, there may be some nice outdoor cuts coming into Sac (not to say they arent there, rather nice od is scarce). Not the best things in the world but good for some diversity fromt he stuff that has been recyled for a while now.


Active member
Beautiful shots. my leaves are always lighter in color at that stage and not as photogenic. i think im guilty of being an over flusher....


Active member
lol, i dont release new strains (except the blueberry, that is my work) i make strains available. you just come across as acting like we're up here wasting our time, getting in the way of those 'generals' and 'upper middlemen' where the fuck do those guys get their product? lol, bad form to post up private PMs, i wont do that to you ever, i even believe in your security........you're marked as unsafe in my book tho


Naw.... what you should do is be real man, instead of tryin to show off in pms....:bashhead:
"lol, be realistic dude, you think just cuz we want to share and make things affordable up here that we're suckers?....lol, i'll get back with you in a few days when i feel a little more uppity( got a 10 pack or 2 of some kaia kush thats going down south and $65K at once makes me giggle like a girl)...ball on bro

maybe introduce some nice strains to the med community, something we dont have already. Never mind the roadkill, i got that locked down...... "

Your fakness is making it hard to breath in hear man, no offense just callin it like it is.

The clone scene from the peninsula to rocklin is healthy as can be, relativley speaking.
Im sure you have bigger things to do though like run "10 packs" and release all your new strains than fight with me. I have no clue why you had the urge to even pm, but hey we are all entiltled to our opinions right?

On a more related tip, there may be some nice outdoor cuts coming into Sac (not to say they arent there, rather nice od is scarce). Not the best things in the world but good for some diversity fromt he stuff that has been recyled for a while now.

707-Are you 'Socially Retarded'? Or just an asshole?:fsu: We are all here being constructive and positive, if you have wisdom and knowledge to add, PLEASE by all means DO SHARE. Your last few posts are pointless, no one needs to read that dribble.

Trybud is one straight up dude, maybe you are super high and trying to be funny, but that will be all of that kinda nonsense, thanks.
Hey 707, Just sit Down.... If you don't like what these foks are trying to do, then just sit..... you big baller dog you.... Stop Frontin' bro... it's folks likeyou that end good thing like this, your negativity is worse than 13 year old in school losing in a marble game.. Don't bring your shiny marbles over here I don't want them..... :fsu:

What a Lame, you have nothing better to do than to put down a good thing, then go be about your game on the streets bud, Good Bye...

Oh BTW no need to respond to my post i aint got the time toargue, I just get sick of disrespectful, uneducated "Balller's" like you, "be about your scrilla dawg" go be about scratch......... hahahaha ya fake ass rapper.....:beat-dead

Hey its420 and trybud Ignore this little litttol guy, he's so little aaahh look at him he's so little, good by, bye bye..... on your lips is my bum...


707-Are you 'Socially Retarded'? Or just an asshole?:fsu: We are all here being constructive and positive, if you have wisdom and knowledge to add, PLEASE by all means DO SHARE. Your last few posts are pointless, no one needs to read that dribble.

Trybud is one straight up dude, maybe you are super high and trying to be funny, but that will be all of that kinda nonsense, thanks.

He's a straight up dude? He pms me outta no where bout runnin 10 packs and braggin about his cash...wow, sounds like a great guy from the get go.

THat was the first convo I ever had with him, literally. Pms me with that bs outta no where...?
Look, Im sure in person he cool, that rubbed me the wrong way.

Socially retarded? What the fuck man...lol.
How is me being honest socially retarded.

If I respond to a post and you think its harsh...sorry thats just how I am. I dont sugar coat the scene like most. I love this site, great info, awesome threads.

Dribble, yeah right...more like blatenet. All my posts pertain directly to the sac scene that Im in everyday, or a direct honest response to somehting.... nothing more and nothing less.
Why would you jump up and call me an asshole and socially retarded after I get hit with a bs pm like that? I realise you are stickin up for hiom but wtf..? If Im on a thread and have a response to it I bring it on that thread, leave some karma, whatever. Its all good though in the way of how I feel. Going back over my posts I stand behind that shit 100%, if you dont agree lets talk about it...not name call like little f()ckin kids...?


Hey 707, Just sit Down.... If you don't like what these foks are trying to do, then just sit..... you big baller dog you.... Stop Frontin' bro... it's folks likeyou that end good thing like this, your negativity is worse than 13 year old in school losing in a marble game.. Don't bring your shiny marbles over here I don't want them..... :fsu:

What a Lame, you have nothing better to do than to put down a good thing, then go be about your game on the streets bud, Good Bye...

Oh BTW no need to respond to my post i aint got the time toargue, I just get sick of disrespectful, uneducated "Balller's" like you, "be about your scrilla dawg" go be about scratch......... hahahaha ya fake ass rapper.....:beat-dead

Hey its420 and trybud Ignore this little litttol guy, he's so little aaahh look at him he's so little, good by, bye bye..... on your lips is my bum...

The quote of 65k and runnin 10 packs was from tyrbud bro, not me. I think you misread that.


I am VERY careful about my words, read them again. I asked you questions. I didn't call you anything.
I tried to be very respectful to you while trying to focus our thread on the positive. Again thats why I chose my words wisely. Have some sugar coating or something Bro. Ya need to sweeten up. I'm all for sharing knowledge and would rather have you here if you got it.

Anyway, woot that was my 215 th post, lol
Cheers people...'ere *passes left
Couldn't agree more!!! Thanks for doing it right and giving us a model to follow Rowdy.

Thanks Jed, appreciate it. For the record, Oaksterdam branching out is not a good thing till they step up their game in a big way. They could be doing it right; right now they just doing it for $$$. No matter where they are and IMVHO. There are many of us who intend on leading the way, the RIGHT way.

Green Crack from Rowdy's

I'm NOT an Oaksterdam nursery hater. In fact I like to think I'm doing them justice. I just expect WAY WAY WAY more from someone with their set up and opportunity to put Cali on the map as bonafied KING of the universe of GANJA. Guess the new school will have to step up and do it right
Hindu x Skunk sr-71/oaksterdam/blue sky


Wow, those shots will be in my dreams that my plants look like that.

Thank you for filling me in more about oaksterdam. My knowledge is limited. They are doing good but could do better, sounds very reasonable to me. I heard about their education efforts mostly and I really respect that. Knew nothing about their prices and practices though, thank you.

Clear Lake/Lake County is looking more appealing to me now because of Good Karma. On the surface it looks like they have done more to optimize their business model to offer lower prices while still staying in business.


Active member
i really was just kinda playing with the guy.i maybe instigated it, i had to think of something
down on his level to help him see that we arent up here being dumbasses trying to take over sac..a second pm that i never sent would have explained to him that i was playing on his negativity but before i was finished writing it i got one from him and things went off in another direction. i didn't realize i was talking dr. dre's son until i reread his 'generals and upper middlemen' post again...so, yeah, this ones on me, i wanted to vent all his negativity and make an ass of him but it backfired.........the 1st line of the unsent pm started " is that the type of response you expected?" if his pm wouldn't have distracted me it wouldn't have carried out this far...............kinda sorry.


Active member
Back to sac area clones? im done.....................And thanks for stealing my idea about a scavenger hunt( and you say you're not a mover and a shaker...lol) i guess the only way to top that would be to have a fire sale....tonite only, at 6 pm in the electronics dept of the super walmart in marysville, im gonna set up a folding table and offer chemdawg clones for 50 cents each to qualified medical patients......lol.....hows that?
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