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Veterinarians' Hospital


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Nice report mate (the original form is from Marco and the good people at TreatingYourself Magazine). I'd love to run that PC someday, it seems like it'd be a great strain to try. :wave:
Hey Dr D!

Mmmmm, Freeeezzeee (in my best Homer Simpson voice) :biglaugh:
I wish i could be smelling y'r plants..but y'r right, don't want to attract any xtra attention :nono:
Have a good one!
:wave:, Low
PS: i still cannot rep ya! :wallbash:


Hey Doc!!
Some beautifull nugs there man!!
Love the leaf type and tones!!
Keep it up bro! :wave:
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

Well I am not a basketball fan at all, but it looks like you backed the wrong team it would seem. Welcome back to full time growing


Hey dude, thanks for the visit, The freeze and the ECSD were both trimmed up early in flower, I think after the first week I was in there, cutting any side growth off, it is a deceiving plant dude, the buds look light, but they are very very heavy, I expect to let them grow another 3 to 4 weeks, make sure you check them out after I get back from vacation.


I would love to see what you can do with the PC, great strain, big nugs, fat and stinky. The report is a bit of work, but it looks nice. I did send a copy to Marco with some pics, will be interesting to see if I get in there.

High Low
hey dude, the freeze is the least stinky pf my plants, I would say the PC wins hands down over scent. Rep when you can bro, dont worry about it, I just like having people appreciate my hobby

Hey dude, thanks for stoppin in, and thanks for the props dude

Thanks everyone who stopped by to look at my plants, not teh show stoppers the last round were, but still good in there own right

More updates sometimes this weekend


:headbange Nice frosty plants Dog!!!! Does the freeze make it so cold in your room that it forms a hit load of frost on all of your buds????LOL

Great work bro

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Not sure where I get the major frost SMP, I think it is the nutes I use. I noticed it when I started using the PbP, take a look back a few pages and see the Pollen Chuck if you want to see frosty

Thanks for stopping in man, come back anytime, door is always open( except when server goes down) Thanks for letting me know you other alias dude, cool, was wondering what happened to you, welcome back man!
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
freeze is looking delisious man !!!


Gatdang ..... :cuss: You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dr Dog again.

Raistlin Majere

looking real nice in here DD :respect:
i'm liking the macro's ALOT !!

but no way i would fill out that form for a smoke report LOL
half way through i would get lost or have a severe headache :bashhead:
keep it green my friend


Registered Medical Patient
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yea, I guess I did root for the wrong team, but theyll be back next yr with a new coach!!!
Thanx for the welcome back...the babies have slowed a little, but they should be back up in a day or 2...Peace Dog...

- Z
:wave: :rasta:
Hey dog!

Just wanted to say thanks for stoppin by my thread!

And as always :bow: YOU are the man!
Your buds are insane and your photos are top notch.
Your pics are the one's i show all my mj growing buds when they stop by.
And you should see they're faces :jawdrop: priceless. JS

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Post 2999

Post 2999

Hey everybody, just hanging out, late on a Saturday.(Late for me, anyways, nearly midnight here)
Thought I would get a few pics of my plants. Weather has been pretty good for growing lately, cooler nights, been alot easier to manage temps.

I am goin on a holiday pretty soon, gonna go hang out with BR and have some smokes!!


Thanks bro, nice to see you like that one, it is an interesting plant, very big pronounced calyx buds, and she gets some long hairs. What I have smoked of the last crop so far, has a kind of menthol taste, T says it will go lemon/fruity when cured.

Thanks for stoppin in bro, I am kind of macro'd out right now, so I have not been taking many of them, i have a couple below here, but nothing like last crop.

Dont be a stranger man, thanks for stoppin in bro

Wow man, such nice words, thanks brother, say hi to your friends for me.

Thanks man, The PC certainly was the show stopper, thanks for poppin in man!

OK Update time

This pic turned out weird, I did not touch this one, other than shrink it of course. I must have been reflecting something past the lense, but it gives you an idea of what is up here. Right in front there is a freeze, to the left is one ecsd x strawd and you can see on the right the top colas of the other ecsd x strawd

This is the smaller Ecsd X strawd, this one gave me no stretch at all, how I accomplished this, I have no idea, but it certainly increased the yield!

I thought I had more pics of the freeze but I guess not, but here is one of them.

The taller Ecsd x strawd , not going to yield as much as her smaller couterpart

But I am still off a couple more days so I will get some good macros then, till then..........Later bros


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Wasn't expecting an update just yet...they look great :yes:

I wish you the best for your time off. I know we all benefit with plenty of budshots :yummy:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Some damn fine shots, freeze looks awesome. Ecsd cross has me excited to get mine flowering soon. Well bro have a good one, see you soon.



Med grower
ICMag Donor
Excellente senior! I really like those crazy squiggly hairs on all the ecsd :D I think the first photo might have caught an inbetween frequency from the HPS. Sometimes when I take a shot under hps I get a photo thats slightly darker than the others even though it appears to have been taken under a normal hps.

How are you liking that new promix now you've got a run or two in it? I've just found and picked up a similar product over here (plagron royal mix) which is my standard mix plus mychorrizae, so should be good to see how it performs next run. Enjoy your little break dude :wave:
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Yo T

Thanks brother, been sleepin in past when you go to bed, so missing you online. I thought I should get an update up and in.


I made sure I had a few ecsd shots for ya, as I knew you would like the structure of these buds, the little one is packing it on


Hey bro, I am loving the promix, I need to get a ph pen, so I can see exactly what is happening with the PH buffers in there, but I am delighted with how the pro mix handles everything. I think it is a great medium, it will be hard to get my to use anything else at this moment
Dr Dog said:

This is the smaller Ecsd X strawd, this one gave me no stretch at all, how I accomplished this, I have no idea, but it certainly increased the yield!

For a small plant she's still giving you plenty!:D
I had a small plant like that too in my first succesfull indoorgrow, she was the first to show sex, and right after that she just didn't stretch much at all. Was this one fast @ flowering too? or am I looking for characteristics that aren't there at all.
ie, faster in flowering/sexing = short/stout plant with more yield then a taller plant of the same species/kind..
sorry for the ramblin' i'm stoned:rasta:
:wave:, Low

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