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To All Tobacco Haters


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Hey! I know youuuuuuu.......
ain't you that wingnut who tried convincing us that we
could vaporize bud right in our mouths w/o any 'tools'?

btw, S4L never puts tools of any kind in his mouth.


pops brother. you are blaming all your health issues on cigarettes. your fooling yourself. examine how active you were all those years. examine your diet. your stress levels.

don't just blissfully ignore everything and blame it on the cigarettes, so when you finally quit those you can pretend your going to be healthy now.



eudam - no not ignorant...

i'm out. just think about what i say... and don't put it off completely. ITS YOUR PLEASURE. DON'T let anyone take it from you.

don't let other people inseminate their negative viruses in your head....

or you can... but who's going to be enjoying life.

ME :)

and you'll just be thinking of smoking tobacco the rest of your life instead of just enjoying it haha...

lol... man some of you stoners have thick heads no offense. i used to think people who smoked pot had open minds. but thats not true... having an open mind is just that...

if your worried get the pure leaf... like the pure bud... without the chems... its available and its delish.

Brought to you by someone who wants you to be happy. OKAY?

is that so hard to ask? wow... maybe so...

so lets all listen to all the negative messages and go on some prison nazi jenny craig diet, throw away all our liquor and smokes...and then pay the pope to wash away our sins.

oh yeah, and buy some nicorette gum so we can get ass-raped by the big companies, who are FUNDING the anti-tobacco research boys. look that shit up.

but thats not even important.

listen to your heart. do what you think is right.

I'm out. Thanks for listening. And thanks for hating. Its all good whatevs


I'm going to post some pro-tobacco propaganda for all you brainiacs that like to read studies so you feel okay eating a carrot:




also google "nightlight tobacco" and read his stuff...

but really i'm done trying to intellectualize my entire life. thats the point. just enjoy life and stop worrying about it. get real tobacco and smoke it if you like it. and let all the worryers worry their way 6 feet under


oh, but yeah sorry if i come across like i'm telling you what to do. thats dumb and i should just say my own point of view and if someone wants to believe in what i say they can. don't mean to push it on you.
Well unadultered organic tobaccoo is a whole nother story. I wish people smoked and rolled their own organic ciggs but most people can't be bothered but thats their decision. To be honest i would probably not be as agitated if someone was smoking organic tobbacco next to me versus the commericial crap. When I inhale someone else's cigarrette smoke i can literally feel it heavely on my throat and thyroid gland. Largely in part due to they fact of the radioactive elements found in ciggs and the sensitivity of the thyroid gland to radioactivity. Knowing that my mother had thyroid cancer I try to stay away from cigg smokers as I do not want to increase my chances of getting cancer especially if I may already be prone to it. Naturally, organic tobbacco is boatloads safer than than the utterly toxic tobbacco in comerically sold ciggarrettes. So I agreee with you there. Anyways, to each his own.


lover of all things hashlike
if you are getting pleasure, i think it actually offsets any negatives.

i think that sums up all the logic that need be examined here.


sweet tasty marlboro #27 smothered and covered in hash oil slowly burning between ma lips. aint no shit tastin better than this right now. rock on eat raw cannibus. live your life i live mine. fuck all you haters and schemers.... second hand smoke!!! ooo godddd


EatCannabisRaw said:
I'm going to post some pro-tobacco propaganda for all you brainiacs that like to read studies so you feel okay eating a carrot:




also google "nightlight tobacco" and read his stuff...

but really i'm done trying to intellectualize my entire life. thats the point. just enjoy life and stop worrying about it. get real tobacco and smoke it if you like it. and let all the worryers worry their way 6 feet under

I agree with ya 100% with the wisdom your spoutin bro. And naw, its not an oxymoron to smoke tobacco and eat raw cannabis. Both are delicious and agreed... pleasurable.


I found out that pure weed i more bad for you than tobacco and weed :)
I mix it whit tobbaco its my roots is the way i been raised hehe but give my a pure nugget and offcource i smoke it hehe many peoples dont like tobacco in the weed but its a great way to control your stoner . toast the ciggaret before u mix it and dont toast it in a microwawe you need to toast it over 4 times i 20 secunds then blow ind the ciggaret to get the nikotin and badtaste out then it taste almost like pure weed or just a bit better in my opinion :rasta:
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EatCannabisRaw said:
We are a society obsessed with research studies. What ever happened to being human and just enjoying life.

i truly think that we're a society of people obsessed with everyone else's "problems" and not our own

it IS the very reason why weed is illegal


Well you can deny the negative effects of smoking cigs but that won't change reality one fucking bit. It's funny when you are younger you can lie to yourself about the things that you do and the effects that they have on your body but it doesn't change the reality. I personally think that if you want to smoke it's your right but you need to weigh the consequences because they are real no matter what bs that you tell yourself. One other thing, I've found cigs to be the most addictive of ANY substance that I've ever done. I had a pretty good coke habit for quite a few years and I used to be a drinking man but neither of those were anywhere near as bad to quit as cigs. I've been smoking pot since 66 and last year I had to quit for a month or two and as much as I love smoking pot it was actually pretty easy but it's been almost a year since I gave up cigs and I still fight cravings everyday. Keep telling yourself that tobacco isn't doing you any harm, smoking a cig is a good way to pass the time while you are waiting for Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. Choosing to smoke while understanding the danger is a matter of choice but denying reality is not the most mature thing to do.


well coke is fun hehe but its true tobbaco is the most addictive you can take and it take 3 secunds for your brain to feel the tobbaco from when u take a suck on the cancer stick Tobbaco weed even bugs is not healthy we all know but hey let os smoke it aslong we dont barder no body an as long your dont barder no body you alright whit me :rasta:
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ICMag Donor
I really hate the smell of ciggs. Wish everyone that smokes them would have a bit more consideration. Also please stop tossing them out the car window. Why not be cool and dispose of them in the trash. Why is my earth your ashtray? Litterbugs are the least sexy. It's as if people think the butts are biodegradeable. They arent, so please dispose of properly. Yep thats it, the smell and the litter. How many more reasons do we need.


New member
EatCannabisRaw said:
pops brother. you are blaming all your health issues on cigarettes. your fooling yourself. examine how active you were all those years. examine your diet. your stress levels.

don't just blissfully ignore everything and blame it on the cigarettes, so when you finally quit those you can pretend your going to be healthy now.


instead of blaming cigs , maybe you should look up to the sky at the hundreds of chemtrails from planes being sprayed over the people of the world each day.


willingly inhaling smoke of any kind is bad for your lungs. tobacco happens to have a scary amount of carcinogens, as well as being extremely addictive.

this is a mj based forum, most of us smoke weed. i'm not going to hate on someone for smoking a plant I avoid.

the issue of our "freedoms" imposing on other people will always be relevant, as long as we are living together.

legislation is not the solution. If enough people don't want to be around tobacco smoke, open a tobacco free restaurant. you should have plenty of business. it should be up to the owner of the establishment.

i dont think it's unfair that public buildings ask people not to burn things, and release smoke.

it's fun to think about tobacco as a different substance, to be more objective.

let's say there was a craze for women to wear formaldehyde as a perfume. it turns out the perfume is addictive, causes cancer, and is a poison, though it takes years of exposure before it starts to cause health problems, often deadly.

i'm glad I was able to quit smoking.


I guess what I forgot to emphasize is...

If you are smoking only when you can feel gratitude. Pleasure and being conscious are important to, to me, I feel. But I feel if you only do it when you can really feel thankful...

Then you will maximize pleasure... and most likely... you won't be smoking a TON... because its really hard to feel really complete gratitude if your smoking a ton... in my case.

So if you apply this to wine, to pot, to tobacco, to food... you will probably end up using things moderately...but not only that, but really ENJOYING these things to the MAX...which is awesome !


NOKUY said:
im alergic to tobacco smoke....it literally makes me physically sick

...i dont give a shit if anyone wants to smoke, but dont do it around me.

Violently sick at that. Right with 'ya friend. And Cigarettes do not equal Tobacco. So you talk'n Tabacco or Cigy Death Sticks? :crazy: That should convey my opinion. So please, enjoy your death stick, just don't spread the disease. Push that shit on me and I'll push me onto you. Violence you brought onto yourself. Like an internal chemical reaction, I have no control over. So best just to keep your cancer stick way away from me. Can 'ya ell, I just detest those horridly hideous, stinky cancer sticks... RD