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Going away on trip and need watering idea's


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I am going to PEI for a week and need some way to water my plants so that they don't dry up and die. I have someone to look after them, but I am worried they will not come over soon enough to water and stress them out severely. The problem is they can only come over once a day and the plants are very large for the pots so they dry out very fast. Unfortunately I let them get a tad too large so they must be watered every day at least 24 hours apart, sooner if possible.

The plants are in Promix and in 3.5 gallon pots. I was thinking some kind of drip system so that even if they were a little late to water they would be fine. It isn't really neccessary for them to soley rely on the drip system as they will be hand watered every day. I just need it to keep them moist inbetween waterings so that they don't wilt and get stressed.

Any suggestions on the best method for me to use? I have always set up grows that require hand watering. I find doing it this way in a way makes me pay more close attention to the plants and ultimately do a better job. If the drip system works out well I would be willing to use it at all my grows to delay visits by a few hours. Now I have to run from location to location to water and everytime hope they didn't dry out. So far I have been successful, but with more work to do lately I am worried, not to mention this 1 week trip. I know larger pots would be an option but I really don't want to lug in more promix for say 5 gallon pots.

One more question I have that I am concerned about is since the plants are so large I am worried that they could bend down into the 1000 watt lights when I am not there and start a fire. The gardens are vertical set ups so the bulbs are bare. Anyone know what would happen if a plant leaf or cola flopped down onto a 1000 watter? Would it just dry out or would it actually start a fire? Is it hot enough? I am problaby going to put a cage around each bulb, but I have not devised a way yet. Any idea's on that also would be a great help.

Thanks in advance!

maybe some water pumps and timers with 5 gallon buckets to water them or over water them before you leave and make sure your friend gives them alot of water .


Domesticator of Cannabis
Anyone ever use those Aqua Globes as seen on TV? That could be the ticket for a short vacation. Enjoy your trip TGT.


the drip

the drip

you could punch one of those 1/4" shut off valves for the drop systems into the side of a gal milk jug....... just fill the jug, put it next to the plant turn the valve till it drips slow enuff for ya, that should hold um over :joint:


Registered Pothead
T.Baggins said:
you could punch one of those 1/4" shut off valves for the drop systems into the side of a gal milk jug....... just fill the jug, put it next to the plant turn the valve till it drips slow enuff for ya, that should hold um over :joint:
Good idea thar.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Thanks for the idea's. I am going to try a few 'cause I have a week until I go, so i'll post some pic's to show you all how things are going. Then if I run in to problems I can get some help from you all and you will understand what I am doing exactly. Thanks!

Lots of options

Lots of options

I've been in this situation a couple times.

Go to amazon and search for "Plant Sitters". They work well. Also, the local Lowes carried basically a yellow plastic bottle with a slow drip front end (pretty much same principle as the Aqua Globe). Those worked OK, seemed to overwater. The Plant Sitters have worked well, my plants even seemed to do better when I ignored them!

An active pump system is fine too, just costs more, and I fear if something goes wrong with one you could have a big mess.


I have a submersible pump in a reservoir with 1/2 plastic tubing leading up to a distribution head( I dont remember the exact name). They use the 1/4 poly tubing, that I set up two for each plant. I time how long/often it needs to run to water sufficiently then set a 7 day timer for those settings, works out great for me.
I had to leave for a week also and didn't have time to put anything together so this isn't the best idea but its a good last minute thing to do

I just placed my plants in trays with water lol