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What if we legalized all drugs?How does a $50 billion boost to the US economy sound?


Active member
rightwingblazer said:
mj is the only plant that does not have to be chemically altered to get you high. you can use it strait out of the ground. coca, even in its natural form requires alkali and so on. when major

Opium. Alcohol(not a plant obviously). And coca leaf can be used naturally.
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Active member
Just because it is open for use in the Netherlands and they didn't all turn into druggies, doesn't mean the US can do the same.

We aren't like other nations, we don't know moderation...especially the emo,gansta,same hair-style, same "artistic" picture taking, same sayings. It happens in other countries of course, but jesus fuck, us Americans are dumb as hell when it comes to comparing us to the Netherlands or the UK.

I used to think if it were legalized, the rate of usage would only increase a little. But trends catch on like wildfire in the US and smoking weed legally would most likely be one of them.

But oh well, let people be free, we arent animals.
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all drugs should not be legal what are you people talking about you so you what your kids teacher to be shooting up at lunch give me a break guys drugs aren't cool weed and natural that all cool


Eugene Oregon
Legalize weed.. everything else fuck that.

And those street drugs you can get the same effects from OTC, and medications.

SCREW everything but weed. its a plant

White Rabbit

Digging in the garden
ICMag Donor
Nothing personal brother, but it seems generally agreed that mj is not be associated with other illicit drugs.

While opium is a natural substance, some people believe that once addicted to O, withdrawing from it can be worse than from H. You actually get more physically dependent on it, because of the myriad types of addictive alkaloids found inside this plant. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opium
Maybe read up some on this issue.

There is more than enough literature and experience out there that magnify the potential disastrous flaws of generalized legalization. Human wellbeing and families are worth more to governments than taxation on harmful substances I would imagine. It is very far removed from reality in my opinion.

Let me say this: I would personally like to protected from thieves and robbers out on a tweak... or people willing to kill for a dime to shoot up in an ally... Even if it means a blanket stay of status quo.

Because it is, again in my observation, a mirror mindset to that of those that pass and uphold these harsh "drug" laws in the first place. Opium and its derivatives are regulated in most countries for very reason. You don't need a whole planet in unproductive slumber.

Dont know much about the cocoa leaf plant, but I have recently said goodbye to two mates of mine in the space of a year that just could not see the bad in CC. Gratefully, I have no friends on Meth of any kind.


Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Welcome to Fantasy Island.. LOL I always get a kick out of these types of threads.

First off it'll never happen. Our government would have to admit a huge defeat/loss (year right), take a 180degree about face, and then put cazillions dollars in structuring a way to control it themselves.. NEVER HAPPENING!!!

Only drug that will ever have a chance at any kinda legalization IMO is the good ol marijuana we're here for, and even that most likely for medical reasons not recreational. Even though I believe less would take up drinking if they could smoke legally, and we all know alcohol kills. MJ has proven itself beneficial. The others kill you.. Just like with mj tolerance builds. I mean even methadone clinics have a maximum dose they are allowed to prescribe. I'm sure there would be similar structure and regulations if other drugs were ever available.

Give junkies free access they'll either wipe themselves out the first night when wal-mart rolls back their china white prices from $10 to $5a bag, and If we don't off them all the first night, they will be back tomorrow penny less most likely, and still robbing-stealing-hooking or whatever to get there fix.. Junkies work day to day at staying high, and that's is basically. It's fantasy to believe they would all of a sudden become productive members of society because their drugs were now readily available.

As for addiction being a victemless crime.... Ask someone who grew up in a household of junkies if they feel their parents where just harming themselves.. To say that these drugs only affect the user is totally turning a blind eye to reality. Not only are they fucking up themselves, but they are fucking up everyone who ever cared for them in the slightest. They are fucking up the family dynamics by putting a substance before anything else... The "junky" as we know them today, are the poster children of those who have had access to their drugs of choice... It's legality of the drugs didn't make the junky, access to the substances made the junky, the junky..
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It's silly when pot-heads turn into drug snobs and at the same time complain about alcohol drinkers or tee-totallers judging them.


Active member
i know its hippacritical saying just weed,but im surethere are going to be alot more chaos in the streets when these junkies still arnt going to wanna get jobs to pay for it when their dope sick they are just going to go ape shit. i think the sale of weed itself would help with national debt.i mean how do you rationalize handing out PCP and crack and expect them not to commit crimes,on top of that these drugs are severley detramental to everyones health have you seen meth faces before?have you ever seen a honest crack head or a dope addict live past 45-50? not to many i guarentee it.these drugs add nothing to improve quality of life they should be illeagle and if someone wants it bad enough they can go mix there houshold cleaners and battery acid ect....


If someone wants to kills themselves with a habit then that's their business. It's in them to do it, so they can do it. Why do I care? That's who they are.


Active member
I doubt that complete drug legalization will ever happen in the U.S.. It is simply not in the best interest of the status quo.

Legalizing hard drugs (coke,meth,heroin) would be a huge disaster. I have worked in a "party industry" for many years, and have seen what these drugs are capable of doing to someone; it (the drugs) become the focus of their lives. While it is certainly someone's choice what they put in their own bodies, the repercussions on society as a whole have to be considered. And anyone who actually believes that coke and meth are in any way equivalent to cannabis and/or say mushrooms is merely deluding themselves.

An interesting point to make about drug use is that as a whole approximately 90% +/- of "addicts" are classified as "functioning addicts", meaning that they have jobs, families, regular lives. So who are these prohibition laws really affecting, and criminalizing?


It is a fact that the illegal drug trade stimulates the economy anyhow, a lot of people make a profit and some does go to Government programs (obviously a great way of making secret finacial gains for things that the people don't necessarly know exist or would even need to support to exist).

It only matters that it is illegal if you get caught, it was never good having a head problem over stating that I SHOULD be able to use illegal chemicals (and plants which are illegal based on the chemicals mainly, on a lesser part and just as great in public view just being socially associated with TABOO).

It is the most sad that the world operates by social comstumes and that stereotypes rule for the most part.

It would be great if you could have a home garden of any species and this being private and you are allowed if you can keep you micro social evironment under control.

In my experience this means NOBODY can be part of my mind space, no woman no friend; NOBODY!

I don't sell plants or drugs but the law really doesn't influence the market prices that much anyhow, it is like other precious commodities; the world controls the prices by the rate of release.

Prices for pot don't go down for the most part around fall (major harvest), the rate is pretty crappy standardly....50 for seedless regardless of quality (unless really shwaggy seedless) and thirty for other shit....at least around here for the most part.

I lost much hope of meeting people with nice deals, even "friends" were total assholes and deserved little of my respect and time.

I have been an addict when I discovered problems from using, which meant that I was afraid of having drugs in my system....even legal ones so I have my own issues with the area of drugs and money since morality never existed in the field other than for political affect (legal medications are not all that good and the area is full of lies).


Active member
White Rabbit said:
Please bear in mind that marijuana is not a drug. Its medicine, and should not be be associated with harmful substances.
Harming yourself with say Heroin is damage to those around you as well. Same with Coke, Alcohol etc... It is sad, but true. Respectfully said, I do believe any honest addict will agree.




Marijuana is and will always be a "drug". You ever realize you have "drug facts" on your tube of toothpaste? Advil is a drug. What people (the general public) have to realize is that "drugs" aren't bad, bad drugs + weak willed people are bad.

I know functioning heroin addicts that I didnt even know were into H! He didnt like it, he wanted outa that life, TREATMENT.

what EVERYONE needs to see is that nobody does ANYTHING unless they WANT to. You WANT to give your wallet to the lil fucker with a gun in your spine when he asks. Why? to avoid death perhaps? (of course one of you is gonna say you'd rather roundhouse kick him to the dome)

if someone WANTS to do heroin coke meth and get strung out,... they will.

you talk about these "broken homes" I agree, I know these hardcore drugs cause massive addictions and ruin lives. I also know that the USA is fucking RETARDED when it comes to true life morals (for the most part)

so should I expect us to learn from our mistakes? HAH! no, however...

the comment earlier about % of total population who use staying consistent. People either wanna get fucked up or they dont, simple as that.

Now if you have the legal choice between marijuana in a pack of j's just like cigs, OR the meth you saw that tweeker buggin out on takin apart bolts all night... both sitting on the shelf at wally world... will a higher % than right now pick up that meth? doubtful.

Marijuana is illegal, you connotate "illegal" and all the propoganda that goes along with it and tie that in with the word "marijuana". Whats a kid gonna think when they hear all these horror stories from the government, their parents, the dare officers? yet they drunkenly try it at a party for the first time and realize "holy shit i'm not robbing my grandma or doin B and E's! shit wheres the doritos?" they think well hey if weed is that harmless whats a lil coke gonna do?

if you legalized all drugs, do you REALLY believe a higher % of people would use these "hard" drugs? initially hell yes there would be a spike, who wouldnt want to go see what wally world has in stock today? however do you think it will ultimately end up a higher % then now? no.

Drugs are EASIER to get right now than if they were legalized.
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Active member
Mossad said:
the law really doesn't influence the market prices that much anyhow, it is like other precious commodities; the world controls the prices by the rate of release.

uhm, not trying to disrespect but the law comPLETELY dictates the price... if it were legal Marlboro would be growing FIELDS and you'd get packs of joints at 7/11 for $8

you think johnny pot dealer can beat the price of someone growing hectares of ganja? :smoke:


Can you imagine 11 million crack heads roaming the streets of London, NY, Paris etc it would be like Dawn of the Dead. lol.


Horse-toothed Jackass
And they'd have a combine to harvest the fields of green!
They'd probably have to modify it somehow and special equipment to deal with the stickiness and separate the buds from the stems.
They could make hash with the leftover trichs...
If Phillip Morris really grew marijuana, think of the stuff they could do with all of their equipment. No more slicing down an outdoor crop with scythes, they'd take it out of the 19th century and into modern industrialized agriculture... :joint:


ourcee said:
uhm, not trying to disrespect but the law comPLETELY dictates the price... if it were legal Marlboro would be growing FIELDS and you'd get packs of joints at 7/11 for $8

you think johnny pot dealer can beat the price of someone growing hectares of ganja? :smoke:

no disrespect but a friend of mine sells mexican grown (hectares and hectares) ganja and has done so for years. as a matter of fact, his prices are lower now than they were 10 years ago. even though it is just as illegal now as it ever was. and border patrol has supposedly tightened but you couldnt tell it by looking at his stash.

but if i were to sell my closet grown goodness i would not be in competition with him because of the quality i can produce. well grown, well cured, organic, seedless buds are not the same product as sun dried mexi schwagg. its like comparing apples to oranges.

just because something is legal does not mean that quality is gonna go up. quantity yes but quality no. look at tomatoes. you cant, in most instances, waltz into a grocery store and buy a delicious tomato. you can buy a mass produced, unripe, and tasteless tomato at any store in town. but if you want the best you gotta grow it yourself or get lucky at the farmer's market.

i think it would be the same way with weed. ever been to Amsterdam? were you disappointed in the quality of the weed? me too.

imho there will always be a market for delicious tomatoes, connoisseur grade smoke, and any other product where quality, not quantity, was the main concern.

my 2 cents,


Active member
bigbluntbob said:
imho there will always be a market for delicious tomatoes, connoisseur grade smoke, and any other product where quality, not quantity, was the main concern.

my 2 cents,
I totally agree, however you have to account that most people dont drink Dom Perignon champagne with dinner every night. And for the ones that do, it IS available, just at about $100 a bottle (at least where I live). So a bit pricier however, still on the shelf.

the people that have a two room 10k operation will produce roughly 10ish lbs give or take a few given the experience/strain/etc, every month. 10 lbs will be gone in a day at 7/11..... easy....

there will be massive companies that produce insane amounts of fairly high quality herb, yes of COURSE you can grow some better buddah at home, but in comparison its a lot easier for me to go get a bottle of belvedere then to distill my own quality vodka.

Mom and pop shops will dominate the scene for quality exotic hand trimmed flowers, there will be specialty and organic "brands" just like there are now for chapstick that will fetch a much higher price.

However if it were legalized no person at home could (as successfully as right now) run a commercial operation. With prices so low, running indoors could actually HURT your baseline. Electricity costing more than the herb you'd produce would return. Therefore full scale legalization would dramatically lower the price no matter how much supply of the "dankest" there is now.

I'll stick with my mom n pop shops tho :smoke:

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